/DBT/ - Daily Bike Thread

Do you even levitate? edition

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Grom simulator:

Reasonable, humble bikes:

Check your helmet's safety rating here:

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suzuki a best first


suzuki a shit
but I'm jelly I want my bike in my room too but I live on the third floor

>Previous thread:

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320lbs wet
Base $7200

295lbs wet

275lbs wet
$5300 (2004)

250lbs wet
$4700 (2004)

260lbs wet
$4700 (2003)

There are no Js, Ks, Ws, Xs or Ys in italian

>omai wa mo shinderu

Reminder that the Harley guy rips ur face off

What am I dbt? I've always wanted to be a squid the moment I walked into this general.
>bought myself a sports bike to drive on the road
>never know what the speed limit is
>always just go full throttle
>lean like I'm on a track at every slightest bend
>have a loud aftermarket exhaust for no reason other than it looks cool and is loud
>helmet and gloves are the only gear I ever wear
>only thing I know about my bike is how to change the oil
>not even sure if I'm doing it right either

I thought I was a squid lads but today I met a group of riders and they all knew so much about their bikes, they literally rebuilt their own engines and did their own welding and were using fancy words like carberator and cam belt and fuel injection. I couldn't tell you what a single one of those things did. They all had dual sports or motocross or whatever they're called.

And worst of all they did stunts like wheelies and burnouts and shit, all while wearing full proper gear and knowing all this useless shit about their bikes.

I can't do any stunts. My bikes too heavy to even wheelie properly wtf.

I thought I was a squid but now I'm having a crisis. Am I a squid or not dbt?

Guys, I got my fz-07 a little while ago and it was running fine but now I feel like it's breaking. I cleaned and lubed the chain not a month ago but now it looks like it is covered in rust. Does this happen a lot? It has been raining outside but I've kept a cover on it. Hopefully a good clean will fix it.

Also my low beams just stopped working on the way home. High beams work fine but low beams just cut out and won't come back on. Would this be the bulb fuse blowing?

Finally sometimes the bike will cut off at low speeds when I'm not giving it throttle. Only in first or second and then I have to get it back to neural because clutch in and starter doesn't work in second?? This has only started recently after I put the lowest octane gas in. I believe it was 86 because the owners manual says 86 or higher. Didn't want to keep putting in 91-93 if 86 was more optimal. This doesn't seem like a big problem I'll just only put premium on in. Lesson learned.

Have I killed my baiku??

Pic of chain attached

Holy shit is this bait???

I don't belive you even own a bike

no I'm pretty serious.
Shit just started cutting off in the interstate.
And the headlights and the chain looks like ass.

V-va bene.

Dude that's pretty fucked honestly. Check your fuses and junction box for the headlight issue, you should be keeping your chain clean and lubed all the time not just once a month
As for the engine cutting out the could be your EFI or an issue with the gas if you got ethanol and let it sit in the cold.

Its EF b8

I ride a Kawasaki ninja 600 in bright green its my first bike

After watching Dakar I want one of these but I really can't afford another bike :(

water in the engine, blown bulb and clean then oil your chain retard

you are trying too hard

WR250R is water cooled right?

I've only ever ridden dirt bikes and fully faired street bikes.

How significant is the "push" you feel due to the wind at highway speeds and above?

Of course I try hard I wanted to be a squid

>this is what I get for buying what looked like a nice used bike with 1800 miles

Yeah thought for sure something was trying to kill me today. I'll have to check for the headlights. as for the chain, how bad does it look? Looks pretty fucked to me.

I filled it up all the way before leaving it. Could that still cause it? After I got it riding for a while it stopped trying to cut off on me.

They really need to bring those XRs back, they were some of the best dual sports money could buy for decades.

The klx250 is being sold in America again since they had to update it for euro4 anyway.


Unless you're arthritic or have really bad posture you won't feel a thing
I do plenty of roadtrips on my naked and wind has been the least of my problems

Pretty insignificant

These photos are from a 3 year old reddit thread

What? No I can include a timestamp I just took this picture.

