What are some wheels like this?

What are some wheels like this?

some wheels

the car looks great but the wheels are way too niggish

spoked wheels will never look good

Work emitz

Large wheels are garbage
Sidewall is what you need

>anything higher than 55 aspect ratio

Ultra shit, 45 is the beginning of decent looking tires.

it's okay that you're black

Sorry just not redneck enough to like truck tires on cars.

holy shit, this could not look more wrong

Good taste user. RWL are also a requirement.


At least it doesn't look ugly and performs better. Damn tasteless rednecks.

>typical fitment enthusiast

well at least you now clarified that you're just shitposting

>He thinks the lower the profile, the better the performance
Is this true?

RWL a must

Lol I love how Veeky Forums pretends to be car enthusiasts but they're all really just posers.

Dang the typical fitment enthusiast drives a Gremlin on a Camaro chassis and fully independent suspension made for racing?

Yeah bro, them big ol skinny truck tires are top tier performance. That's why every performance car uses them.

Sad part is not even truckfags use those shitty tires. We get it you don't care about driving and just like looking at old ugly shit.

good taste

>I know nothing about motorsport
okay we get it


>Fast cars don't have thick sidewalls user!

Cool a 45 aspect ratio tire, thanks for proving my point lol. Dumbass poser.

>45 is the beginning of decent
I'm calling you out on semantics alone.
At least I'm close with my 205/50R15 80treadwear.


Cool, Pirelli's 670 slick is a 45 aspect ratio DOT. So once again lol dumbass.

who are you arguing with?

His inner battle.

Literally the only example of high aspect ratio tires in big racing and that's pretty much because NASCAR is pretty well stuck in the past. I mean they didn't even have fuel injection until 2012.

Yeah, it's fine to act retarded when you actually are I guess.

Not often you see someone leading by example, I should commend you.

You're the only one going on about aspect ratios. I think people where were talking about the appearance of large wheels with a small amount of sidewall vs smaller diameter wheels with larger sidewall. Obviously aspect ratios will change with how wide the tyre is, but the appearance will too.

Nah, you're taking the reigns here buddy. Shit taste and dumb, Veeky Forums in a nutshell.

>retards talk about hurr muh high profile racan tyres

Man you guys are platinum retarded.

That that we've settled that, can we all agree that the wheels in OP's pic are atrocious?

This is peak performance


why do car designers meme big rims with tiny sidewalls?

SMOLL sidewalls actually reduce grip over most surfaces in cornering especially memestreet machines which have alot of bumps and uneven surfaces

Yeah, 22 spokes is about the most I can take on something that isn't a wire wheel.

It's because of modern car design
They're so bloated and tall, that small wheels look out of proportion. Designers try to compensate with giant kiddie-toy wheels

god i fucking hate modern cars

Just to piss you off



>being a brakelet
Large wheels do have a benefit you know

Could always go dual-caliper

It doesn't piss me off it just looks bad. Get some 295/35R21s bro, same overall diameter,

based old chan pretty sure i was in that thread

In heat capacity only, unsprung mass is also a very valid consideration for balance.

I know it makes me look like a total faggot, but

You could go multi-rotor to get the heat capacity back. with a smaller wheel and lower inertia.

looks like shit, bigger tyres look better

ive been here for 12 years i feel totally fine in calling 5-10 year old threads old

rage comics where always shit, reddit just made them worse

06' reporting in.
Every successive wave of media attention, major DDoS's really took a toll on this place, summer breaks just seemed to blend in these days.


it all went downhill went moot left he kept a lid on the normies since 2008 spam but it never really returned to that comfy little imageboard i found all those years ago ;(


Knock it off, Jamal.