/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General


>[Mega Pastebin]

>[News, Events & Campaigns]
>"Otakon 2017" Special Campaign
Period: August 11, 2017 (Fri) 4:00 ~ August 13, 2017 (Sun) 3:59 UTC
Total login rewards: 1m QP, 3* All ATK Fou x1, 3* All HP Fou x1, 4* All EXP x1 and up to 3 Summon Tickets
>"Orleans Pickup Summon"
Period: August 08, 2017 (Tue) 7:00 ~ August 17, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Servants on rate-up: Jeanne d'Arc, Siegfried, Chevalier d'Eon, Gilles de Rais (Saber) & Kiyohime

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Emulation got blocked with the most recent update (1.2.0)
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups on JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Other urls found in this thread:


Please respond.

dead game


Tamamo is my wife

When are they buffing the rates?

>shit banner
>nothing to do but grind dailies

fucking dead what are they even doing

Reminder not to waste your Quartz on bait gacha

Oh, is it time?


I stole this from /jp/ don't tell them


i want to lick seibas back



Zero luck on successes is painful

Hell yes, time for some nostalgia.

>first came to 4chins when the DEEN anime was airing and the GAR meme was at its height
I regret nothing and everything.


I'm still not past thiers because of needing to grind dallies

The need to add mat drops to the story

Now which banner isn't bait?


Who George here?

With you're waifu rate up.

The one that has a Servant you actually want. Since we're playing on NA, we have an oppritunity to actually plan ahead and not end up wasting Quartz on things before the Servants you really want.



i just realized Rin did kill off Archer to fuck Seiba and Shirou, what a whore

hey whats up curtis

be elegant

loli.dance/ is so fucking comfy

Don't worry. Just wait for your SUPER-MEGA-SLAMDUNK-ULTRA-SUCCESS when you try to get your last bit of exp to 90.

Memes aside, this isn't just my imagination right. When looking at my upgrades, the last levels get consistently more large/super successes than any other.

>You are so not getting any loli-poon tonight
I am now imagining Herc jackhammering Illya, and it is not a pretty sight.



more pls

Ones that have multiple good servants drop rate up and not just one with the rest being common crap.

Gilgamesh can fix that for her.

and last one

I can't believe we used to find this shit funny. Good times.

Everything else aside, that's still pure gold

Rin is the only one who gets jackhammered, even when Berserker is involved.


I dont know what I was expecting when I opened that, but part of me likes it

I'm not gonna lie, Shirou and Rin's scene is one of the more realistic depictions of two virgins awkwardly trying to fuck that I've seen.

>Went to spent Friend Points for the event CEs
>I wasted 90 quartz on the Story Gacha because I wasn't paying attention
>Didn't notice until I got a shitty 4* servant




Fuck you

Oh I know.
I fully expect it to happen.

Man, maybe it's because I broke that hurdle of age where I try to be serious, but that shit is still hilarious.

does that happen in Unlimited blade works route? I still havent finished Fate one

Same. Feels old, man.

>tfw don't even get friend requests anymore
>sitting at 44/53 friends

Yes, Rin and Shirou fuck in UBW and neither of them have any idea what the fuck they're doing.

How about an alternate route?

Saber throwing Shirou over the panel made me laugh.

So are they ever going to address this 40 day login shit?
What if those who "received" the 4 quartz are actually lying and the "proof" was photoshopped?

lu bu (1)
caligula (2), liz (2)
mata hari (5), lancelot (5)
carmilla (7), jing ke (7)
caesar (11)
nero (15)

eric bloodaxe (7)
kiyohime (8)
saint george (12)
saber alter (13)
martha (16), siegfried (19)

This is literally what I fear for, which is why I always double check.
I'm sorry for your loss.

Show me on the doll where an insignificant amount of free stuff you are given as a gift rustled your jimmies.

Post THAT Ilya image.

>Tfw I have ignore 10 Mash Requests a day because my Friends List is overflowing

Deflowering Ilya!

>insignificant amount
Would you rather have 4 or none?
That's what I thought. Everything adds up for a F2P player.

>tfw at 49/50 and can't add anyone even though I have like 7 active requests



Dirty cheapskate. Get a fucking job.

Remember to spay and neuter your autistic pets so they don't infect the rest of the species

>sucking Aniplex cock
0.000001 quartz have been added to your account.

Who was in the wrong here?

take that you fucker, serves you right

They already did with the start dash apologems.

Are there any F/GO yt channels worth watching?
I like watching 13equalsB but they haven't done a skit in a while.

Benkei's Interlude was terrible

Wait a bit, it's probably difficult to solve, don't give up on those 4 Quartz.

It was pointless more than anything.


>automatic update to basic phone applications wipes out ALL of the text of my document that had all of my previous (and current) transfer codes and passwords recorded
You know how, sometimes, in old cartoons like Tom and Jerry, something'll happen like Tom's heart literally pulling itself forward out of his chest as he elongates into the air, aghast with a look of fear and horror?

You can add me, I don't delete anyone unless they don't log in for a day


user this is why you don't keep the codes ON THE SAME PHONE YOU PLAY THE GAME ON

Write it down next time, if it didn't manage to fuck up your dat files, just check your bindcode in-game and write it down.

Why the fuck would you have your transfer codes on your phone? The point is to have it saved somewhere else in case you do dumb shit like this on your phone.

>not using the cloud

Who says I don't have a job? I can spend all the money in the world for this, but why would I?I haven't rolled yet and I don't need to.

This game sucks, but I'll hang on for Mordred, MHX and MHXA

>Formalcraft on Altera
I know she has 2 arts cards, but why?

I hope you guys are ok

Quartz for more friend slots when ?!

>using the cloud

Level past 100.

>not removing everyone who hasn't played in more than 25 hours


Why the fuck would you keep those players?

Boosts her already insane attack and boosts her NP gain with arts.

Dunno who else to give it to, I don't find much use in Wavers NP

Why she so sad?
I want her to smile.

No apples to steal because she's a terrible person.

>hop on
>most used is caster at one point.

You go Andersen.

Still need monuments for Cu and Alter.

they never updated her animations so she's sad

>knowing about the cloud

I love George and all, but how

Same thing is happening for my Shakespeare.

the absolute state of memu

They carried me when i was new and had mash in my all slot

I just doesn't feel right