/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >2017 Summer Event

>2017 Summer Event CM
Servants with new Swimsuit: Raikou, Nitocris, Nobunaga, Artoria Alter, Fran, Ishtar, Helena and Nero

>Riyo event and welfare Berserker
>August 2-16

>[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clear reward is a "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.

30 Jul-16 Aug: Sherlock Holmes
news.fate-go.jp/2017/0807ffirw/ Extended

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB



>tfw Gordes

Is 3>2>1 the skill order for Nero?

as predicted the top 3 racers are the best nodes to get the event materials. Nice fucking work, DW

When does round 1 end?

Why aren't twin crystals buyable in the shop reeeeee


No shit. Do you expect them to all have the same map?

Should I swap around these CEs at all? I got spares of each.

Yes. I can also see 1 going over 2 if you want the NP charge badly.

Kill me

Some of those are a bit of a stretch, like the supposed references to Yugi.

>People still think this race won't be interrupted

Is there anything better than bandage tops?

Have you ever succeeded getting what you wanted using a memeroll method?

When the top team reach a 'certain point'.

Reposting user's list of references within the summer characters with some additions

Kancolle: Cannon equipment
Gundam: Funnels attack
King of Fighters: Benimaru's Phantom Hurricane
Gunbuster: Pose

Ultraman: clothes and attacks
5DS: Rides Jack Atlas' Wheel of Fortune in some of the attacks and NP
Tron: Background in NP

Nanoha: Fate Testarossa's weapon

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Name of her vehicle

CP: Maid outfit
Golgo: attacks
SRW: Sniper Rifle references the Huckebein
Fate/Zero: Motorbike in her NP

Sukeban Deka: motives, appearance, and weapons

Shana: (Red hair, eyes and flames, same VA)
Jojo: NP
Both DBZ and Street Fighter: Extra Attack

Man, who knew no one would really want to support the racers with two kinds of drops for both regular and event materials. I really wanted to support Nobu too, but that ain't happening.

/Jannu'sJannu/ thread.

Is fran's car a reference to machine head?

I think the majority of my 5* have been attained through zen rolls if those count as meme rolls.

The individual rate-ups are so far away. Should I just go for it.

The fuck did you expect? Fair races are never fun.

This. It's clear there won't be a winner. Things never go as planned.

>Want to use Merlin/Waver to speed up fights but don't want to lose out on drops
So is this the nerf? Make it so they never give event bonus?

I'm facing a great problem right now. I really want Helena, but she's basically only thing i want in the second part. While part one has 3 top 4* qts for me to roll and maybe i'll get a 3rd Nero copy. The problem is i have 25sq right now and probably can buy a 41 once. So, should i pile up on Helena or split rolls and roll once for part one qts?

Depends, is there one you REALLY want over the others? If so, then fucking wait dumbass.

Skill order for summer Fran?

>implying that the map won't change and each time won't get different materials

You forgot the Satisfaction reference

Just get more money and buy more quartz!

One of Nobu's skill lines is also a JoJo reference

>Nobu NP


Who wants to be my friend? I can't offer you much but I'll feed you fp.
891 676 973


1 & 3 > 2

Odysseus when?

I would go 1>3>2, being able to turn 1 NP is really good.


Nobu is unironically my waifu.


If i was a woman i would do just that, but i'm not and being a gay slut dosen't sound all that fun.

Maybe next year.

(You) are my waifu

Well I cleared the shop. Now what?

maybe never, smelly fujoshits

You'll find Sumanai eventually. Yorokobe.

No it's a meme.

Post your gacha earnings /fgog/
30 quartz and 70 tickets

Skill oder for Helana/?

There seems to be something wrong with my swimsuit servant.

I am so happy she isn't in this event. I don't have enough quartz to roll for her.

I'd whale for that Tristan, or any Tristan really

How many apples and set up?

