Why are white car enthusiasts anal about keeping u car stock??

Why are white car enthusiasts anal about keeping u car stock??

When ever there is a talk about car modification there is always that 1 White boy with mechanical autism that will tell you to "KEEP IT STOCK"

like who really gives a fuck, your car? do what you want, just got back from japan, every car meet has different shit, you look for the details people put in their car, always something different and personal, nobody gives a flying fuck what color u car is,

i admit some of them are ugly as fuck, but idc i think wow thats different, nobody is anal here about keeping ur car stock or "clean"

but as soon as i went back home and went to local car meets, same damn repetitive shit, stock cars, people talking about how much HP they have, standing around comparing dick sizes, always only the same cars appear, no verity, its like everyone is ashamed to bring their shit box, and only those rich fags bring their camero's and skylines

every fucking time

White people fail at culture so it's no surprise. There's a reason being bland and boring is called vanilla. Whether that or they're too poor/stupid to mod and their coping mechanism is pretending stock is best.

Have you never seen a truck with stacks, a lift, and hideous decals all over? Plenty of white people love molesting their vehicles, they're called rednecks. Like their colored counterparts, they're usually uneducated, poor, and dump all of their money into their car or truck.

this. wh*te people are scum

not really its just some retarded autists mostly on Veeky Forums who don't even own cars or its their parents and their parents won't even let them put an anime sticker on it.
I am modding my car so it can easily be reverted to stock as I might leave the country for a long time due to job.

>when your culture is so good it becomes the absolute norm that everything else is judged off that people take for granted and call it boring
go live in a mud hut and fuck a 10 year old if you think whites have no culture

That triggered the /pol/ack
You know what to do

Nice bait!

But you know whites invented the cars, and the only ones making cars are Europeans (As a race), and Asians.
The other ones can't even behave like humans (Africans aren't humans), and thus have no car brands.

Also keeping a car stock is good, the only people doing (your pic) are Niggers and Arabs with Nigger blood in them.

Also again nice bait! ^^

>Over $15,000 invested in modifications!
>My lowest price is $12,000
>I know what I got!

People think modifications poorly installed increase the value of the car. I passed up on a motorcycle because the guy had $2000 of modifications, but wanted $4500 total for the bike. Stock bikes of simlar mileage sell for $6000 at the dealership, and $4000 on the open market.

Modifications increase the chance that something is mechanically wrong, especially when an exhaust, lift kit, engine tuner, and vanity accessories are added. A buyer knows he'll have to hunt down parts from companies that aren't in business or aren't made anymore, or spend a shitload reverting it back to stock.

>they're too poor/stupid to mod and their coping mechanism is pretending stock is best.

First post best fucking post. Any time I hear someone with their
>Only people who mod cars are maniacs who don't know what they're doing and will kill someone
I know it's someone who can't drive for shit, but has to project to feel better about himself

>race baiting

Niggers and bogans would get along.

because you just safekeep the car, you never own it. Turns out the next owner would rather want a stock car than a niggered up ricemobile (which end up getting crushed)
Dumb, repugnant nigger

I have ~$5000 of work done to my $35000 car. Everything but the CAI installed by the premiere tuner of that car type in the US with receipts for parts and install. It's not for anyone but myself, and if I wrecked the car I would take them off and sell them separately or buy the new year of the same model to add to

I also keep all stock parts around just in case something breaks I have spares that will work in a pinch

i don't mind tasteful mods, but when it's over the top it makes me cringe, especially on some cheapo shitty hatchback. some cars i feel are best left stock though, but it all boils down to personal preference and we should ignore eachother when it comes to how we, as individuals, feel about car mods.

Because when I'm buying someone else's car, I don't want to deal with their hackjobs that will inevitably grenade.

>i admit some of them are ugly as fuck, but idc i think wow thats different, nobody is anal here about keeping ur car stock or "clean"

I like white cars but white isn't always a stock colour so what are you talking about?

>Go live in a mud hut

Report and sage this /pol/ shit

>culture war shit on Veeky Forums
The fuck?

It depends on the car. If you have an EP3 Type R or whatever then mod it to hell and back
A Lotus Carlton, an E Type or any other rare, special car? Keep it as close to stock as possible

>uppity niggers is now /pol/
jesus christ you "people"

>Lotus Carlton
you mean a riced Opel Omega

Gluing a pile of LED strips to your car is tasteless, whatever the country.

In the same way that an M5 is a riced 5 Series, I suppose. Or literally any performance model is just a riced base model

wh*te people are retarded

Hey Alphons!
Hows it going?

called it


"The proper time to mod a car is never."- Y.P. Pull

>There's a reason being bland and boring is called vanilla
>Vanilla is black

>Fuck load of performance enhancing mods to either go really fast it do massive skids
>Slap massive wheels on cars, silly paint and graphics, chrome everywhere

Somehow I don't think they'd get along

White people are pure cringe, 9/10 times someone gives you shit for not having stock wheels, it's some little pencil necked pasty miata loving retard that also crossboards on /pol/ and goes on about how Jews gave him Asperger's from birth.

Like it isn't obvious that i's the same guy shitposting hard

Wrong, i was just a drunk! I bought a rusted out 99 ram (360) from the junkyard for 300 bucks. It had no grill, ac, or dashboard. I took some window screen I had sitting in the garage and made a grille, then stuck a bunny mask from walmart on it and rattle canned it black. It already had a 4 inch lift so i stuck a set of 40'' swampers on it (600 bucks). Drove it for 30k miles before that ancient 360 finally gave out. I spent almost nothing on that fun truck.

And super fricken tasty.

Ever had real vanilla pod ice cream? Tastes like angels.

I can smell your lack of hygiene through this post. What have YOU contributed? fat fuck

its just that many mods make the car worse, some mods improve a car such as converting from auto to manual but a lot of effort went into designing the car and a lot of modders usually screw it up such as lowing it causing it to have terrible ride quality

it's almost as if car manufacturers have to design their cars to appeal to the widest possible demographic and individuals can then tailor their desires from a machine

>its just that many mods make the car worse

Completely false uneducated words often spoken by people who don't actually know how to modify a car or how the development process goes.

Here's the thing, vehicles are made to appeal to a large range of people this often means tons of sacrifices especially if the car is a sports car. Believe it or not even sports cars are toned down so that they are still appealing and marketable to some old man with too much money that wants to buy something that makes him look cool but isn't too harsh. This includes making sure the car isn't too loud by putting on a restrictive exhaust, sacrificing handling for comfort so the car isn't to stiff on average roads, cutting power to get more mpgs so the car is more appealing, the list goes on and on. There are very few cars you can buy that are sold at 100% of their full potential.

I put headstuds on my truck and now it’s worth more.
Checkmate, nigger

respecting the decisions and vision of the original designers
also a general notion of "i don't want to end up as that tuner spic"

To answer the question that the original poster asked.
It's not true. And sweeping generalizations are a fallacy/THREAD


Go back to Tumblr you spineless faggots

Moderation since when?
