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my dude

someone please call me based


not gonna lie I missed talking to ben

ben huh

yeah shion was nice

ah... the ugly young man with the hat

someone post green haired girl (best girl)

ben go online please

does anyone know how to recover your lost grooveshark playlists

groove shark... used that way back

next poster is really kind and a decent person

around what time does the witch post?

her posts are too informative desu



poster above is a fidget spinner

something not right about the witch poster...

can you tell me

you mean her smell...

nothing wrong with that

vaginas have germs
its true, its true

the site i used "playlistfish" is shut down but google said you can get them back with this or checking a cached version of grooveshark

we dont talk about tampons here


based kurt angle

>StarCraft II StarLeague 2d 12h 15m

is that the guy who killed his family? lol

jesus christ dude that's in forever

i hate anything that involves squids

not doing that

no, that was chris "the crippler", "the rabid wolverine" benoit

>Master's Coliseum 10h 10m

I'm never gonna change no matter what

the fuck is masters coliseum
i mean id watch it if it was some roman gladiator stuff but its probably just some gay video game shit isnt it

what did he mean by that

can you watch your language please

i just dont know anymore

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

well maybe i cant? huh?
goddamn fucking sexist racist bigot fuck you!!!

i need a game to play...

feeling gassy again

whats the average pay for a store clerk in Sweden

$2000/mo maybe?

we don't play games anymore
we study and practice instruments

i practice 2hu possession for 12 hours every day
shows over

do you think day9 lurks these threads

wow that article is dogshit
just read the original deepmind's blogpost to get the actual status on the sc2 ai

i thought this already happened

they started working with blizzard a while ago but now they are apparently also releasing the tools to the public

"But when it comes to the full game, even strong baseline agents, such as A3C, cannot win a single game against even the easiest built-in AI."

this is what happens when you have day9 run internal LANs with all these huge companies I guess

medium ai already did all that shit

is day9 a globalist...

why that jp is so handsome... and alpha!

day9 is a literal genius

whatever happened to tasteless..

he became a korean beard model

yes but what about his casting career

this mudslime is a faggot

tasteless was born white

it could happen to you

i was talking about sumail

you had your chance livinpink

i have no idea who that is

do you think livinpink has been blacked?

i have a job and home but i identify as jobless and homeless so in a way it already happened to me


in a way sure i guess

gonna move out soon for the first time

what should i know beforehand

buy lots of condoms

make your bed

still hurts to this day


what do we have here

oldfag here


how about wol?

what happened to fanny poster? why did we call him fanny poster, anyways?

his fanny pack iirc

This game sucked ass after WoL


what do you call it when you fart and cum at the same time

that one gook from ioi/pristin....

did you think about it

gooks that is

yeah broodlord infester was goat

frick so late gook night

Starcraft sticky

bump for 750

so, do you guys actually talk about starcraft?

or no?

this was a pretty darn good thread actually good work everyone
i'm glad polposter finally left he really harmed the atmosphere

for sure!

are you excited for remastered?

was reading something about the sc ai where Byun was being interviewed
he's actually pretty knowledgeable about how ai works and not in the pseudointellectual i read an article on motherboard kind of way

wonder if byun ever had sex with a girl...

I hope you get rid of the 2 in OP soon


shut the fuck up

I wanna shit into blizzards neck