Reminder that Nerocucks got BTFO by having only one skill targetable and the other two are forced to be used on shitty Caster Nero only HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FUCKING 3.5 AT BEST

Yes 3/4 of my 5* have come from singles.

40 quartz

NP2 Nito

Nothing else

crash the event with no survivors

That Arjuna is lewd

The Kamen Rider reference is Nobu, not Nito.

40 quartz and 11 tickets
>NP 3 Frankenstein

How do I buy the 4* Fous in the shop? They're greyed out for some reason while I can buy everything else.

He's a veteran crossdresser who lived as a woman for like 10 years, no way nobody fucked his delicious brown boypucci

Too later, Saber Alter killed him

9 Tickets 12 Quartz
Nito and 2 4* event CE's

>210 quartz, 5 tickets

Easily the worst luck I've had. Luckily, I got Nobu and Fran by the end.

She is clearly unhappy not being included on this year Summer event.

210 quartz and 20 tickets
>mode red
>14 copies of the jannu CE
I have 90 quartz left to try for maid alter and mama but nito, nobu and nero were my top 3 so i'm pretty happy

You unlocked the True Route

Fucking retard.

wait for part 2

user, please, I can't fap right now.

NP3 Nero, Nito, Fran, Ana, Sumanai. Don't bother tracking CEs anymore.

When Seven Crowns becomes targetable, Nero Caster will be a solid 8.5 on the memelist.

42 quartz, 10 tickets. 1 of each farming CE and 1 Nobu.
I still have 245 quartz but I'll be saving most of it. Part 2 gacha gets 45 + whatever quartz and tickets I get until then.

510 quartz
>NP3 Fran, NP2 Nitocris, Nero, Nobu

Nothing is worse than 7 consecutive 10-rolls where nothing drops and all you had was an NP2

A few more.

Zeta Gundam: Qubeley Bit deployment pose on one of her Arts attack animations
Apparently she has some Five Star Stories references as well but I don't know about FSS.

Yu-Gi-Oh: The series' Eye of Wdjat (i.e. Millenium symbol) to the exact detail shoots water on the interior of the room on her NP.

I swear her Level Up is a Dragon Quest, or some oldschool RPG reference. You know, the old RPGs where they say, "[Character] has leveled up! Gained X ATK! Gained Y DEF! Gained Z HP!" etc.

Helena's Extra has to be some reference, whether it's from Ultraman or is a Genki Dama homage.

And Nitocris obviously self references Ramesses' Extra attack with her own.

I see, thanks


I'd much prefer her NP gain skill becomes targetable. Instant 100% NP on any Servant under 50% health? Hell yes.

Imagine if they did it. Have Nitocris's voice while the sheet is on and once its pulled off Koyasu. He could probably imitate her voice with IP.

LB 4-star to Fran

300 quartz and i got fran, nobu and billions of 5* ce.... all i wanted was nito guys fuck me all my horde of quartz just gone. Was even hoping for almost g string helena if i got nito quick....

Is it fair bros?

>Helena's Extra
I'm sure it's specium ray.

No. He ain't cute.

Your give one name for servant which does it no?


8 tickets and 48 quartz (Have 224 left)
Got NP2 Nobu, Nito and Fran
Saving the rest for Helena since I only wanted Nobu and Fran.

>Her "sisters" got an appearance as CE at least
>She got forgotten
Sucks to be Edgy Jannu.

>nerocucks got btfo for getting a new alternate form for their waifu with a solid design and is inoffensive in gameplay
You do realize I'd suck jew cock for another Taiga right

Wanna try that again in english?

Why didn't you wait until Nito was the only 4* on rate up? You only have yourself to blame.

Yeah that's never gonna happen. Way too broken if it's targetable.

>want to use Nero in her Red dress
>don't like the big guns

The effect is 50% Gain up when under 50% of health, not NP charge user.

Why does a hill-billy minamoto have the Vajra?
Taira when

>nips have already started drawing lewd nito ass