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Blizzard should monetize exclusive card skins and make the base game cheaper edition

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They said they'd never tamper with alternate card art because it would confuse new players, I'm serious

Druid actually got the best cards this set. It's just getting the least attention since they're boring cards.

>all these new druid high-cost spells
Medivh Yogg Summoning Stone Druid, y/n?

They also said more than 8 deck slots would be too confusing.

If they'd rotate yearly elusive skins you can craft for a ton of dust or temporarily pull from packs, people would dump money by the truckloads. Easily allowing the core game to be cheaper, attracting and maintaining a lot more players.

Cards have enough queues to show what they are and what they do, this isn't a fast paced game. And even those are loaded with skins.

Well is druid have ever been anything but a borring, cancer and broken ass class ?

They will eventually monetize card skins while making the game even more expensive because idiots buy their shit anyways.

Am I dead lads

5 - 0 in the arena with Priest
Mages btfo so far.

The druid DK will see so much play. Maybe even in token for the extra gas. No idea why the /hsg/ rated him so low


Because most people here are bad players and that comprises the vocal majority.

Sad but true.

Streaming Ladder struggle ...

Rank 17 Shaman and music.
Twitch /harm0nii

I think it's a bad idea anyway because most people rely on card art to memorize cards, hell that's why you see 'professionals' that play the game for over 5 hours every day not remembering card names (like that streamer showdown competition)

Then again we also have $10 hero skins and that never went anywhere as big as people expected, was it because they didn't bring in the rolls of dosh? Would card art even work if by Blizztivision standards a big thing like hero skins doesn't make enough money?

What memes are you faggots running tomorrow? I'm gonna build a bunch of memey locks
Full Retard Discard
Discardemon DK
One-Of Demons
maybe even Prince Zoo

How many hours remain?


In terms of Warlock I definitely want to try the Howlfiend+Treachery+Spreading Madness shenanigans. Probably support it with some sort of control/handlock shell.

But more so than that, I want to meme people with Roll the Bones in a pure Deathrattle deck.

Nothing, because I'm a EUfag


Depends on the legos I unpack a day after NA. I'm a poorfag who can't justify crafting mem cards outside of Renounce Darkness.

Hey guys I just crafted a golden Gnomeferatu

I want Guldad demon deck to be good so bad it hurts

Deciding between Aggro Rogue, full meme Secret Hunter, Shaman, Control Paladin, or Midrange Druid depending on which leggo I craft, don't have many packs to open.

Would craft the Lich King before Paladin DK any day, plus I need to do solo content

Memorization is a bullshit excuse, this game is not fast paced in the slightest and the sound effect and effects could all be the same to very similar. Not to mention the statline is the same and you can just do a quick hover if you really don't know.

There are fast paced games with important visual queues that completely skin every single part from particles to big effects.

The point is that people have a new incentive to buy certain packs and to waste dust (read money) on purely cosmetic skins.

People love exclusive stuff, people feel much more connection to certain cards than a hero portrait. It takes a minimal amount of 'development' no balancing or programming, only some artwork. It takes nothing away, just adds something people could spend their dust on or something special to pull from packs.

Hearthstone has a problem with player retention and bringing in more players by making the game more financially accessible and monetizing through skins would be a very logical choice.

People pay literally thousands of bucks for moba skins.

Too late for new players to get into?

I don't get it.
By how much is it delayed?

yea dude don't bother

>tfw played on NA for half a year
>moved to EU because all my friends started EU
>a year later none of my friends are playing Hearthstone and I'm stuck on EU
Treacherous traitors. All of them.

who the fuck put this brawl out. Blizzard is incompetent


It releases at 5 in the morning on the 11th.

Nah, you totally could, you just need to be conscious about what you craft
Find a character you like playing, look up a good deck for that character, and try to get every card to make that deck

So what do you mean by make the base game cheaper? Cheaper real money packs? Less in-game gold for packs? Cheaper arena runs?

9 hours. 20 if you're have a regular job or are a student and have classes.
It it's at 5AM CEST time.

Why didn't they release a frozen throne themed brawl for release week? Are they retarded?

Because they will release it just in time 2 months after the expansion is love. Like with literally every single other expansion.

We just head Elementals vs Dinos.

I started a couple weeks ago and it doesn't seem too hard to get into. I'm just playing casually though, if you want to get to legend rank as a new f2p player you can do it but your choice of decks will be extremely limited.

Fuck mage and fuck nigger-star

How can you possibly think that a step to monetizing card 'skins' could ever lead to a subsequent increase in accessibility for new players? What game has ever done this?

is it worth buying into hearthstone for this expansion?





Reduce the crafting cost by 10-20%, give out more x games won gold, increase quest rewards, increase arena rewards, add arena tickets to the quest pool. Increase rare/epic card droprates.

Things like that, many options.

