>*follows you closely in the slow lane*
One day I'm just going to slam my breaks I swear
>*follows you closely in the slow lane*
One day I'm just going to slam my breaks I swear
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Veeky Forums is absolute garbage today. there isn't a single thread that's good
The proper protocol is to slow down gradually to a crawl until they decide to overtake you. If you slam on your brakes and are recorded doing so, you will be fined.
>my exit is coming up, I'll just go ahead and get into the exit lane.
>it would be rude of me to speed up and cut this guy off just to exit, and I'm a considerate driver.
>wtf why is this stupid nigger brake checking all of a sudden.
There is no reason to ride someone's arse while you're in the slow lane.
make it better faggot
>waiting for others to make good threads
>2 lane road in the middle of nowhere
>1 car behind me, no other cars for miles
>he's tailgating
nice selfie
THIS. FUCKING THIS. it's like.. THERE IS A PERFECTLY GOOD AND CLEAR FAST LANE, FUCKING USE IT. What I do is just let off my gas and slow down until they pass, some just flip on their highbeams and tailgate closer
Brake checking someone can be shit, If you're caught doing it (They have a dashcam so to speak) you can get fucked, but they can as well... because "following too closely"
Heavily depends.
>90 zone
>everyone does 85
>80 zone
>everyone continues doing 85
This shits me to no end
>100 zone
>Passing everyone, most people do 95 since their speedos are out
>Get to 80 zone
>Doing 80 for at least a 1km
>Get overtaken by people I passed in the 100 zone
>5 minutes later they're doing 70 in the 80 zone
I hate it so much
>driving through georgia on 95
>speed limit drops from 70 to 65
>everybody slows down
>get to Florida
>speed limit still 65
>everyone around me immediately speeds up to 85
I will never understand tailgating
It never fuckin works and you're guaranteed to be at fault if you fuck it up and hit the car in front of you
The worst is people who tailgate semis or large trucks, they can't even see you nigga what are you doing
>60 zone
>people do 65-70, I do 60
>90 zone coming up
>continue to do 60 cause it's still a 60 zone
>people ride my ass and honk at me for not speeding up before the 90 zone actually starts.
now explain why you're 2 feet from his fucking rear bumper you shitstick
Cause you dont fuck with GSHP.
Tailgating denies the victim use of their mirrors and rear window. Its a great way to fuck with people going slow and annoy them. Then again, most people will just respond to tailgating by going slower, so its not really worth it.
Flick the caltrops/oil slick switch.
I've always wanted to do this but most of my cars are easily picked out of a crowd. Maybe I'll buy a white Malibu for this one day.
It’s one of two things; drafting to increase your fuel economy at the expense of the victim and increased risk, or to indimidate the victim into getting out of your way. I only do the latter as step 4 in my process for getting past slow cunts in the outside lane
Drive faster you stupid fucking cunt
I swear I've honked, tailgated, and flashed my highbeams and idiots still don't get the fucking message.
But what if you miss shift down to 1st?
"Officer, I saw a squirrel run out and didn't want to hit it"
fill it with brake fluid instead
The reason why I basically live in the fast lane. It tilts me to no end.
>person is tailgating me, i'm going slow because of car in front of me
>car in front of me slams on brakes because of someone else doing so
>i get on brakes rather hard to avoid hitting them
>car behind me rear ends me, pushing me forward enough to slam into the car in front of me
This is in the slow lane champ, literally never an excuse for it
In what country is stopping for animals allowed? Even in cucked netherlandistan its the law to hit the animal
I think this is happening more and more as people use the radar cruise control. Some people are setting them to leave no gap, then the car does the rest. Computerized tailgating is a thing now.
Because you stupid faggot are probably flooring it like an insecure bitch every time he wants to take over (NO PASARAN HEHEHEHEHE), so he'd have to 50 km/h over speed limit and risk jail just so he can get past by you, you dumb, dumb piece of shit.
Proof for brake checking is your brake lights visible on their dash cam. Engine braking isn't a problem and hard to prove from a video if it isn't too extreme.
You just slowed down normally and they should always be able to brake in time with their regular brakes. If you rear end someone engine braking, there's no other explanation possible but you tailgating.
Just shift down with rev matching so your car doesn't visibly slow down, keep driving the same speed for a bit so even seeing you shifting doesn't prove anything and suddenly let go of the gas.
What also works is to suddenly floor it after engine braking, tailgaters often give up if they can't keep up even once.
A women slammed the brake on the highway last year to a complete stop in the left lane because there was ducks crossing the highway. Two motorcycles was following her and they were killed instantly. She went to court because of her action. You never stop for animals on the highway.
You should never come to a complete stop on the highway unless absolutely necessary, but others also should keep in mind that such a situation might occur or a retard stop for no reason.
I've had two chain accidents happen in front of me on the fast lane.
