/scg/edg/ Star Citizen + Elite Dangerous General #187

Comfy space interiors edition

ED info:
Be aware, Thargs are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace and giving out complementary rectal probings, it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible, or just go with it if that's your thing, I ain't tellin you how to live. Apparently the Ayylmaos are rumbling again, inquire within if this means goddamned thing or if its just Braben trying to scare up some more money.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI


>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

"3.0 Is not late, nor is it early. It will come precisely when it means to." -Chris Roberts in a black turtleneck at nondescript studio location


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


i'm going to sleep find something to shitpost about for the next 18 hours til ATV

I'm ready for another ATV filled with absolutely nothing.
Thread dies before friday.

SC needs skintight vac suits.

How so I get eddi working with edsm?
I've put in my api key but there are no recent logs or maps.


You'll need a minimum of 5 to 10 actual humans to crew an Idris.

What triggers me about the SC ships is that they mostly look like spaceplanes and lots of them have obvious weakpoints with a narrowing section or a thin strut holding something.
For what it's worth E:D ships may not look like atmosphere capable but at least they look like they can be used for combat and taking punishment.

Is there any way to turn off this EA email spam in Star Citizen?

Which fuckhead thought it was a good idea to have it enabled by default?

Emails from renting items through EA sorry.

Forever 2 weeks from release


Admiral can hire an entire NPC crew in bulk.

I remember I asked in /edg/ a long time ago if Elite: Dangerous had dynamic supply & demand based on player actions, and the response was that the commodity prices just randomly fluctuated every 15 minutes.

However, I looked it up again and now people are saying that they fixed it and supply & demand is actually dynamic now. Is that true?


Fully dynamic so that you could buy slaves for less then 8000 credits? No.
Dynamic? Yes, it can now be affected by player actions more, and station status affects it.

One more question: do you know if selling goods in demand by a system increases that system's production?


>it's a Zane episode

>it's fucking nothing

That I cannot say, but it will increase the influence of the controlling faction which then affects 'other things'.


I wonder why he still has his job. At this point it's pretty clear that he's incapable of creating UIs that are actually usable.

>ben is blind
>game is going nowhere
ELE 90 days tops

So is it AtV and Burndown today, or is AtV kill and it's only burndown now?

No more studio updates in ATV, those got replaced by Burndown. It's 50% Zane and his shitty work and 50% Scheduleman in despair.

atv is kill because of gamescom
you wont get shit

Ben basically having to quit is actually some of the most positive SC news I've heard lately

Scheduleman is in despair because Zane is behind on all his work

Umm... shit?
>implying we got anything of substance before
I don't feel bad for him because he abused his body and is suffering now for it, but someone going blind and they work at a video game company is some cruel irony.

>fucking brands of mobiglass


>he won't get to see his idol's magnum opus

More like magnum oops

>2948 referral contest announced
>Star Kitten mobiglas as the grand prize

>badnewsbaron shills like he's never shilled before

In spess gaymes noose Hello games announced a new update that'll fix No Man's Sky lore and story with potentially a new ending.


Why are they even bothering at this point

consoletards, the platform it was designed for.

i will be solo crewing my javelin while my son and my wife's son crew my 2 idris', accompanied ofcourse by several dozen NPC fighters that will intelligently stay in formation around us and refuel/repair inside when necessary. I paid good money to be the star man and i'm not going to let some punk tell me i wont be the star man

Osiris New dawn has and will always be Good-NMS, minus whatever bullshit "Space gameplay" wasa involved. and even then you can leave atmosphere to mine asteroids while they work on adding more planets.

Where do I subscribe??

What's even the point of those guns on the Prospector?

In case you need to shoot some ayylmaos

it's not a subscription, just go search for it on steam

Because contrary to moronic opinion, this game won't have a career path where you can 100% avoid combat

You're not gonna do any combat in a mining ship with 2 S1 guns.

You're capable of contributing to a fight, yes.

Personal weapons manufacturer rank
Ascended tier
>Klaus & Werner
>/k/ino tier
Would rank better in a cyberpunk setting tier
>Kastak Arms
Belongs in the trash tier

What's with the facial expressions in this game?

It would surprise me if there were 10 people in the entire company who owned guns and went to the range with them. CIG seriously needs a technical advisor from an actual gun company.

>that thumb-webbing slot
>when the noguns devs dont really try too hard

Shamefully stolen from reddit. I normally hate posting from there, but I like making fun of Ben more.

Disco - "Hey Ben, when is the 600 concept sale."
Ben - "I don't know, I haven't seen the schedule."

>I liek boring shapes.
Come on it's a game ships looking good and impractical are essential Star Citizen was never going to be an actual Space Sim like Truck Driver Sims or Train sims. Reality is more of a guideline than set rule.

To keep idiots from realizing their "solo mining ship" will need constant baby sitting from a hornet until it's too late to get a refund.

honestly, the 'a 140 dollar ship has weaker shields than an aurora MR" is a much bigger fail than the lack of firepower.

the "space gameplay" was kind of an important part, other wise it's just Early Access Open World Survival Game #3679

>justifying your actions on an anonymous image board to anonymous posters while posting anonymously


fuck off ribbit

If it is the only ship that can mine, you are stuck with it. Also consider that with just a few systems, going out and just finding a Prospector will be a taller order than it wounds. The current PU has a icc mission that is a motherfucker if you don't know where the box is to start. An even larger area could have several ships mining and you would never know, unless you scan for them and give away that you are out there.

