ITT: Stories about when you were such a madman you actually HELPED someone on the road
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Some dude had his rear indicator bulb fucked and I told him.
He was pretty happy about me giving the hint I felt breddy gud.
I let some guy in a minibus in once.
I made some faggot get up because he wouldn't give his seat to a blind person
dude was broke down in the middle of the road, needed to get his car out of traffic. Me and my buddies just so happened to be walking home from the convenience store when we helped him push it out.
I haven't helped anyone but got helped
>go hang out with a friend a few days ago
>he wants to go on a drive
>a drive on this bendy rally gravel road
>also winter and really cold so the plowed snow is slippery
>he puts on eurobeat at the start of the road
>start rallying
>go like 80 (communist, not freedom units)
>actually pretty scary
>one bend comes
>too much speed can't slow down, too slippery
>drive/crash into the ditch
>definitely can't reverse it out
>start showeling
>not really helping
>Volvo V70 shows up, a dad in his forties and maybe a ten year old kid
>he offers help and seemed really nice
>hook up his tow rope to his tow hitch to his Volvo and the other end to the tow hitch to my Nissan
>yes we have tow hitches on normal cars here
>tries to pull me out
>car wont bug
>a new looking Audi A6 Allroad or what ever shows up
>"you guys seem like you're in need of help"
>a guy in his thirties, super nice too, with a hot girlfriend/wife, also nice
>hook up the Audi instead, as that has 4WD
>my car moves a bit, but not enough to get it unstuck
>they call a guy nearby with a tractor
>"no can do, too cold for the tractor to start"
>and it is too cold, under -25 commiedegrees
>tractor is a no go, they can't pull the car out with their cars, guess it's time to call a tow truck
>Volvo guy with his kid and Audi guy with his s/o about to leave
>"aren't you guys cold, I can see your anckles" asks the hottie
>wearing Superstars, anckle socks and jeans pin rolled
>"yeah were fine, the cars running and it's warm there"
>thank the helpers and they leave
>wait for the tow truck for about a half an hour
>tow truck guy a proper working man in his sixties
>pull the car out
>writes me the bill and fucks off
>we get in the car with my friend and go drop off my friend and go home
The guys helping us were really nice. I wish I could've thanked them better but I was in quite of a shock. Luckily only cracked my bumper. If it was summer we would've been wrapped around a tree.
I tossed a hitchhiker a beer and half a pack of cigarettes from the bed of a truck because we weren't going his way and he looked down. You'd think I gave him a hundred bucks the way he thanked me.
>traffic light
>some late 30s woman slowly walks in front of the car
>gives stop sign with hand
>slowly walks to my window
>asks if I could drive her home (was about 10 blocks away, same village
>she seemed calm but also kinda puzzled
>didn't smell like alcohol or something, average clothes, hair a bit wild but not too bad
>dropped her off at her house
>thanked me like a thousand times
Years ago, wouldn't probably do it again for obvious safety reasons but man, that was strange and I won't forget it.
helper bump
was it your bus?
It was not.
I was on my way with relatives (my mother) to get some meds for a foster dog of theirs.
We were on the highway and we eased into some traffic that had obviously just formed, and people were getting out of their cars. I looked around to see why and it turns out there was a fairly serious crash.
Three SUVs had crashed.
One spun out and had two dumb bitches sitting wailing (my assumption is that they caused it) another was simply dinged up (they were fine) but i’ll Never forget the third.
It had flipped and done a barrel roll and the guy driving it had his window open so that he flew halfway out of it at the time and was pinned. The front half of the SUV was annihilated. Coolant, hot oil, steam, blood, you name it it was everywhere. The guy wasn’t even awake until we all gathered around him. He had a child’s car seat in the back which was thankfully empty. No kid was gonna survive that. About five of us got together and rolled the car up enough to pull the guy out. You couldn’t see a damn thing going on with him from the amount of blood he was covered in. It felt like ages for the PD and fire department and EMTs to arrive.
The place was cordoned off for hours, and they were still pucking shit up for weeks afterward. I don’t know if the guy lived, but they seemed to think he’d be okay.
He was a construction worker on his way to or from work. If he was forced into a chair he is fucked. I hope he wasn’t. No kid needs to grow up with their dad in a chair living off of disability.
Why didn't you give up your seat instead?
that's strange
Got a few
>On my way back from Vegas with my Mom in a big cargo van
>Gettin Gas, get back in Van
>As we're driving off we see someone looking at their engine bay
>Roll the window down slightly (we're paranoid since it's pretty late and dark)
>Guy says he needs a jump but has cables
>Pop the hood for him, he hooks up, gets his car started
>Thanks us, un-hooks and closes the hood
>Drive off as he thanks us
>Be on my usual walk with my brother
>Poor bastard in some manual (probably a ford) sedan is trying to push it along
>Ask if he needs help, answers in the affirmative
>We get behind and push while he steers
>He was only about 100 feet from this apartment complex
>Push him all the way into a parking spot
>He says thanks and we continue on
Most recently...
>Neighbor across the street is a based Korean War Vet
>I'm a /K/ommando, we get along really well
>His son does very well for himself and owns a GT3
>A Random Porsche Appears!