One of them was bunch of idiots in leased bmws and audis doing what they do best: tailgating. Long story short the front most brake checked the one behind him, leading to them all rear ending each other.
I already kept a larger distance than usual since I saw them tailgating and started braking slightly when the front one braked. They all only braked when the one directly in front of them braked.
I didn't hit anything, I wasn't rear ended, nor anyone behind me.
Knowing that motorcycles often come in with a large speed difference because they can just split lanes, it isn't surprising they slam into a retard or traffic jam eventually
I regularly brake check people who tailgate me if there's a car in front of me or if i cant go faster or move over, i hope to god this happens to someone i brake check one day, fucking losers
would love to see that one day desu
top jej, tailgating SUV scum btfo
a real quick, short brake check works very well to make people back off
mind you, i never brake check if someone rides my ass if im going slower than him in the left lane, in that case i just move over and let them pass, since i also sometimes tailgate lane hoggers, but if someones tailgating me in a stupid and unneccesary way, they almost always get brake checked
>going down city street
>mommy in chevy suburban behind me
>i'm already going 15 over the limit
if you're in such a hurry you should've left earlier
No it's not. If someone tailgates you and you slam your brakes for a crossing animal it's entirely on him because you acted out of human reflexes and thus can't be blamed for braking, and the guy should have kept more distance.
t. dutchie
im gonna install a switch that turns on the brake lights
This, can confirm. You can't brake for no reason. An animal is a reason.
One guy sued me after a wild pig jumped in front of my car. Turned off my high beams so it wouldn't panic further, guy goes around me honking, slamming right into the pig.
Blamed me for forcing him to overtake
t. also dutchie.
Holy fuck I just realized how true this is
Imagine being this autistic about speeding
>All those fat, black blobs appearing
>I never brake check if someone rides my ass if im going slower than him in the left lane
>Passing a caravan of semis
>Audinigger tailgates and flashes highbeams
>Car in front of me and semis beside me
Just why
yeah, me for instance, even though i tailgate and flash lane hoggers, if i see that you're overtaking someone and/or there's a car in front of you so you cant speed up, i just back off and give you space, no reason to hassle someone who literally can't speed up or move over
On my benz you can activate the rear fogs while driving (basically the brake lights) so I have a lot of fun with tailgater I see them brakes like hell and I don't even have to brake kek.
Benz had that since 1970.
>Drive a '04 F-150, elevated
>Some cocksleeve in an Ultima tries tailgating me on i-264W
>I'm already 10 over the speed limit and don't feel like dealing with their shit
>Tap my brakes and slow down to 60
>Faggot ends up loosing their hood and a good chunk of their engine
>Just white paint on the bumper and a dented tailpipe on my glorious American automobile
>Faggot still has to pay out of pocket for the damages
Only literal retards tailgate
I do this trick on my Jag as well and tailgaters always back off
>mfw Poorfags will never know this feeling.
>I have a lot of fun with tailgater
I drive a Prius. Tailgaters get maximum triggered and overtake in rage after a few seconds.
>Sits level with other cars preventing overtake, hence tailgating
Get the fuck out of the way.
>going down city street
>going slow because of car in front
>man behind be is visibly irritated and in a hurry
>even honks a bit
>reach extra-urban road, also car in front of me goes in another direction
>can now go faster
>man behind me doesn't even keep up with me despite me being maybe 5 above the limit
what the fuck, why get angry and tailgate if you're not gonna surpass and trust me, he had a LOT of room to build up speed and surpass me as well as a better car
>I drive a prius
"Too bad user I wanted a real men for tonight, maybe next time"
>Drive scooter
>Speed demon ends up behind me
>Flashes lights and honks
>Could have just went around me from the beginning
>Finally does
>Speeds up
>We end up at the same red light anyways
>Lane split and get in front of them
>Drive even slower, this time with too much traffic for them to go around
>Mfw it keeps getting funnier
I also purposefully drive through school zones as kids get out just to piss off soccer moms.
You got tailgated by an Ultima kit car? That's something you don't hear everyday.
>is on your ass for 10 seconds and swerves past you with no blinker indication
I live for the day something actually gives me a reason to put my semi slicks to good use. They'll plough right through my japanese tin can before they have a chance to brake.
Surely he means one of those Nee-sans.
If it were an Ultima, it would just drive under him or blast past him in a flash of noise.
take charge of your miserable existence, put a little effort in, and make a thread you like fagoid.
when faggots in trucks get mad and turn their highs on at me to blind me I just point the mirror back to blind them instead
my driver side makeup mirror breaking off wasn't such a bad thing, for when they're especially close
>Driving in right lane at a safe distance from the car ahead of me
>quarter mile of empty lane behind me
>Car coming up from behind in the left lane
>Needs to get into right lane
>Overtakes and cuts me off instead of moving into the huge space behind me