>skin tight vac suits

Yea Ben should have helped himslef years ago, but coming from someone who used to be fat (becuase i was just a fatass) sometimes people do having eating disorders and stuff. The reason i cant feel bad for him is because he could have had a gastric bypass operation years ago. If he was that fat for that long then he obviously has some mental issues.

Yes it needs more work and polish but still better than a static Vietnam flashback expression.

Skin tight space suits have been possible since the 60s, space programs just went with the bulky suit designs because you want equipment that costs millions to build to be as one size fits all as possible.

>rating guns that literally arent out yet
What has chris roberts done to our minds

>resting ptsd face

He wasn't skinny in old picture I have seen, but he was just normal fat at the beginning of SC. Even the last year or so, he has gotten fucking huge. Based on his past pictures, he is not a normally obese person with bad genes.

how do i get a refund?

which game


steam or no steam?

was 300 euro backer that migrated to steam.

Sure, up until the first glue sniffing kid crash a capital ship, and good luck paying player to work on smartphone minigame meant for NPC and keep passenger busy.

too late bro

>goons bought into the capital shit meme
More fun for my eclipse buddies

If the Orion is hard to maneuver the Prospector could actually be really useful living up to its name.

Orion: "my scanner tell me there's lot of Unobtainium here, but I don't know which asteroid exactly, sadly I take a full minute to point my laser at anythings"
Prospector: "I've got it brother brother, I will quickly take sample of the dozen asteroid and tell you which one have the highest concentration"

Also, the Orion don't seem shaped to mine ore from planetary surface, from the look of it, it will be meant for surface base and maybe player built installation. If you have to take an entire base to mine stuff, you'll appreciate having a ship capable of prospecting.

I wish for SC to succeed at that at least, too many game only deal with mining as a power to levelup

That stupid container system annoys me greatly.
>advertised as solo mining ship
>can only use 1/3 of its cargo capacity when running without an additional cargo ship

So how the fuck do I mine nickel to improve my weapons? Why the fuck isn't there a space amazon where I can just buy nickel? Or an auction house where players can mine and sell materials en mass?

You need to use a SRV and search around on a planet for rocks that contain nickel.

From planets.
Use this eddb.io/body to find the closest planet with the highest nickel reserves and go driving your buggy.

Then I just blast the rocks with the SRV's basic laser and pick up stuff with the cargo scoop?


You can mine. You just can't bring back all of what you mine, unless you mine it so other's can't just take it.

>go to res site
>see random pilot taking out some npc scrubs
>leave him be, he's handling himself
>go several km off to fight a straggler
>he snipes it out, gets the bounty
>proceeds to aggressively shove his ass in my face whenever there's an open bounty on someone or he sees me open fire
Sometimes I sympathize with people who grief in open play.

Stop being a cuck and ram him.

>wtf i like griefers now
Kill stealing is a form of griefing dude

pretty sure the main purpose of the "prospector" is to be a prospector. more suited to finding and IDing ore, or otherwise gathering varied ore samples and bringing them to a game mechanic that ID's ore

i see it being more of a money maker selling ore locations than actually mining and selling ore

>ramming in a DBX
You know what, fuck it why not.

>not just landing in some solo idris' owners ship and making a home there completely unknown to him for months as he logs in and out of the command chair and does...whatever the fuck solo idris owners think they're going to be doing

Stowaway adventures are go.



bage ben

༼ つ [] ༽つ GIB ME A 'GIB'

༼ つ [] ༽つ "GIB!"

༼ つ O ༽つ ༼ つ () ༽つ

༼ つ [] ༽つ GIB ME AN 'A'

༼ つ [] ༽つ "A!"

༼ つ O ༽つ ༼ つ () ༽つ

༼ つ [] ༽つ GIB ME A 'TV'

༼ つ [] ༽つ "TV!!!"

༼ つ O ༽つ ༼ つ () ༽つ

༼ つ [] ༽つ WHAT DOES IT GIB?

༼ つ [] ༽つ "ATV! ATV! ATV!"

༼ つ O ༽つ ༼ つ () ༽つ

...༼ つ _ ༽つ GIB ATV ༼ つ _ ༽つ

mfw ATV is yet another episode of nothing and only gives hints at how far behind 3.0 really is.

The trick with AtV is that they use all the words they need to, they just hide it behind smiles and platitudes.

Just literally listen to the words, because they have actual meaning.

>we are planning to build
Translation, nowhere near ready
>developing tools to create
Translation, nowhere near ready

user, the old trope of ship that mine and carry the cargo is what's stupid.
It's a old gameplay made when computer didn't have power to waste on cargo that have volume.
There's no way you could do better without making the a metal core surrounded by container that will become heavier than the ship.
Realistically you wouldn't never have cargo on drill vehicle, the cargo is always carried by specialized ship, just like a drill ship don't carry the oil it produce.

With this design you could have other player or NPC running Hull-A or B to you with new box and sell more ore than you would in the time it take to carry it to base or other storage space.
Imagine it, you mine and cargo player pay for what you mine without needing to travel back or look for client yourself.
If CIG can get that to work this is progressive.

Imagine if CIG doesn't only allow botting but creates and sells bots with ingame currency.

Why the fuck can't I land on this planet? it won't put me into the orbital approach mode

What gives?

I have my planetary approach shit and it's not turned off or something

Does it have an atmosphere

That's literally what hiring a NPC is. They are just gamifying the concept instead of gating around it. Same with griefing, they made it game function instead of allowing it to be a problem.
