3 years since I started driving manual

>3 years since I started driving manual
>can finally downshift perfectly more than half the time
Do you ever reach a point where all of your shifts are smooth and flawless?

Who cares mate damm

It's an ongoing process. My starts are still not 100% smooth 100% of the time. Maybe that has to do with owning a different car every few months. I can heel-toe downshift flawlessly and I'm starting to incorporating double-clutch downshifts for the fun of it. But damn, those starts

Been driving stick for 3 years

I have been driving for almost 8 years and I am still on my learners permit and cannot reverse park yet.

I will eventually but in due time and then I will go back on hosack lane and practice the hill starts and what not and them bam, okay now bye

oh isnt that a nice comment from you, i learn much eh heh heh.

OMG double clutching what a fuckhead.....

just reading your comment has triggered my rage mode.

hang on i think you are fake, no one would have a different car every few months and you say you have been using stick for 3 years..... hmmm i think you have an obession with the number 3.

>twf op and this clown double clutches a synchro box when you dont need to use a clutch at all to shift just float the gears.

i have had it with you user cunts.

Had it with you tripfags as well.

you is a fake assed nigger.

My gear changes are always perfect because I'm not a poorfag and bought an automatic car

you dont you fucking start with me you fucking bitch.
no way you get on here starting a bait thread and then call me a fag...

you should seriously push hardrer your mother had to.

posts images its a godamn image board.... at your rate you'll be banned in the next few hours.

yeah you tell that fake mother fucker.

you're a fuckin fag. im glad you get mad at anons double clutching. you deserve it

i double clutch a synchro box, what are you gonna do about it

nice, another trip to filter. thanks!
[spoiler]say, you wouldn't happen to know the shitposting aussies from ovg, would you?


That’s a nice knob. But to answer your question it really depends on the car. I’ve been driving stick for 11 years and have owned 5 cars in that time. In my civic and cavalier it was pretty easy to shift seamlessly, but the car I drive now has a very bitey clutch and it’s really fuckin hard to get butter shifts through 3rd.

You realize you can save face on synchros on double clutch downshifts right? Nobody is that poorly mechanically inclined

i hope you all get hiv.....
try to filter that you cunts.

double clutch your synchro box and see what happens in a year or 2

i can guarantee you that it will wreck the synchros

but go on do what some asshole told you to do....
go back and watch fast and furious you cunts.

more bullshit from incompetent fags that are really old ladies.

go back and smoke your marlboros you pussies.

I'm the exact opposite.

I nailed my first downshift and revmatch and it's rare when I mess them up. It's upshifting that I keep messing up

Leave Hendra alone he's done nothing wrong

oh yeah you're definitely the cunts that got b& from the discord and subsequently got assblasted
stay mad and find better shitposts

i can shift without using the clutch my friend, RPMs line up perfectly.

fuck off caz

It helps if you have a tight drive train.

>drops trip to samefag

Ban all tripfags.

I'm spoiled, my car automatically hold revs at the perfect spot for the next upshift so it's as smooth as a CVT. I should try turning that feature off, I assume there is a way.

1 year over here and i still can't fucking upshift from 1st to 2nd gear without a jerk, at least not very quickly.

Do I really just have to resort to slowly releasing the clutch and even feathering the throttle just for this gear change? To be smooth, I'm basically doing the same thing as starting the car except a bit faster. i hope i wasn't killing my clutch the whole time

you cant say i'm the god of shifting till you're driver a 1950's tractor around without impaling yourself on the steering wheel.

i cant even shift correctly without standing ON the pedal.

also eurofag here. shifting isn't all that hard.
once you know the stick point of your clutch...
the weight of said clutch is the deal.

masochist me wants to drive an old crackerbox with a DD, an unsynced five and the two speed diff.

never drove auto, aside a 6-series JD with that crazy range selector thing that pops you from 5 to 20 in two clicks.

Your post broke my faggot detector. Buy me a new one for 39.98$ off newegg, faggot.

Usually this happens because the revs havent dropped enough, no matter what clutch work you do it will jerk if you do it quickly. 1st to 2nd is usually about 2:1 in econoboxes, just go for smoothness instead of speed