League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fuck you lulufag edition

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[YouTube] Pentakill - Cull [OFFICIAL AUDIO] | League of Legends Music (embed)

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Awaiting an answer


White girls are cute in asian clothing!

my new wife is currently carrying me out of silver for the first time since season 3

did all orianna mains commit suicide already?

What was the last game you bought

>because they have genetics in the only area where genetics matter which is sports.
In truth they dont, black people's skeletons are generally bigger/denser and thus cant swim aswell as islanders
they are however tall and good runners


I hope your previous relationship was awful and she milked you for everything you were worth, financially.

It's already happening. Disney invested in Team Liquid


EnvyUs is getting 35 million from an investment firm:


Money is starting to pour in from some big hitters. It's only a matter of time before the people putting in the cash start asking "Are these guys actually putting in the effort for the amount of money we're giving them?".

Rome:Total war

No, she just got nerfed and isn't fun anymore


I'm starting college on monday and want to be notices by other league playera and potentially new friends.

I'm planning on making some lol related buttons for my backpack. Can you give goods images/ideas for this? Example pic.

( Reposting because dying thread srry)

Poppy is pretty much my comfort champ since I have been playing her since I started the game. I just started playing Ahri recently so I suppose it will come with time. Thanks for your help user.

Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age.
It's good, but I wish I could have 3 classes per party member instead of max of 2.

League of Legends

>if I worked as hard as koreans I could score perfect on my SAT have a 190 IQ test score and be rank 1 challenger in Korea since genetics has nothing to do with how good I or anyone else is at a video game the only preventing me from doing this is the time I spend seriously playing the game

>tfw I will never have this skin
It hurts. Doubly so because those fucking niggers rereleased the only rare skin I owned, Championship Riven


>35 million

Hot damn, they're going all out

Check out best girl fags!

Fastfood Azir

Hollow Knight

>Blames lackluster performance on genetics
You must be the same fucks that think you are smarter than everyone else around you but too lazy to prove you are smart.

Dropsy. It's cute and touching.

As someone that turtled their first yeah in college I hope you go through with it. Talking to the people around you only gets harder as the year goes on. See if your university has a league club/team. That would probably be a good plave to start. Not sure if this picture is good but I hope it all goes well.

That isn't Captain MF though.

>buying a free game

How do I poppy jungle

>genetics makes people good at video games

I bet you were one of the idiots who nodded their heads at the Google manifesto and went "Of course, women don't code because their minds can't handle it biologically."

I'll see you when you're rank 1 challenger KR because you put in all the time mate


Why is Riven surprised?


>its another making excuses for LCS teams playing like shit episode
Literally pleddit.
Here's the redpill. Every year for the past 5 years we keep hearing about how some incremental change is the NEXT BIG THING FOR LCS and that it will "close the gap" with Korea. Then when it fails to perform again, Korean culture is brought up again.

Here is the real simple reason whitey will always be shit at this game: they don't care enough to be good at it and are rewarded handsomely for being pretty shit at it anyway. Korea is a shark tank where there are dozens of fresh blood players that will replace you if you slack off even for half a season. Meanwhile in LCS, riot has installed as many hurdles as humanly possible to gum up the gears of change of the status quo. Their interest is NOT in making better teams but in keeping "familiar" faces to you dipshits. Doublelift will LITERALLY always be on a team unless he decides independently, to "retire" and I 100% guarantee he will become an equally shit "commentator".

The problem is that in Korea if you are some new rising player you have a real shot at making it on a team because slots will open up regularly. Not so in the LCS so instead, if you are smart, you focus on making youtube videos, hacks, bots, or boosting networks because it will give you more money more regularly more immediately every time.

You want to know who the real problem with NA and EU scene is? You dipshits that CONTINUE to watch absolute shit players for their "personalities" like Scarra, or qtpie, or whatever. Because it is better to be a personality then good on an LCS team.

>implying it isn't Veeky Forums's strange obsession with a retarded frog and hating on whatever is the fotm race that isn't white at the time.

Va-11 hall-a: cyberpunk bartender action
This is by far the comfiest game I have ever played.

>think you are smarter than everyone else around you but too lazy to prove you are smart
It's kind of amazing how common this is. Like 90% of people consider themselves smarter than average, then say they are just too lazy to use that intellect, justifying how they're unsuccessful. You see it all the time on here and reddit. Everyone loves to think they're the smartest person in the room but need to somehow reconcile that with the fact they have zero accomplishments. "Uhhhh, I'm just lazy"

why are their hands black?

So wait, you're telling me that Soraka the STAR CHILD is finally getting a SG skin but they didn't give her any special lines and more special animations

The fuck Riot just fire the guy who's jacking it the fox already.

is lucian good vs tanks considering right itemnization?

All versions of Sarah are best.


>No matter how high I get I'll never have this skin.

Even a Neo Victorious skin with a Challenger rank prerequisite would be nice.

>Of course, women don't code because their minds can't handle it biologically
There are women coders but women generally don't have brains that are suitable for things like coding yeah I believe that and I think that's pretty apparent.
Like for example in gaming there are more professional people who are transgender competing with men than their are women despite their being a smaller number of transgender gamers than their are women gamers.

