/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

Green Boys Edition

>DLC 4 included:
- 2 New Playable Characters: Merged Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito
- 3 New Parallel Quests
- A New storyline based on DBS Future Trunks Arc
- Two new costumes: SSJ4 Goku, Resistance Outfit
- New accessory: SSJ4 Goku wig and tail
- 4 New Moves: Holy Wrath, Divinity Unleashed, Blades of Judgement, Divine Wrath

>Free update included:
- 4 New Costumes: Trendy Bikini, Great Ape Suit, Golden Ape Suit, Golden Turtle Hermit Gi
- 4 New Accessories: Saiyan tail buttplug, Great Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Scouter
- 4 New Moves: Savage Strike, Spirit Stab, Sword of Hope, Burning Strike
- DBS accurate variants of SSB Goku, Vegeta, Kid Trunks and Future Trunks
>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links
>1.06 patchnotes
>1.07 patchnotes

>Xenoverse 2 Mods

>No Hud Mod (for beautiful screenshots)

>Xenoverse 2 changes

>new 2D 3vs3 fighter by ARCSYS announced

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg
/dbg/ discord: discord.gg/wtSsdgv

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here


Other urls found in this thread:


Are their even any green namek dbg players?

Bully greenskins

Reminder to not bully people!

Do alts count?

Me but I play at 22 FPS till august when I get new computer. Usually stick to single player for now

Or you'll have to answer to us!

Eh? What's that? Coulda swore I just heard someone say "Please, take my lunch money!"

what did they break this time?

You're not getting anybody else's lunch money, you bully! Me and my partner will put you in your place!

What what-ifs would you want in XV3?

Would they be from existing games (Budokai 2, Heroes, Fusions, etc...) or something new?

What crazy shit would you give the CAC's?

>or something new?
Let's see them go even further than Heroes.


Let's see them use the unused content.

Also add most of what's in Heroes.

Well since they wanna say everything is props and what not, I'd like to see every outfit and move in all the franchises or just the mains make it into the game.
transformations too

Are they actually going to implement EasyAntiCheat into the game? Will it affect mods as well? Will it also put a fat, permanent "GAME BAN" on your Steam profile if you get banned like almost every game that uses it does?

Do you get banned from other games for modding in another?

>confirmed last patch
see you space monkeyboys

No fuckin' way, really?

Give source


What was in the patch?

Seriously, anybody?

Surely this is bait

>poster disappeared after posting that and didn't elaborate
What ever made you think that?

Wasnt the 3x exp event supposed to have started in dokkan?

(Remove all your mods)



Thank kami, now i can finally have fun on PC.

yeah but no mods now, even 40 ton weights exp boosters or shopaholic

necessary evil or fucking gay?

Meh never cared much for the mods anyway

>ever being fun
Now instead of 80% meta shitters and with 20% cheaters you'll get 100% meta shitters.

>Shouldn't affect PvE
still can have my mods

That's not certain. It doesn't seem like anyone knows exactly how this will work.

Well for some like myself, using that stuff made it easy to pick up where we left off on other platforms. It would take me forever to get the same qq bangs, lvls, and gear all over again.

Honestly if they just patch cheat engine I'm cool with that. I don't mind fighting against modded skills and what not as they are still usually kill able anyway.
especially if you decide to retaliate with mods of your own.

I don't have mods, but I do have every outfit and skill unlocked. Am I in deep shit or even deeper shit?

Still better than 20% cheaters.

I was more concerned about Rechow. Can't wait for him to quit now that he can't be cheating faggot anymore.

any proof for your baseless accusation?

I'm dbnews

Hi Rechow

>Make claim
>Can't provide proof

>Being so insecure that you need to defend yourself in a thread on Veeky Forums

No, I just find empty accusations of cheating to be cancerous.

What is the point of all this

To get more people to join our discord so we can spam ERP and porn at them, obviously.

discord is cancer

Its actually the reason the general is still alive, so shut up.

its actually cancer, so you shut up

How is it cancer? We have NSFW channels, role play channels, a casino and very strict rules enforced by mods.

Its pretty great and fun.

Is FemiNaziWatch still in chage?

There is literally nothing wrong with a female running the discord
fuck off back to

Yes, and her increasingly incompetent and unhinged set of childish cronies.

it's a pretty small self absorbed circlejerk of people with attention seeking issues that kind of ignores anybody not inside of said circlejerk

just an observation desu

>attention seeking
You could have said it had a cunt running it and I would have understood, user.

