/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >2017 Summer Event

>2017 Summer Event CM
youtube.com/watch?v=ihNcNkQovG4 [Open]
Servants with new Swimsuit: Raikou, Nitocris, Nobunaga, Artoria Alter, Fran, Ishtar, Helena and Nero

>Riyo event and welfare Berserker
>August 2-16

>[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clear reward is a "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.

30 Jul-16 Aug: Sherlock Holmes
news.fate-go.jp/2017/0807ffirw/ Extended

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



Is Summer Fran's NP gen a bit too high even without her first skill?

>Helena is almost in first place

>Meanwhile Raikou is dead last


Reminder to hug your actual mother and to love your fate mother

>bit too high
NP gen can never be too high.

I did it!
I got Nero!

Summer SNEK thread

Are you having fun?

Shit Niggy you right.
Is it possible to Quick > arts > arts into another NP by any chance? Usually there's a guide and a sheet of np gen and shit, but I haven't found it yet.


Reminder that is the /feg/ thread made at page 9, someone make a one

>White background

Realized earlier that Sche is doing the FX face



Best Type Moon heroes?

>gold Saber
Is he worth using? I mostly use 10/10/10 Alter for Saber shit.

His NP just got completely nerfed

Older women or young women, /fgog/?
Which one, and why?

Really? What did they do?


xth for my wife!
Thank her for gracing you with this fun event!

>permitting anything that fails to follow the thematic and setting conventions established by Rakkyou, Tsukihime, F/SN, and DDD
>possibly believing Grand Order or Extella remotely managed to capture those conventions at any point
>insipid fanservice garbage at worst which utterly destroys Nero's character
>the most inconsistent braindead shounen idiocy at best
>not full autism rage at the state of the setting and Nasu's increasing incompetence, given the existence of F/GO
>EX rank fucking everywhere on everyone
>all of these pathetic attempts at humor in the years following Mahoyo's fumbling publication
>now all the fucking memes are the most prominent thematic and setting conventions within Type-Moon works because they've been used more than the original ones Nasu wrote of during TM's first 7 or so years from 1998 to 2005
>no DDD3 (2007)
>no GW (went from being a VN to anime, tba since 2010/2011) we only got a summary and and nearly empty website
>no Tsukihime Remake (first shown in 2008, then announced for serious until the fes)

The whole "Mahoyo didn't sell enough, so let's just go back to Fate and milk the shit out of it" mentality is tiring. This is what happens when a doujin company that used to give a fuck goes commercial and starts getting a taste of money and can't get enough of it so it just continues to recycle the same shit over and over. Extella was the last TM game and it's a fucking musou game for crying out loud.

Type Moon lost its root and it's just following the trend with garbage of today's generation

You just rolled the UNRIVALED

>young women
You know that Helena looked like that until she died, right?

>Quick > arts > arts

I'm not having fun you space wench.

A seedling has chances to grow

A ripened fruit can only be eaten and thrown away they're both pretty young though in reality senpai. Helena's not gonna be doing any growing and Raikou isn't going to be doing any sagging

Young women, but ones with big tits and plump asses.

Quick as in her NP.
Kinda like how Sieg can NP Buster > arts > arts into another full Np bar



If only she had 2 arts cards...

I really can't get in the mood to farm. Might be the shit Internet connection or the annoying bicorn.

>Takeuchi has tal-

Oh, that's the meme. I am a fool.


It's the Assassin class modifier, please understand .

Same here. I'm just watching anime whilst I wait for AP since I burned all my apples on half AP event.

I most likely will use a few quartz and then go to sleep.
At least I manged to get one event CE

Anyone else always think of the Carnival Phantasm OP whenever this Kimi wa shit gets posted?

It's Kimi to in the song but it overrides whatever thing this memester here is trying to push hard


Archuria with Black Grail OHKO the Bicorn. That's how I've been cheesing the quests.

Nasu's work was so detailed and internally consistent. People will question this consistency due to the introduction of exceptions to rules (especially prevalent in Fate onward), but in the past, there was always a solid, non-bullshit explanation - concepts, though occasionally convoluted, made sense. Even more so than that, his characters had a way of exceeding the limits of their basic descriptions. Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime read more like plays rather than the anime that most light and visual novels try to mimic. The characterization has effort put into such that the characters transcended their archetypes and became something more, something sympathetic. His characters had to evoke emotion because he didn't have the benefit of flashy visuals or huge art budgets before Fate. All he has wasTakeuchi (who clearly isn't always the best influence, but he is what he is).

Looking back on it, Nasu isn't and probably never was quite as good as Urobuchi or Meteo or Romeo, but he did his best. His world was interesting and had a sense of moderation and care put into it that was charming.

