Why don't Americans like shitbox challenges?
Why don't Americans like shitbox challenges?
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Because where the actual fuck are they able to find any WRX in ANY condition for the equivalent of $2100 USD?
I would like to do dumb shit like this. There's a rally in Oregon called the Gambler 500 but it's just such a hassle in the US because everyone thinks their shitbox is worth the same amount as when they bought it originally.
Slap WRX badges on any running Subaru?
their lives are shitbox challenges
They do, look at American Top Gear or various Youtube channels. Americans just suck at humorously presenting them.
This. Americans just lack the vocabulary, linguistic style and metaphors that make old British presenter so fun to watch
These are like the only good thing about topgear?
Just about anywhere in England. The WRX depreciates like a stone.
Oh, that's $2600, I didn't realise how worthless the US$ had become since Trump.
>I didn't realize how expensive used cars had become since Obama introduced cash for clunkers
ftfy friendo.
I'm American and I love the shitbox challenges.
In fact that's probably my favorite special.
Wow. Umm... racist much? How about you frig off back to /pol/ you racist white skinhead nazi racist moron.
>Being offended on 4chnz
Classic. Definitely kys
I hope you don't get bombed in the uk
they were bad even before that. then again I'm surrounded by boomers in NC.
there's people here asking upwards of 6k for old dead "ran when parked" base trim muscle cars and it's been that way my entire life. only thing I've seen go up since clunkers is Jap economy cars.
>mentions program obongo brought on
Wew lad
every day is a shitbox challenge to burgerfats
Chances are slim, especially compared to being shot by a nutcase Christian in the states.
Subdued inflation is not a bad thing, user. I guess if you want British products and services to cost more and be less competitive with the rest of the world, then a strong pound is what you want. Your growth of GDP will only increase 1.4% this year vs. 2.3% for the US. Rising inflation is what is helping out your GBP right now.
Is this like a demolition derby? If so, pretty much every county fair has one, pretty popular.
>Your growth of GDP will only increase 1.4% this year vs. 2.3% for the US.
That's entirely down to Brexit.
Glad you brought that up, because the positive developments in brexit. Your productivity growth will be the lowest since 18fucking12, and your living standards since the 1950's.
Still not been ruled by a black Muslim and orange jew for the last 9 years
What episode is this?
I like the shitbox challenges but I wish there was a middle ground because it's just shitboxes and supercars. The $30-$100k car challenges aren't done the same way as those.
they cheat and buy something that was "scrapped"
only part of the show I watched though besides the star in a reasonably priced car
REMOVE CRUMPET remove crumpet
you are worst brit. you are the brit idiot you are the brit smell. return to britian. to our britain cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,britain we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole brit stink britain sqhipere shqipare..brit genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead brit..ahahahahahBRITAIN TIOCFAIDH ÁR LÁ!! do not forget war of idnependence .sligo we kill the mountbatten , NornIron return to your precious scottland….hahahahaha idiot brit and england smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE CRUMPET FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. germany+usa+ireland+EU=kill britain…you will indenpence war/ tupac alive in ireland, tupac making album of ireland. fast rap tupac ireland. we are rich and have potato now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink brit… you live in a slum hahahaha, you live in a terrace
tupac alive numbr one #1 in ireland….fuck the britain,..FUCKk ashol brits no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the brit farm aminal with rap magic now we the irland rule .ape of the zoo congueror william normandy fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and britain wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. irland greattst countrey
Africa special where they search for the source of the Nile.
Thanks man. Much appreciated x
Masha'Allah brother.
I love shitbox challenges
To be fair, American Top Gear DID got good after the first season.
me too
>eats burger and cleans gun
reminds me of a 240 I saw last year where someone had a Rb26 in it and gave up halfway trying to convert it into a sileighty and was missing most of the parts.
Americans are retarded and don't like anything that doesn't pander to them.
>Muh terrorists
Typical Americunts
i do
wait im not american
I'm an American and my favorite bits of Top Gear are the cheap car challenges and the challenges that involve turning cars into things that are not cars, a la, Toybota and RV challenges.
I love shitbox challenges
I live the reality every day
>no cameras
>no glory
>just me and my rolling shit fleet
>and the scowls of normies
immense satisfaction
also OPs pic is best TG special
Middle school must be rough mate
That's a great looking Volvo tbqh. What is it? Looks like an r series, suspension looks really low
They probably had a team of guys looking about for them then they took their pick from the list.
>implying it hasn't been like this for a few years now
>ywn buy a cheap old Opel Kadet and take it all the way across Botswana then back to England
Isn't it a one afternoon job to change the bumper and maybe the fenders?
>Because where the actual fuck are they able to find any WRX in ANY condition for the equivalent of $2100 USD?
Virtually everywhere on the planet outside of Burgerland it would seem.
New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Australia.....you wouldn't have any trouble finding a WRX in running condition for 2100USD.