/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Patching the patch notes also birthday boy week edition

2.2.2 is live

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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

You killed yourself:

first for IQs sexy feet

>heil hitler

prost means stupid in romanian

>Patching the patch notes

This makes me genuinely sad. Fucking Ubisoft :/

>shitters asking for a new thread when they can make it themselves
It's not that hard making one

if all the shitters that asked for a new thread made a new thread, we'd have like 6 new threads

Why is this kid so mad? I didn't read the conversation or posts he replied to.

*blocks your spawn*

So what is dropshotting?

I thought it was going from standing to prone while ADSing and killing someone but people are saying it's hard and "a skill not many can do" in here so clearly I'm mislead.

it's when you press Z while shooting to evade enemy shots
i think people saying it's hard/a skill are just memeing

people who bitch about drop shotting cant even aim let alone aim and press z

>going from standing to prone while ADSing and killing someon
Thats all it is and its easy as fuck because the aim unrealistically doesnt adjust in the fucking slightest between stances. Maybe its hard on consoles or if you still have prone mapped to Z.

That's what it is.
It's harder in some games than others.

In R6S it's literally just down to hitting prone as soon as you see the enemy, since there are no extra mechanics attached to switching stance (you retain all your aiming and firing ability completely).

What do you map prone to?

>there are people that can't hit a body sized target

They don't even need to ask, just make it. It's like that guy who drones in, spots an enemy, and then proceeds to tag him. There's no point in tagging, just move in on him.

Theme Park is up on r6maps if anyone cares

Throw game shitty netcode in the mix so you can get killed by people who were prone but were standing in your screen

>dropshotting irl

Soldiers do that irl, its called getting horizontal
t. played Arma 2

Nice bait making up quotes there. No one said it's hard. Here's a you.

>decide to try out some paintball with a mate
>go to a course with lots of players, get assigned a team etc.
>mfw some kid on the team is running and throwing himself on the ground over and over all across the course

now that he's the birthday boy, he's not angery

Isnt CTRL better?

bandits a cool guy, even with an ACOG
jaeger can go kill himself tho

Most games I played used C so I'm using that.

whats your rank

We'll never get new operators this season are we? Ubidrones are gonna tell us that we already got the charm and be grateful right?

Are you dumb? We knew what was gonna be in the season since the very beginning

there was never a plan to release new operators or a map during health you troglodyte

What? during operation health you mean? we ain't getting no more shit from it, just in the next season when they are probably complain how giant patches are because they delayed half of the operation health on it also

aluminum foil


Aren't you happy we got pretty much nothing new for 6 months user? what the fuck you free loading asshole be greatful Ubisoft doesn't just shut the servers down tomorrow

Motherfuckers, I obviously meant the next season not operation health goddammit.

Stop using Thermite

Sure you did user

Like fucking clockwork.
I just gotta say, they don't have to shill to me, I already bought the season pass.

>We'll never get new operators this season are we?
>this season
yeah you obviously did, my bad.

Another one bites the dust

oh shit

Anyone else not get an alpha pack for op health despite the prompt telling me I got one?

this coming season, obviously

works on my machine :^)

The VR Siege clone looked pretty promising at first.

Anyone else getting Siege nightmares where youre an attacker on secure 1v5 on a strange map that isnt in the game and things are going well until the last two people either gang up on you or peek you. Its happened 5 nights in a row and Im afraid of falling asleep now.

didnt have siege nightmares but i had a dream where IQ, Ash and Hibana were rubbing their bare swewty soles on my face while im tied up on the floor.
wish i never woke up.

Everyone else got this fake message. Due to a bug in today's patch, everyone got a repeat of the "Introducing Alpha Packs! Here's one for free!" message from last month. It's the same reason everyone saw the "SMG-11 gets its ACOG removed" pop-up

if you fucking clutch then you wouldn't have this problem

>On attack
>Drone, Breach, Clear
>All is proceeding according to plan
>Suddenly Fuze pucks
>Snap awake in a cold sweat

I can't believe I got cucked as buck

>all this time I spent shitposting here and I didn't know about operation health not having new operators im so sorry omg. I obviously did not know that we dont get operators in operation health, its like I never fucking played this game before. Man Ubisoft is really a great company I just preordered Far Cry 5
The Post

the cake was filled with the drugs needed to satisfy his anger

This would kinda be solved far more easier with a faster and more consistent TTK, right? You might have to tweak DMR's a bit for reduced recoil but yeah

Fuck this game

>Play blitz on yacht
>Securing kitchen
>2v2, me and hibana vs jager and cav
>I dome jager, 2v1
>fucking cav run in, hibana misses all her shots and gets killed
>I blind cav twice, yet somehow she knives my shield from ten feet away and downs me

I fucking hate these matches.