That guy was completely right though.


Spirituality and religiosity are also a matter of genetic predisposition. Understandably so. Shared belief and practice helps bring people together both for emotional comfort and for more practical purposes. There is nothing supernatural about it, however - it's just your brain making you experience holy feelings.

>makes baseless assumptions
>doubles down for good measure

just escaped D5

Anyone got the source for pic related?

Why do people dont like Ornn as Jungle
>relatively quick camp clear
>no need to go back to buy items
>can clear all camps and the go solo a Dragon

as for the gank
>Show up
>Place Q a little over where the enemies try to run away
>E the Pillar once they are close / Try to walk around it for the Knock up
>Use W for Brittle and Shield
>AA for knock back and % damage

>this will never be you and FosGreen
No reason to live any more.

Congrats user. You are already most likely better than I will ever be.

xth for breast metal waifu

Victor Vran; I should really get around to finishing it. I mostly bought it just because of the Motorhead expansion; though it was on sale at the time

God indians are ugly. How did that race survive? How can anyone get it up for women that hideous?

So you still agree that blacks are the most superior race because they have the best genetics and the only thing preventing them from succeeding equally well or better at everything is their cultural upbringing?
You seem to think that culture is the only reason asians suceed in school and gaming right? So since blacks are more physically capable than asians under the right cultural conditions they are superior race.
Any complaints about that statement?

>tfw no Veeky Forums bf to bench press me

im so happy my friends cant call me a boosted D5 shitter anymore

God exists my friend, take the bread pill not the black pill. You were put here for a purpose.

can we keep niggers out of /lolg/ i mean if i wanted to see or hear about niggers id just go to /tv/, /r9k/, /gif/, /sp/, basically all of Veeky Forums, how about we keep this place nigger and cuck free, tyvm

How do I make it to diamond? I'm stuck in silver

I did it

Now I just have to get a killstreak and win a game as shadow Kayn to get the other one. I just wish I wasn't so awful with Kayn...

Grats again user.

are u the gay

This is correct. Got a problem with it, whitey?

Blacks with good upbringings are very successful, and there's many different body types for "blacks" not just the ones you see in movies. Africans are the most diverse racial group there's many different body types.

>go support
>build coin mobis dead mans 3 other mobility items
>go blue kayn
>ks to victory

is there any way to see your past games score?
as in whether I got A, S etc

pick something that you are comfortable with and become a 1 trick
for me it was riven back in s3 when i was also stuck in silver
you can do it too user

So they're superior to all races and asians are the most inferior because they are the least physically capable genetically?
Just want to make sure we're clear here.


Well if being gay makes me not want to fuck chimpanzees then yes I lick pussies.

>Notices bulge
Oh shit I'm sorry

Woo, he's so cool!
I'm super mega bored! Say something cool!
pic related but bit of advice: a lot will fall off, and its not as good for attracting league friends as you think

So, what is Veeky Forums opinion of the new Masteries style system they want to implement to replace Runes??

Do you feel Riot own something to seasoned players that spent time and points in Runes?

>and there's many different body types for "blacks" not just the ones you see in movies
I know what black people look like nigger my schools when I was growing up had over a half black population.

>Africans are the most diverse racial group
That is pure bullshit.
They all have dark eyes and most of them have the same hair.

kys faggot. You are the most annoying type of people on the planet. I went camping the other day, set up my tent, and left to pay for my spot/ get more supplies for the trip. 30 minutes later when I get back there's a fucking book of "Why the bible is right and the end days" in my fucking tent, nothing else. Later in the trip I run into some missonary fucks tyring to teach me how to be saved. Your kind is just as annoying as waifufags.


Das racist bruh

xth for BEST couple
SG approved now

Rune pages should be completely refunded. If a product you bought stops working as advertised when you bought completely through the fault of the company that made it, they should refund your purchase. While not illegal depending on where you live, anything else is completely unethical and you're gay is you support companies which use such practices.

I'm used to it now.

We're just trying to save you. The reason you get so upset and defensive is because you know it's the truth,

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

I might try doing just that, thanks

There's more to genetics than how a peoples phenotype is expressed.

holy shit, I love Jinx

I don't know about best but I do think they are a cute couple.
That is one cute picture of Diana. Only if she was remotely as cute in game.

She can carry so hard if your team bothers to play around you. Fucking useless if they don't.

Some people honestly think culture is the only thing that makes groups of people perform differently

>tfw gay and Christian

God it feels good to be patrician.

Sorry for what?

share plz im rock hard


Well anonymous, it has been quite some time. But I didn't forget about you. I still need a few things from you. Could you please share with us your:

Average ping
Season you started
country of residence
Profession/area of study
Favorite food
Favorite fetishes

nah, unless you're a sect that believes god sends any non-believers to hell regardless of the circumstances (e.g. a newly born baby that dies immediately would not go to heaven). Otherwise evangelizing is inherently selfish as you're potentially opening up someone to an eternity in hell to increase your chances of going to heaven.

Did we just get another Poppy-fag?

Wait, does Diana actually have a canon bulge or is that just /lolg/ memery?

>Only if she was remotely as cute
