/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

Previous timeloop: Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- BBCF 2.0 is now out in arcades, featuring Jubei and a large amount of balance changes.
- BBCF 2.0 and Jubei release date for consoles set for August 31st.
- BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (feat. P4A, UNIB and RWBY) coming in 2018, no platforms revealed.
- Central Fiction is now available on PS3, PS4 and PC (Steam).
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are also available on Steam.
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, is currently being published.

- BlazBlue Character Selector
- BBCF Character info
pastebin.com/zVa2p4Q3 (embed)
- Match Videos
pastebin.com/e119EKtk (embed)
- News, Guides, Combo Listings
- Story Stuff
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Variable Heart, Soundtracks, Bururaji, etc)
pastebin.com/eJRLZkYz (embed)
-Frame data/hitbox viewer
-Spectator's Guide to BlazBlue
-Discord Links
pastebin.com/UM1rb5SJ (embed)
-CF2 Patch Notes Translation

Other urls found in this thread:



Burst should cost half the Burst meter while Overdrive costs full Burst meter.

Yes or No?

CF patch and Jubei got a release date.

August 31.

>August 31st

Still counts as summer, I guess.

no way

No, not while active flow's a factor. It's easy enough to get without a combo EA.
EA's getting nerfed in CF2 so I don't really care for any more Overdrive changes, it'll be fine.

Do you still practice /blaz/? Go to the lobby often?

I don't go often but I went today

I practice other games.


i love lolee

>Jubei comes out on my birthday

I never asked for this.



but it's what you got

Play Weiss

Have a Birthday Lambda, /blaz/.

What's Jubei's gimmick again?

He is what he eats

His gameplay gimmick, I mean. Sorry for being unclear.

Leave a mark like Azrael but not high/low specific. He will teleport behind enemy when he does a Distortion Drive with the mark available

His install change his Drive move. Before install it's a lunging move. After install it's hopping around using A/B/C/D. Also his install will change the properties of his Specials and DD

Play Ruby




well technically she is in the OP

I will!!

>peacefully beheads everyone itt

So if Meifang is so obsessed with the Mikado then if she finds out Ragna is the Mikado's older brother would she beg to have a chance to suck his cock?

Wassup RYWB general

what's a RYWB?

Do RWBYfags have an actual general somewhere? I don't mind them, just curious

the show is not airing right now so their general is on /trash/

when the next season starts (in october) they move back to /co/

Next OP should add that he's 800 yen (8 dollars), the same as the other DLC characters.

Who doesn't want to suck Ragna's cock?

I wanna join the lobbies but I'm afraid people will laugh at my PSN or recognize me from another general.

Nobody gives a fuck what generals you go to

Looks like Kazunoko is warming up to Jubei, though he's having issues anti airing.

If you have a green square or a blue square don't even bother. You should have an orange square at least.

Got a link to any of his matches?

I have a blue one but I'm trash.
Does that mean I can't have fun with the general?

Well I doubt you'll have any fun because you won't be able to beat anybody and then you'll sit down for another 4 matches waiting for people to finish. That's no way to get better. Training mode exists.

I've been playing with friends and going into the regular lobbies, I thought i've been getting good experience from this alone but I guess not.

Most people here have been playing for 7 or 8 years. You need at least a thousand matches under your belt until you can hang with /blaz/

Nope, not yet. He's excited for the console release though, so wait for that. All Jubei fans should be looking at him and white_absol.

The fact Tenjo looked exactly like Saya is actually rather clever because it explains how Terumi was able to replace her with Izanami without anyone realizing it.

We have some blue squares in the lobby and they play just fine. If you ever feel embarrassed or something like that then just feel free to leave no one will say anything. Just give the lobby a try


If Izanami's looks is based on Saya Terumi based on Naoto's reaction to her, why does Tenjo looks like them? Susano'o Terumi's long term convoluted plan?

Not really. The only people that are supposed to know who the Imperator looks like are the heads of the Duodecim. Tsubaki says they're the only people who can meet the Imperator.