But I can't say that about Type-Moon or the Nasuverse anymore. I can't just blame Fate for it. The only thing I can fathom happening was that Nasu stopped caring. His work just doesn't have the passion it used to. Mahoyo was what truly made me lose hope, because it is so overly polished that it has no soul, and Aoko, Alice, Soujuurou, and even Touko are miserably boring characters compared to the charming ones I remember even within Fate/Stay Night. The powerlevels have gotten too out of control, losing the well-toned sense of restraint the Nasuverse once had.

And I've lost all hope of this stopping. Because it's popular, even though it's dumber than it's ever been.

Arthurfaces will make DW billionaires overnight


Is this /a/ or Boys Love

Is this from the daily /a/ thread bitching about FGO?

I wanna See MHX ass right now for comparison purposes

God I just want to bury my face in there and never get up. I want to EAT THAT GOOFY NERDS BUTT!

>Black Grail
>Not an Event CE for more gains

dumb gaylo

Morgan or Proto-Merlin, who will be the first caster Artoria?

>gold Caster card
How is she compared to Nero?


>stacked and hips for breeding
>no hips and no tits

Fate story was still a chapter of Shirou's story. Saber serves as his foil. The overachieving story is still Shirou's. There's also the matter of Saber's gender. When Nasu wrote Fate, he saw Saber as a male character who he tried desperately to persuade himself (and Saber) he's a girl. He still says Rin is of "another gender of Saber", so he basically wrote what in his head was a guy designed as a girl so that probably contributed to how he didn't fuck Arturia up.

The point remains is that he absolutely fucking fails when he tries to make a girl's story as the main skeleton of his work. It's probably one of his limitations as a writer. I think Mahoyo has similar issues. I was shitposting earlier, but I sincerely think he struggles a lot to make a girl the focus of the main plot. That's why Extella came out as specially fucked up.

I'm sure if he was telling the story of a main character as background to grow his plot and waifu stuff, the game would have been better. Not because of muh husbando or muh fujoshit, or something like that, but because his female characters focus too much on one note romance and which doesn't make the general plot interesting.

Girls are only popular because they don't get a focus on them. Look at the huge Nero backlash. Extella and Septem are hated while Zero, Camelot and Babylon (who main focus is a story of a guy) are praised.

Type Moon works the best when the main core story is of a main character with waifufanservice exposure as a dress up.

Shiki and Arihiko in Tsukihime. Shirou in FSN. Kiritsugu, Kirei, Kariya and Waver in FZ. Sieg (despite the problems) in Apocrypha. Sigma and Flat (with Ayaka as 1/3 of Master Protagonists) in Strange Fake. Arthur in Fragments (Manaka is not the focus, despite the meme). Solomon in FGO.

>The state of Raikou right now

can't make this shit up

I'm already having +17 per resource, I don't need to put in another event CE.

Is it wrong that I want to fug my mum

>no fanart of Lip and CasNero yet

How can you stand going to /a/? It's the most vile pit of failed human being in existence. They're literally all a hivemind of pseudo intellectuals who measure their self worth by their taste in cartoons.
Then we get autistic posts like these. I'd rather live on /r9k/ than browse /a/ for an hour.


She needs to upgrade her ride

Nero sounds like she's fucking wasted during her level up line.

Her node must be shit

>no hips and no tits
Why do some men prefer this?

Another summer event without Kotomine life-guard.


So if I level up Ishtar now she wont reset once she is permament?

>top 3 are the one with node that focused on event material
>bottom one is the one with RNG retard node
Gee I wonder why

dumb frogposter

>mfw farmed 300 points on Nobu node and she still sucks

Why are 'anime pros' so pretentious and autistic, lads?

>leveling Ishtar

I wanted to support Nobu but her node sucks ass.

What are the most attractive features of a woman to you?


Her hair.

because character design is more important than how much you can fap to the look only

Ass, hips, thighs

Whole body and face

Ah fuck, I caught the others. Good catch, you get to make the next one

Voice is vital.

No contact with real humans.


Can I roll any of the 2016 Swimsuit servants in the 2017 gacha?
Cirnopedia is kind of vague on what [Other event servants] means


There is only one correct answer


In my case it's only node i can farm fast and stable.
Most of my event servants lowlvl, only high lvl is MHX with lvl90, so she carry me through this hell.

>her smile


The claaaaaaaw


What's this excalamation point node? What are the drops?



I checked the pixels, it's legit

looks shopped tbqh

Fuck, guess I got to wait until next year

Any farming guide for this event yet?