Finally pass my test, insure my car and start driving

>finally pass my test, insure my car and start driving
>it hasn't filled the empty feeling like I thought it would

what now?

Youre driving the wrong car then.

Protip: nothing will.

Except alcohol. Alcohol really fixes 99.9% of life's problems.

i will carjack you faglord

>his mommy didn't buy him a convertible Mercedes when he turned 16

>spiced rum
That not Scotch. It won't fix anything.

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life sucks ASS

For you


Get a pilots license. Currently have 7 different FAA ratings. Airman practical examinations bit more involved than a drivers license test but it's a similar concept and theres a chance it will fill the empty hole in your life. It kinda did in mine.

That's because you're just driving to pick up your tendies and back you fucking NEET.

Try driving somewhere interesting

Except the part where it tastes like garbage

This is sweet because you can be a functional alcoholic and get to travel a lot.

Using external things to fill the hole never works, whether it's cars or girls or alcohol.

8 hours bottle to throttle but otherwise yeah. Layovers generally 12hrs or more in the regionals. Majors have 24-36 on the long hauls.

currently a flight instructor. Should be in the airlines within a year.

Charls... no... don't do this Charls.

Fucking eh right?
Gotta butt chug to get the gears working backwards so it's an internal plug right?

soyboys out

Get a better, faster car.

Time to start throwing money at it for mods and upgrades in the hope that will fill the empty feeling (it doesn't) then learn wrenching yourself so you can waste more money on tools and spend all your free time hunched over an engine bay covered in grease.

It only get's worse mate, get out while you can.

Accelerate fast in the straights, brake hard befor corners, grip hard, but kick out the tail a little, and accelerate out of the corners fast.
When I'm doing this, I can forget about everything else.
My feelings, my thoughts, what I did in my past, how I'll spend my future, it doesn't matter, it's not there.

It's just me, my car, and the road.
Maybe the ocasional race.

a-are u saying that the emptiness won't disappear?

drive forest, drive