>have prepaid debit card with 8 bucks on it lying around
>use it to buy on sale 8 dollar stones
>goes through 3 times, giving me 90ish stones
>uhhhh what
>no transaction on card activity
>no receipt email


The only attention seeking female there isn't Stop, it's AB.
A mentally challenged underage girl who's enabled and egged on to cater to the fetishes of some sick older men by drawing for them. Both sfw and nsfw.

Fucking hell, seriously?

>people shitposting about me while im napping
im flattered

H-hi Rechow.

More like "discovering". I've not posted on the general before but all i've found out about you so far is you're a guy who pretends to be a girl, and has underage girls on your discord.

You're a bit of a fag, from an outsiders perspective

Hello friend

>you're a guy who pretends to be a girl
>while always being on voice chat and openly talking to everyone
you must have the wrong guy, friend. idk when i've pretended to be a girl.

>on voice chat with underage girls
>female avatar
you're the worst kind of fag

somebody send help, I'm dying over here

Can't we just play/watch dragon ball together?

>female avatar
like everyone else with a female cac? what's your point user? wanna chat about this over discord? i seem to have offended you somehow and would like to shit up the thread a bit less

>what's your point user?
that you're a fag

>wanna chat about this over discord?
so I can get kicked? nah fuck that, i enjoy using it for PM's too much

>Silence about drama for all this time until suddenly someone felt the need to sperg out about it here again.

Alright who touched you there and why should we care? Oh wait we don't care, settle it yourself and don't come running here like the dbg thread is your army against someone you don't like.

Everyone else post your favorite dragonball character to play in a dragonball game and explain why.

>Alright who touched you there and why
I'm not an underage girl, so not rechow, lol

Pumki is a bully. A big bully!

they're stoning you for being a degenerate and showing that much chest!

Good thing I'm not cheating then :^)

So are you.

Best Fridge is genuinely fun as fuck to play as with his quick combos and feels a lot more 'violent' than I'll get out of SyF combos.

>Pumki will never bully you with stones like the savage she is

You can't blame Goku? for showing off his rockin' hot bod.

Whaaat? I have done nothing to deserve such a thing!

>Fake death

Is fake death supposed to be this overpowered?
Its got to be the most meta bullshit I've seen yet.

Still not as bad as Aura Slide.

Just because you don't realize it doesn't mean you're not a bully!

I've seen more people use fake death as a crutch than aura slide.

Is it supposed to be this way, or will they fix it in a patch?

>Is fake death supposed to be this overpowered?
No, but when it was designed it wasn't made with the mindset of a spamming retard who doesn't want to have fun in mind.

Me? A bully? Noooo.

I doubt either of them will ever be fixed.

I like to play as 17 because he has a nice teleport in light string, nice grab and a nice HLHLH loop.

I also like Vegetto because he has quite diverse presets, and all his combos are really good.

Regular Zamasu is nice because of the Ki blade in regular attacks, and also similar HLHLH to 17.

I also like Yamcha because of Darkness Mixer on his supervillain form, ground pound LHH, also a teleport and a pretty cool HLHLH, even if it's very Vegeta like.

I'll just bully Turles in return for all your bullying.

You wouldn't dare, you monster!

You never bullied me when we used to play? Why's that?

Already doing it.

Vegetto is surprisingly versatile, also nice to actually be able to go super saiyan on him.

Maybe that's my way of bullying you.


Well then stop bullying me so i don't have to bully Turles.

Turles is for bully

Stop bullying Turles and I won't have to bully you, nerd!

no u

i-it's true

Nonsense you'll still bully me even if i don't bully him.

god i wish aubuh was on pc so i could playfully bully him

>There are no problems here in /dbg/!
>The circlejerk is a lie
Man, as long as you keep pretending that you people aren't neck deep in shit it's just going to keep rising up on you.
But what do I know? I'll just sit here and watch you continue to bury your head in the sand while the tide comes in.
And I am sure if you whine to enough people about it you'll hold another useless poll and discard the results if it doesn't swing the way your false narrative wants it to.
People may give some of the assholes there shit for being cunts but at least they're honest about how they despise everyone.

>poll and discard the results if it doesn't swing the way your false narrative wants it to
I only remember this happening once and it was because the poll had more voters than there were people in the discord.

it's only a problem when you come here and scream about it, go find someone else to suck off, i hear persona general is free.

this might be the last of our modding days :'(

I wish Aubah was on PC so I could jack off to her in game rather than my screenshot collection