I think it's because the roads are still salted from the snow and super wet.

Ur stupid. If you know my posting you know I make it obvious it's me.
I don't care about sprockets n shit

Fuck the fuck off

Mine's the fz post...
Forgot this board doesn't have ids

those are not the same bikes

U first sweatie

What website is this

Meatspin dot cum

>Grom simulator:

True superiority

But they are meme bikes.


Only bench racing turbo fags would care enough to have such a site

Real ppl just go to a dealer and sit on a bike

tfw grom :DDDD

>tfw soon to be nobike
Do you think the new owner will take care of my baikus? So much blood sweat and tears in them

Also what the fuck do I buy? Does this bike exist:
>under 450 lbs dry
>100+ hp
>standard seating position
>fuel injected
>5+ gallon tank
>at least semi-faired

The FJ-09 seems like the closest thing

Why is the grom so small? Who's it for? Manlets?

Pic related. I'm 6'2

its a pit bike, great for kids to learn on, small men looking for a toy, new riders.

>gee guys i'm 6'13" tall and need 300hp in a bike, why does a grom exist?


They somehow replaces them with heavier, slower bikes.

Better than the crf familia.
>somehow replaces them with heavier
Because the XR's weren't street legal so they made a little more power.

They made "L" versions of the old XRs
But yeah the klx is better than the CRF.
Also in my state the XRR is street legal

Your baikus are going to be fukkkked raw and left outside in the cold and its all your fault

>comparable at all
Yes it's the biggest delta, but the differences between the L and R in general were significant.

Not enough difference from their R versions for me to care.

pls no

>In the arms of an angel, fly awaaaaaaay from here

Post your bikes


You first.
All you posted was a turd


Ok who has recs for some full boots?
I need them to be comfy enough for a good 4+ hour ride, but I won't be walking much in em.

is ~50mpg of city driving good?

>5+ gallon tank
Why in God's name would you want that much weight that high for almost no real world benefit? There are dozens of bikes that meet all your other requirements.

Yeah get a miata fgt

wheres the soy late?

I'll settle for 4+, just aiming high

but I want baik Oliver-kun

I don't drink coffee.

Looking to trade my ar15 for a ninja 250 or scooter for wife. Anyone have experience on the 250 want to give me an idea how it rides?

You'll have to trade an AR15 and $2000 for a ninja 250.

what kind of soy drinks do you consume?

That's an expensive ninja 250.

AR15's are $600 now. An abused Ninja still goes for $1200. A good one can still get $2000-2500.

I don't drink soy. I have cashew milk when its on sale, but mostly I drink beer, rum, and water.

then why your a hipster soyboi?

Not him
But post bike.
Youre being a cock for no reason


Mechanic called and said my bike is ready too come home, what a day

Whats hipster about a cool bike that rides easy and isn't offensively loud?

Also, I'm comfortable drinking PBR and microbrews without feeling like a hipster. Why are you so uncomfortable with being yourself?

You ride a pajeet bike because it looks retro

Post bike


Post luggage

faggot bike tho

Triumphs are made in England and Thailand. They also opened a factory in Brazil.

Not sure where you got pajeet from.


Only the yuro ones a brit. The rest are just cheap chink thrash.

How do you plebs handle not having a garage. At least get a cuck shed.

Not the guy you're replying to, but:

>Fake carbs.
>Fake watercooling.

Makes me REEEE. Nice bike otherwise.


I can get that on mine if it's nothing but highway. In town it's usually 38-42.

>Having nice things.
Fuck you.

I get the fake carbs thing, but fake watercooling? I don't understand your reference here.

Oh. I meant to say fake aircooling.

But they are air-cooled. Thats where my confusion is right now.

This is the garage of a man who takes his bike to the dealership for oil changes, it's too clean.

Its water cooled but the engine still has heat sinks.
A lot of manufactures have done this.

Damn that thing is badass, got footage of you riding with those tires?