Touhou general - /2hug/ - #33

Previous Thread Countdown to HSiFS Edition

>So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ships or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such (but honestly that's not even strange for the genre, don't know why people treat it like it is).

>Why isn't this in /jp/
Some Cirno poster made a thread just for a get and now we're here.

>Where do I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there
some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>Touhou for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

>eraTohoK (plus other era games):

>Touhou fangames (unfinished)

Four seasons:!hIZTTapC!1A4MTSueiirqFTfLkMeSab3cd6B9b5s4uITU-DlUs2c


Video Game is a Touhou

Other urls found in this thread:


Tewi and Eyebrows.

Tewi and dick

I was rather disappointed that we didn't see that escalate.

I wish I didn't wait so long to try the Touhou games, as an adult I just can't put the autistic effort into it like I could've in highschool school when it was hot

>we didn't see that escalate.
What are you talking about?

With Tewi, I mean.

Oh, well I wasnt really expecting it since I was in for the panel. Im okay with her being just there for comedic relief and plot.
Apparently doumu has a thing for Eirin getting submissive by Reisens dickle, he has A LOT of doujins about that. So Tewi getting the dick wont happen soon.

Why not?

I get too tired too quickly, I can't play more than an hour without losing my will to fight on. Life has beaten the shit out of my passion.

I want to have Sakuya's job.

You sound like a defeated person

That's life for you

So you would like to be a slave?

Not my life

Say something nice about her

If it means I get to help vampire lolis undress, yes.

She gives great head.

She makes a cute face when she's mind broken

I admire her work ethic.

But Marisa doesn't work

Doumou's Eirin is a pure semen demon.

I also love every expression he draws, the bune saying Hi! in your pic looks EXTREMELY cute.

How do you even get the 2hu games to work on windows 10?
I've been wanting to play these games for a while, but ever time I load it up I get 1000+ frames and it's unplayable

>windows 10

EoSD needs serious fixing to work on W10. Every other game should work fine. If they don't, consult your nearest voodoo shaman for help because all further solutions are rather nonsensical.

Thats a bug with the first engine games, but after that it doesnt appear anymore apparently. I wouldnt know, I dont use Windows 10

I fell for Bill Gates' wild ride Im sorry

wich 2hu wud u smooch

Who's up for a festival?



Say something nice about her? Where do I even begin? I suppose I could start with her appearance and work from there. Her sense of style is impeccable, of course. Her use of blacks and whites creates a stark contrast that makes her dress interesting to look at and visually distinct. Her dress combines aspects of several iconic looks in order to convey the unique amalgamation that is Marisa. For instance, her wide brimmed hat and color scheme invoke the image of a witch, allude to her potent magical abilities. The frills and her large, obi-esque bow, on the other hand, imply that she's in touch with her feminine side as well. However, the apron and work shirt underneath all of this imply that she's a hard working individual who's willing to get a little dirty in order to get a job done. All of these aspects combine to help define a part of what makes Marisa so wonderful, and the fact that she manages to express all of these things through her manner of dress is something incredibly indeed.

Moving away from her clothing, let's get into her physical appearance. She has long, gorgeous blond hair that catches the sun's rays as she speeds through the skies, it's color nicely tying her whole look together quite well. Her hair, in most art, is implied to be fairly fluffy as well, with a nice volume to it that would make it pleasant to run one's fingers through. These golden locks are allowed to hang free, a reflection of Marisa's free spirited and fun loving nature, with the exception being a single braid hanging from her front. This purposeful addition to her coiffure shows that she's willing to put effort into her appearance as well, and combined with her wild and free flowing hair (it is amazing, by the way, that it manages not to overly frizzy in the high humidity of her home in Japan), come together to make a look that is uniquely “Marisa”. This hair is further complimented by her beautiful, star like eyes, who's beautiful golden color match her golden hair. Hers are eyes that one could easily find themselves lost in for days, their depth and luster are unmatched by even the most extravagant of gemstones. While her dainty and petite frame would imply that she is physically weak, there would be a hidden strength to her. Her toned muscles, developed through the physical activity she finds herself performing throughout the day, from exercising for the sake of staying health, to playing danmaku with others, would only serve to compliment her winsome body.

And that's not even getting into the bulk of what makes Marisa so wonderful and lovable. To get into that, one would have to examine her ineffable personality, which is rivaled by none in Gensokyo. Marisa's personality is a complex one, which is defined as much by contrast as it is my its attributes. She is a fun loving, straight forward girl. She's always at the ready with a witty retort and a grin adorning her alluring face. Yet, despite this, she's also a deeply intellectual girl, who's willing to close herself off in order to research and develop her craft, all for the sake of magic, which is perhaps her greatest passion of all. Marisa, as well, is a known trouble maker. She is willing to break into locations which she technically doesn't have the right to break into, and take things which do not belong to her. However, she also has a moral side to her character. She's only takes what she needs, and only takes from those who are not in need. As well, she's willing to come to the aid of her friends and even acquaintances if they are in need, showing that she possesses a selfless nature as well. She's a free-spirited girl, willing to express her opinions with her straight forward attitude. Yet, she's very considerate of how others view her, and builds this image that communicates what she wants others to see her as; a powerful, intelligent magician for whom things come naturally (maybe, she wishes to conceal her efforts to be more like her friend/rival, Reimu?)

