Is it better to major in finance, econ, or accounting?
Or major in one and minor in one?
Maybe marketing?
Also what is the best degree to go into sales with?
I don't go to an Ivy and don't come from old money, so business admin is pretty much out of the question.
Best major
Other urls found in this thread:
Also what gives me the best opportunity for career advancement/promotions?
I also have that question which major will I'd the best so I know how to invest and not be a wage slave
If you want to go into B2B sales marketing + minor in industry of choice (engineering, IT, etc) can be very profitable. Don't forget getting enough job experience - besides that you can make a shit ton of money.
Haven't watched the video but does it apply to eurofags ?
Due to scholarships + my parents helping me out I basically get to go for free, so what would be my best option with the information stated above?
>finishing BSc in physics in a year and a half
>strongly considering MSc in applied mathematics with focus on statistics (due to course overlap I'll get the full 5 year masters in just 3 years)
>might do a PhD in statistics or mathematical finance after that
According to the video, STEM, medicine or law
Don't take an Accounting major unless you want to be a boring faggot for the rest of your life
Top school = Finance, Economics is only offered for some
Non-top school but still top 20/30 = Finance/Accounting double major
Anything less = transfer or an hero
What said, except for the economics, you'd be better off with a finance degree from a top school.
CPA here, this is wrong. Replace boring with rich and you're sort of on the right track. As for faggot, eh, money buys a lot of things, including love.
Seems like accountants worse hours than engineers for less pay on average. Am I wrong?
Please elaborate on how I am wrong, I'd appreciate it. I was thinking of majoring of accounting but engineering seemed more interesting and higher paying.
Accounting only pays if you get partnered
depends, what can you get a higher gpa with?
economics is much more conceptual than accounting imo, people who switch majors don't under stand both use formulas.
I'm in EE right now and am switching because my GPA is shit. I'm taking an econ course right now and it's by far my easiest class, but is econ alone a good major? What's a good minor to complement it?
Non-GPA-wise, what's the best major out of accounting, finance, marketing and econ?
who else /normie/ and go for environmental science / geology? work 5-10 years as consultant or field scientist, gain double exp, then get cushy govt regulator job.
no pajeet or pedro has ever stolen a field scientist job.
The #1 degree people look for is accounting. #2 is finance, #3 is marketing (the top 5 or so shuffle around, but this is where the most quantity of jobs are, yes engineers get paid more, but that shit is hard).
>Do accounting if you want to be a CPA and start your career at a big 4 firm in core assurance. Also, if you really like it
> Do finance otherwise
> Economics might be good if you are going to go straight through to your MBA and you like it more.
If you want to be really well-rounded, Major in finance, minor in economics, but take a full year of intermediate accounting. This would probably get you into whatever it was you wanted to do.