Someone parks really close to you

>someone parks really close to you

I know this feel.

that's a key

Cute dunnydoor

the first picture is ridiculous, but the second doesn't deserve a keying, everyone can still get out just fine.

Second one doesn't need a keying anyway. It's already pretty pathetic looking.

I park verry close to other cars pretty often, if my car fits somewhere, I will park there.
I only need about 25 cm front and rear clearance for parallel parking and leave my car through the passenger door if nessesary.

If you park shitty, I will park even closer to your car than normal, don't expect more than 1 cm clearance...

Thanks mate, it has been a great car. Bought it for $2k, had 280,000km. Done 320,000km now, only had a do oil changes. Everything else is going well.

Sucks to suck :^)

oh its soy stanley.


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Alloykek are pretty reliable if U keep oil services up ai

VY has an ecotec mate

Only time I've ever keyed someone's car was when they parked closer than to my driver's side door

Crawled in through my passenger window and keyed the front quarter panel, both doors, and rear quarter panel on my way out. Spat a big lugie on the door handle as well


They didn't park close enough

this is what every european car park looks like, you burgers need to much space to live.

how do you even get out?

>early 00's commodore

degenerate, re-evaluate your life

My gf parks like this without even realizing what she's doing. I've forced her to repark a number of times. She has a nice car and I worry someone's going to key it, and she's the type of person that would never understand why her car was keyed, she'd just chalk it up to bad karma or something.

a real keeper, user

I will key ur shitbox if you do that to me

Is that from the parking building across the road from the cloud bar at the viaduct?

Thats why I dont even drive my car anymore. I just keep it in my hangar 24/7/356

What a fucking manchild.

Chadstone shopping centre?



St Vincent's hospital


I assumed he thinks that girl has fetal alcohol syndrome, which it doesn't look like she does.

you just don't, it's the european way

Vs to vy was the real Holden Golden age desu

VE to VF was the golden age matey.

>fucking with someones automobile
You're lower than a woman. You might as well start selling your cute little ass on the street corner because you sure as shit aren't a man.

you park like that?
what man parks like that?

I hope you're driving the omega....

Dad had a first gen german one, I haven't really seen much of the australians since they stopped being sold but goddamn, what a pretty car!

No because I cannot afford

>tfw you will never own the best car ever built in Australia

>mfw the VF SSV will never depreciate and I'll forever be stuck in a vr 5ltr

is op's name reece.
or is it soy stanley
or is it /ovg/ at it again.

make climb up the side of their car so you can get in through the window of yours
fucking boomer mums and their giant fucking suvs

That's how most people park at my campus.