It would take DMR recoil to be reduced to almost nothing for me to take them over the full auto rifle choice.

good videogame

Consider them high-powered pistols with optics. They're pretty decent.

I'm fairly new to the game. When should I breach vs shoot vs melee, window and door barricades?

i had a dream that i was jackal playing bomb in a huge ass map
i tracked pulse to the other end, and ran after his ass for the ace
then i got the 15 second mark when i was too far away from either bomb site, and lost trying to go back
first time ive ever woken up pissed off

boy howdy i sure do love this game

i had a nightmare that operation hell didnt end when august started
wake me up

Well I ended up getting Frost over Valk. First round as her I clutched against 4 people and the second round I got two Welcome Mat assists and 3 kills.

I think she might beat Echo as my main defender.

you were leaning to the left while he shot your left side if the body, you got rightfully shit on desu.

right side* left on his perspective.

That's fair, shot the very corner of your body poking out from the doorway and killed you because you're on 8HP. The rest of the shots when he poked out of cover were shot after you were dead.

>get black ice skin
>for the fucking dmr on twitch
nice meme
literally the most useless gun in the game when compared to the alternative

fuck, now i see it
damn this game sometimes, the obvious things are the easiest to forget when you're retarded.

why do people complain about shield melee? it's literally the one thing shields should actually be able to do. who the fuck gets close to a god damned shield? just flank, it's not even hard

>why do people complain about shield melee?

they do?

mfw the amusement park wasn't used as a chance to tie in the original Rainbow Six novel and its "World Park" in Spain, which could have been old and decrepit like the current Hong Kong map, showing the park had been abandoned after one of Rainbow's first operations, and was now used as training grounds

got in a match where I killed three with the melee and they started whining about how it was bullshit. it was a three speed trying to knife my side, and a rook, which I did hit from pretty far away but still reasonable. I've seen it before, don't really understand it.

Did they ever add a classic terrorist hunt mode to siege?

>game accidentally loses keyboard connection
>works fine in windows, so I can switch between apps and everything, but game just ignores every key I press
>my valk just stays in front of open window
>I can't do anything about that
>after uplay restart it works as usual

Thanks shitsoft, at least it wasn't ranked


>no fixes for worst matchmaking you can imagine
>hey guys now you have new skin for pulse
Operation shitty skins and no fixes

Been a while since I played, Super 90 is shit now right? So use Frost's other gun?

You mean beside the terrorist hunt gamemode currently in the game?

I mean like just eliminate all the terries within the time limit instead of it being pve versions of the PvP gamemodes

B-but there's a classic terror hunt mode where you only have to clean the place without defusing bombs or extracting/defending hostages.

If anything people complain about getting melees as a shield user from the front because of 3 speeds and shit netcode.
And they're right to do so because it's total bullshit.

But can you choose that manually now or is it still just one of the options in the random map/mode rotation

Yep. C1 isn't particularly good either though. It's an UMP with a larger magazine essentially.
You can remove the other gamemodes in your t hunt preferences, leaving only classic.

>August 10th, 2017

>STILL no new heroes

>6 months and 3 days without new heroes

Buck the cuck

go back to over(rated)watch faggot

>the operators aren't his heroes

who do you look up to?

>being related to overshit
get out of here newfag


they're called heroes in overwatch idiot, in siege they're just called "operators"

>You can remove the other gamemodes in your t hunt preferences, leaving only classic
About fuckin time

Will there be Year 3?

That's been the case since day 1 m8

They already said the entire Year 3 will be operation health pt 2. they're not releasing any operators just fixing bugs.

>dropshot in the army
>"stop playing ramboooo"

I get Siege dreams where I slaughter whole teams on my own, but I have to go "bang bang bang" for the guns to work.

I had my mouse stop responding once. I could walk around just fine but I couldn't shoot or look anywhere. Somehow I ended up being the last person alive even though I tried to act as bait.


You can't aim accurately while you're falling to the ground dumbass.

Sure you can, just firmly plant the acog against your eye-socket and then throw yourself against the ground. You'll see.