Marisa is a wonderful and brilliant character, and that's a result of everything that defines her coming together into one girl. While it is true that she has her flaws, these flaws simply serve to make her more human. And that is the crux of what makes Marisa so fantastic. In a world of fierce demons and bloodthirsty youkai, belligerent spirits and scheming gods, she's just a human who manages to keep up through her willingness to work hard. Through everything that she's lived through, and all the people she's interacted with, she's managed to maintain her humanity. Through hardwork, cunning, and a bit of help from her childhood friend in the form of a rather potent magical conduit, she's managed to usurp beings far more powerful than her, and establish herself as a potent force within Gensokyo as a whole. She's managed to become one of Gensokyo's most respected humans, and has forged many friendships through her hardwork and lovely personality and wit. She's intelligent, beautiful, cunning, and deep down a good person. Her smile brings a much needed light to my day, and I'm glad that she's such a big part of the Touhou franchise. She's a hardworking and admirable girl, who's deserving of a happy and fulfilling life, and I wish nothing more for her.

Pic related


I used to think your walltexts about Marisa were lame but now I love them, thanks for the quality posts user. I envy your great writing skills as well. I wish I could write something as dorky and cute for my 2hu.

>I envy your great writing skills as well.
Thanks, user, that means a lot. I'd actually like to do something a bit more serious some day, if I can get a bit more experience in writing. I think this sort of loose style of writing about Marisa like this does help a bit, in that regard.
So, who's your 2hu?

>Thanks, user, that means a lot. I'd actually like to do something a bit more serious some day, if I can get a bit more experience in writing. I think this sort of loose style of writing about Marisa like this does help a bit, in that regard.
I can see some potential, its too romantic but it doesnt feel too oversweet, it feels pretty cute instead. I dont like reading romantic things that much but I enjoy your waifuposting so I expect to like something more serious of yours.
>So, who's your 2hu?
The best lesbian in the game.
Stop sucking eachother's dicks, you autists, and post music.

Pretty gay/10
This one is great- this is also a nice example of what the user that wants Sakuyas job has to deal with.

I actually really like this, and I'm usually not into dance stuff.

I'm more into their transient style of music, but that's fine.

Here's some stuff.

and this

>"Welcome to the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Would you like to be eaten by Mistress Remilia, or by Young Mistress Flandre?"

>He's going to post this shitty meme every thread.

I want to kidnap Remilia and negotiate her release in exchange for Sakuya's hand in marriage

Why not both?

>do a 360° spin and moonwalk away

>Tell the fairy maid you came to see her
Does anyone else got other cover in traditional nip style? Alternatively 2hu covers in different genres than the common dance music or jazz or rock.

>This flusters the fairy maid

Your mom raised a pussy

Eat shit, I bet your mom was a single mother


>Invite fairy maid to dinner somewhere nice


Unaerodynamic bird is the best bird

>This confuses the fairy maid, but she accepts anyway


say hi to Alice for me when you get there.

How can you say you love your waifu if you can't even make her Orgasm 5 times simultaneously???

>no Milk Spray

>Implying simultaneous orgasm isn't better.

>implying mutually exclusive

Here you go. Are you happy? I feel a bit disgusted tbqh

Your dedication is proven.

>Part 1 of the Marisa rant got deleted

Why only part 1? Get rid of all of it.

Are you shitters excited about the new game?
Now I know you still struggle with normal mode but try not to let that get you down, you can still enjoy the new game even if you are straight up garbage at shmups!
Are you ready to complain about it being terrible to fit in with your friends on 4chans popular Veeky Forums - Video Game Generals board?
Do you still deny that Etarnity is the best newhu so far?

Shh now, have some End of Daylight.

Feels so good to enjoy new stuff. I can't even remotely imagine myself being a bitter depressed faggot who hates all of the new and exciting games.

>Do you still deny that Etarnity is the best newhu so far?
Yes because Komano exists and isn't like that dumb smelly fairy. Also is cuter.

Hold the fuck up.

Aunn is the best newhu you little shit. Some stinky bug can't even compare.

at least use a trip so i can filter your faggotry maze
also it's going to be a shit no-skill affair like every other nu-2hu after SA

>Etarnity is the best newhu
Good taste user

Stink Bug < Night Bug

Little hippy brat. I bet she hugs trees.

Where do I find more 2hu "music" of this genre? Even any albums will do.

I was about to tell you, but then I saw your shitty transparent Reimu picture.

Not him, but what's the problem here?

Woah there, it's just a random reaction from deep in my folder. Is it the horrid cropjob? Tried fixing it to the best of my abilities, here. Now post music

All those white jagged pixels around the border of Reimu. One could just add a black inner 1 pixel wide contour to the layer for a cheap fix. It literally takes longer to boot up photoshop than to do that.

Yeah nice fix there lad.

>Zooming in on a 907x907
Does THIS please you, Master?

GJ ya git.

Cheers m8. That site layout looks familiar, must have seen a site like this for some other soundtrack rips before.

Sakuya's gonna clean up all this trash, starting with you, marisafag!

How does Yearning turn into Love in EraTW?

increase favorability by 10,000

Actually, guy who brought that up last thread, it doesn't seem to be based on just favor, I think intimacy also plays into it as well. I think you need at least 10 intimacy and a certain amount of favor, because I got Reimu to about 12,000 favor and she still doesn't have the love status yet.

I see, thanks.

Target currently has 3808 Favorability and 6 Intimacy. I wonder if I should do something else to help speed this along...Mostly all I do is talk to them a lot, complete favors, and occasionally make a taco for everyone using rice.


Show us how it's done.

Dates are extremely important for boosting favor quick, you'll get like twice the amount you'd normally get. I don't know how intimacy is leveled honestly I hardly ever talk to some girls, but once they hear me playing on the guitar I always end up getting a couple levels in intimacy with me, I'm at like level 1 intimacy with most of the cast by this point.

Truth be told, I haven't dated anyone yet. Not entirely sure how.

Lead them around, bring them to a place where you could leave the area, and the "Go out" command will be replaced with "Date"

Danke. I'll try it out when next I have the Target in my sights. Wish me luck, Senpai.