/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Weapon Intros: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Gameplay 7/28: youtube.com/watch?v=m81XclDe5Dc

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. Demo 8/10. youtube.com/watch?v=Urb9cJcwAUA
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories comes out 9/8. Demo 8/10. youtube.com/watch?v=r46Jbq-ZNok

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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One spot open in the XX room.

Post cute monsters!



How the hell are you supposed to kill these things anyway? I keep timing out

>inb4 git gud

git gud

acquire adequacy


What mission is that in?

It's in the Misty Peaks.

Did the Japanese version of the demos for 4U, Generaions and XX have online? If they did, this just proves that the demo for XX Switch was rushed out the gate at a last moment after seeing that Switch was an astounding success. Capcom even said that there will be no demo of the XX Switch version yet here it is. Capcom caught with their pants down.

Not an argument

Fuck you, monsters as magical girls shouldn't be cute.

the japanese versions of the demos have only had local multiplayer, not online. online was only added for the western localization of the demos.

get a life

not an argument, shill

aren't you anti-shilling, which is a form of shilling on its own

>tfw no monster hunter world for the Switch

>shilling for a game that's not even coming to NA and doesn't even have an English option for the Japanese copy.
Really makes my arse go BRAAAAP

What the fuck does shill mean

Nice Roman!

Dictionary.com is down the hall and to the left

I got him to play the 4U demo last week, but I don't think he's touched it since

fuck off pedophile

nice projection dude

>being an EOP

What mean EOP???

fuck off pedoshit
hang yourself faggot

it's not pedo if it's a monster boy

English only peasant

i didn't specify age anywhere
you're the one who made this about pedos

you must not have been on the internet very long if you've never heard of a cute adult male being referred to as a boy

Here in Veeky Forums? It means "guy who says positive things about thing I don't like"


Everyone's favorite jet dragon waifu

In the palm of MY hand...

Fuck off degenerate. First furies and now pedos. World is bringing all the scum of the earth to /mhg/

I've been on Veeky Forums long enough to see pictures of these "men" you call boys. They all look like preteens. I know exactly what kind of disgusting pedos you are.

Don't you DARE


t. nigger

Reminder that if you do not own a Switch, you don't belong in this general.

not an argument

Wow, great for playing 1 (one) Monster Hunter port that isn't even out yet

Don't I dare do what?

i have a switch (didn't get it for mh though) and desu after playing the mhxx demo i don't want to import it anymore.
playing the demo i realized how much of a pain in the ass it would be, having to look online every time i want to make a weapon/armor set to figure out which items i need, having to figure out what the subquest objectives are, translating armor skill names, etc.
not to mention i'd probably have to play solo



If/when a hacking method and CFW comes out for it and it actually has games I MIGHT consider it. Right now it has maybe 3 games of note, and those are BoTW(cemu has this covered), Splatoon 2 (manbaby pedo bait) and MK8Deluxe (I can just play one of the million other versions of mariokart on the odd occasion I feel like it).

Wow, it's not like you won't get any help from people in this thread or look up the videos that all the "e-celebs" will make to help the importers. Also, why would you have to play solo?

I think anyone with half a brain, who also has experience with the MonHun series, can tell at a glance that World will be a casualized bastardization of the series.

I have a PC so I'll give it a shot, but I'm not going to hold my breath. MonHun is supposed to be 'video gamey' not cinematic. Hopefully it sells like shit, or is somehow good.

t. sonsandnigger falseflagging as a nintentoddler

>monhun is supposed to be
trash opinion nothing to see here, move on everybody

Now that wipeout omega collection is out I finally can justify buying a ps4 for world.
The switch is already dead. It's just an expensive spla2n machine.
Ps4 and then PC is where everyone who belongs here will be at.


>tfw you want to post good art but /mhg/ are plebs and so you have to post huntresses to please their pea-brains

>not posting good art of huntresses
You are the true pleb.

i heard japs kick westerners

>not great in its own cute and simple way
You are the true pea.

>good art
So your furry shit?

Just play it on the 3DS with the English patch.

No they don't. Some nip even added me as friend and keeps inviting me to his room.

Fuck off furfag

>implying I said anything bad about the chibi art

>good art
Why do I have a feeling that what you consider to be good art is actually way less interesting than seeing the 1000th image of a woman in the same Kirin armor?

I want to have consentual sex in the missionary position while holding her talons not necessarily for the purpose of procreation.

>The switch is already dead

but if i'm gonna be playing mh on 3ds i'd just play 4u

>playing the inferior game

what classifies as "not appeasing" us?

do you expect to get a bunch of (you)s just because you posted an image?

yeah but 4u is the only one my boyfriend will play because gen's lower fps triggers him

Here's a suggestion sweetie. Don't post your shitty art in here. Go post on reddit where you will get upvotes, mmkay?

>having an incorrect opinion


>a fun game is inferior to a boring game

Aria??!?!? I thought I was supposed to be your bf, not fucking fair brosss!!!!

>video gamey
what did the retard mean by this?



Exactly, that's why XX is a lot better than the disappointing shitshow that was 4U.

i think this is a cool picture and i hope you guys will agree

How are you supposed to play Brave SA?

>another attention whore who only plays games because her boyfriend does
wow, it's like you have no original thoughts

cringed hard
By acting like a Kino

I like it, love Barioth

calm down user, i'm not aria


also i was the one who convinced him to play so not quite

Reminder to give your catlolis all your horn coins!

Mash that mf R trigger


Aria, sho me ur pusi pls...

kill yourself


Yeah that's what I said.


at least you're not genuinely in love with charlotte

>no games

XX is the boring game, you dingus.

>demo is out

Might be the last time /mhg/ plays a true Monster Hunter...

thanks for another (You)