Ms.Izanami I really don't feel like solving the riddle right now.

You need to solve the riddle.
Follow the hints in the Azure

Haven't played BlazBlue since CS, thinking about jumping back in. Should I wait for CF 2.0? Is it getting a separate release, or just DLC?

It's a free patch

What are Mai's weaknesses?

Oh shit, amazing

jubei's dash 2B is gonna make people mad holy shit

Only 2 overheads and 1 low, but everything else about her moveset is so good that it doesn't matter.

Mai is the perfect girl. She has no weakness.

Weak mixup and reversals

Lich seems to think Jubei's gonna be one of the stronger characters on console too. Oh boy.

Hmmm... I still hope Naoto and Jaune make it in. They probably won't get in but it would be cool should they get in. I'm probably going to be the only one who plays Jaune though since he's a literally who to everyone else who plays the game.

she has high low guessies if you jump cancel 5A you can do 2 overheads a low throw or cance into another guessy

give me the good ragna combos

Jaune the rest of his team could get in.

Not sure about Naoto.K but Naoto.S has a high chance.

5B > 5C > Hell's Fang

Dp into dp

>Dp into dp

just rc

how many yens will jubei cost


Blocked Dp rapid cancel into dp for maximum mindfuckery

RC dividah

Tfw have to wait until 31 to hear jubei's theme

Feels bad

>tfw am 31 waiting for Jubei theme


Is the game worth is if I will be playing only net play as a new player? is the net-play population decent enough for a new player to improve?

It's pretty good for that yeah. On console the population is bigger so if you can then you should go for that, but PC isn't too bad either, especially since PC players for BB aren't overwhelmingly good for the most part.

why do you fucking sonyggers always fucking lie. gg, bb and even niche games like uniel are much more active on steam, same with tekken 7. i know you consolebabies are afraid of irrelecance but pc is the way to go even for fighting games now

I guess that's why PC always gets content behind then?

I know it's a shitpost, but still, come on man. At least make your shitpost somewhat believable.

I want Rachel to step on my balls.

Space Jin shouldn't you be preparing to make new 2hu porn

This is how it is for all fighting games. Anyone saying Blazblue or Guilty Gear is active on pc are living in la la land. That's a fact. The one fighting game that is active is Street Fighter 5 and that's because it has crossplay with consoles.

tekken 7 is very active on pc even without crossplay

i was wrong about bb but gg is definitely more active on pc. also the only way to get a uniel lobby is to ask for pc lobbies. and then tekken 7 is also more active on steam and is the platform of choice by the pros like aris

A fake anime some hipster made with Blender.

play burret

24 sheckels to unlock the full game.

Why has this become ok?

susan is free, es was available for free for a limited time

only mai and jubei are actually paid. And the pc version has all these except jubei for free

You think that's bad in Final Fantasy XV you have to pay dlc to use your party members.

well everyone who had the game could get Es for free

now if you're a cheap ass who waited to get the game for bargain bin prices AND you want all dlc for free, that's your problem

>cheap ass
I remember when DLC meant an actual expansion to the game, not a paywall or costume etc.

I remember when I could buy a candy bar for 50 cents. I have to play 1.15 now 1.15 that's bullshit

If the price of games need to be adjusted for inflation that's fine. But it should be the price of the game in it's entirety, instead of using paywalls and micro-transactions.

What fighting game in history gave out new characters that weren't included at launch for free?

I guess you'd rather have Mai, Es and Jubei in a CF Extend release for 60 bucks then

I can understand Jubei costing money because they had to do ongoing work to develop him, although 8 does seem high, but that's just my feeling. An argument for making him free is that in brings players that had lost interest in BB back and they may then be more likely to buy future Arc System titles.
Es and Mai however were already developed on day one. Calling them DLC is dishonest it's content behind a paywall.

You're right about Es but what proof do you have for Mai having been made since day 1? Es was also given out free for like 2 weeks at launch, so there's that.

I'd rather have that, yes.