Because it allows them to make the core game cheaper by giving out more stuff. I've had a total of 6 friends/classmates try to get into Hearthstone during WOG, every single one dropped it after weeks to two months because its a fucking chore to be restricted to boring as fuck barebones decks or having to shill out at least 150 bucks for just a chance to get the stuff you want from various sets.

Why do people not complain more about devolve? It's one of the most frustrating cards in the game, it's good against literally every deck.

I'll show you!

>Be EU-fag
>Thought it was coming out at 5am on the 10th, as in 4 hours from now

>Mfw just realizing this

I truly wish mages weren't in the game

Anyone here have 80g friend quest? Im at 670g and im worried I won't have enough gold for the prologue for the 1st few days.

My battletag is RiddlerShen#1264

will trade wins on league of legends (NA) for the 80g quest

Share your stories with us

Not that good against token decks, but it doesn't have much weakness.


Adventure is free.

is there anything being said if whether this new exp is gonna make control good or not?

I just got rid of the one I had for days. The prologue is free though. You can spend that on packs.

I'm not so sure. Devolve into Maelstrom Portal clears almost any token deck board. And apparently those two cards are coded to always be in Shaman's starting hand when I'm trying a token deck.

>tfw pre-ordered

I think so. Lifesteal is the theme and that's control orientated. can't predict how it will actually go down though.

This set is so obviously going to be TGT 2.0

I'm worried that all this new lifesteal stuff will make it harder to close out games with early/midgame decks and I don't have enough dust for a bunch of late-game legendaries

He did mage things. It sucked

thats a relief I just learned there was solo adventures a few mins ago and I started getting worried.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Going to add the new deathknight gul'dan to my krul reno warlock and see if I do even better than before.


Is that good or bad?

nah it's going to be naxx 2.0 desu

sorry for the dumb question but what does "token" mean in regards to hearthstone?



essentially non-collectible cards. Usually minions/spells that get generated by other cards.

any minion that is generated by a card but isn't put in your deck

i.e. fire fly creates flame elementals, flame elemental is a 1/2 elemental token

or violet teacher and the 1/1 apprentices

or even doppelgangster

I didn't know at first and still not entirely sure, but small minions and just something on the board that can be buffed is what I understand it to be

Generally, non-collectible cards.
Usually the cards that come out of other cards.
comes from physical card games like MtG often needing to use something physically like a 'token' to represent the creature.

a token deck is a deck that can generate small minions or just runs a lot of small minions and usually some kind of buffs

Fuck you m8. My friends letting me down is hard enough. No need to rub salt onto the wound.

Late game decks aren't expensive at all, what are you talking about?

>Hearthstone unironically having $200-$350 decks

worst deck ive ever seen hope you didnt build that yourself

accept my friend request.

A token is a minion that is created from a card, rather than a card you put into your deck

A minion that has deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 skeleton, the minion would be considered a "Minion" or card, whereas the 1/1 skeleton would be considered a token

In terms of game mechanics they're exactly the same however.

Hearthstones going to get MUCH cheaper next year after the dota card game releases, the fact that valve is backing it up opens up space for competition (I will play it but i'll keep playing hearthstone, the only reason blizzards not doing their best in hearthstone is because they have no REAL competition).

this But it's also often used to just mean little shitter minions as well that are summoned from similar means. Patches for instance, shaman/paladin hero powers, also usually coupled by an implied ability to buff them (lust/roar) as the primary win condition.

Just a random hearthpwn sample, but UG control pally is already up in the amounts of 15.000 dust.

Sorry bud. No hard feelings. Friends can be dicks sometimes

Ive been thinking about the nupaly deck. I dont know if you could run a list that heavy. Maybe no Lich or will players actually consider dropping tirion?

That's a shitty meme deck with way more legendaries and epics than it needs.

what is the first golden card you are going to craft /hsg/?

nupally has one extremely easy replacement. 1 forbidden healing for the DK.

The two blackguards are a bit harder to slot in.

>Going to add the new deathknight gul'dan to my krul reno warlock and see if I do even better than before.
Nox was theorycrafting a deck like that. Sounds like a cool thing to try.

Tirion's too good for N'zoth. And there's some other decent neutral N'zoth minions coming in so we may see even more Paladin swing towards that.

So is the pity timer just 10 packs now, or what's up?

anyone else depressed

place bets niggers. ungoro

The greatest virtue, is patience.


im about to enter league game i'm so sorry about that i'll 100% accept right when games over


Either pic related, Anduin or nothing else really because I need dust for both of those and at the very least Raza.


Don't pretend control paladin isn't the most expensive legit high tier deck HS has ever seen.

Even if you take out the DK for a forbidden healing.

>Dropping our m8 Tirion after so many game of good and loyal service.

Blizzard are cuck who killed him to give Ashbringer as the artifact weapon, it would be crual to let down the poor Tirion.

Random thought, Treachery interaction with that one is going to be weird.

for the past 10 years