>Go outside to snap a pic and see what's up
>Not his son in the car
>Some dood and a girl are inside
>Small little "race" battery died
>Offer to help, get my roadside kit out and pull my piece of shit Plymouth Breeze around
>Give him a jump
>Let it run for just a second, un hook, everything seems good
>He thanks me and drives off
Anything that comes within 1000 feet of me spontaneously has problems, be it electrical or mechanical. I'm cursed.
Pulled and pushed plenty of folks
Spent 3 hours trying to get this shitty Fiat going, ended up towing it 30 minutes to the nearest mechanic
>Peugeot with a caravan in front suddenly starts smoking
>By the time it pulls over there's already flames coming out of the engine
This was on a rather empty two-lane country road just outside of my hometown
>Help with disconnecting the caravan and pushing it away from the car
>By the time the firemen arrived the 3008 was almost entirely burnt down
>Drove the drivers wife, an elderly lady home while the driver sorted out insurance stuff with the police officer
>Received a postcard in the mail thanking me for my help
Helping people is nice. My dad once helped a woman change a tire and got a free meal at the restaurant her husband owned.
I once saw what looked like a shitload of blood and an accident scene in the road, but with no broken car parts and just two cars parked on the side of the road.
I decided the best course of action in these situations is to move away from them at 100+ miles an hour.
Oh and another one
>Complete freeway standstill due to a trauma helicopter that needs to land on the road to pick up a crash victim
>Road was blocked for 1,5 hour, sunny friday afternoon
>Everyone's sitting outside of their car, enjoying the sun
>Everyone's hungry as can be because they were driving home for dinner
>Hand out crackers and water to people because I always keep food in my car just in case
I'm by no means a prepper, but having some food and water in your car is never a bad idea.
Also, this was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the Nevada desert with no cell service, and no towns around for like 80 miles, at least, at around 1am. No streetlights, no other cars, nothing but darkness and rocks. I wasn't willing to pull over.
Pretty sure that if you would've stopped and checked, a bowlcut hitman with a cattle gun would be chasing you in no time.
>Helping people is nice.
I actually feel like I gain ENORMOUS amounts of energy each time I could help anyone and they thank me.
It's quite addictive.
>people dying on the side of the road
>whelp better fuck off
Piece of shit.
i ALMOST once helped some fag in a WRX. He blown a tire, i had a 3ton jack, socket set and breaker bar in my car..... it was raining hard fugg him
>Why didn't you give up your seat instead?
Because being obese is a disability as well
>roads icy
>early morning
>decide I want some breakfast
>hop in the hoopty
>warm it up so defort takes care of windows
>hit the road
>see car in ditch
>pull up, manual windows so I just reach over and open my passenger door instead
'hey bud need a hand?'
>he waves me off
>shut my door
>keep on keepin' on
>get breakfast
>come back the same way
>he's still there
>raise my coffee cup to him and keep on.
Not him, but yes, you can go for help but never stop. In fact, you might want to floor it, because that can turn into a kidnapping scenario fast.
What? You're legally required to aid at the schene of an accident. He potentially let someone die.
does on the water count?
>be 20 miles off shore fishing in gulf of Mexico with 24ft grady white
>see old shitbox ~20ft crusier waving us down
>some dude and his son with friend were 30 miles out stuck since yesterday. no radio or anything.
>they had food and shit so they didn't mind us fishing for a while before towing them in
>took forever to tow them
>untie them loose at the entrance dock to some fancy resort
>workers on docks are yelling at us to not untie them here
>flick them off and drive away
yesterday somebody asked me if I know the way and I showed them the way
>10% chance someone needed help
>90% chance a nigger was waiting with 5 friends in the darkness for a nice looking car to pull up
I once helped an old asian woman pump gas into the lexus she was driving.
For once someone came up to me at a gas station and didn't want my money
I work at a gas station and have had to help multiple people pump gas.
One woman even parked next to the door and had me pull her car to the pump and pump her gas for her.
She gave me ten bucks for it though.
agreed. I always carry a couple of granola bars in my glovebox. Its helpful when you're hungry and too cheap to shell out for a dollar burger.
>legally required
Helped a grandma push her vehicle into a gas station.
>about a mile from the station
>spot a jeep liberty just 100 ft from the pumps
>think "dang thats gotta suck"
>moving closer, its a grandma with an arm cast on for kubes sake
>not on my fucking watch
>pull over and help out
>her husband is steering, better eyesight i think
>use all my strength so grandma doesn't have to
>get them into station
>they thank me, said they were head to doc appt and overestimated the gas levels.
>head on my way, but realize i got pretty exhausted from that
And that's how i decided to not be a fat fuck anymore and starting getting Veeky Forums
maybe in your communist utopia but here in burgerland ain't obligated to do jack shit, if one car pulled over as ten cars passed would all ten cars be tracked down and fined. where is the logic and how would you even enforce something like that??
>Old Boomer crosses 4 lanes of traffic
>Presumably does not look at all
>open road cept me at the moment
>Hits my ugly af but mechanically pristine 00 awd 5.0 mountie
>directly hits wheel
>suspension & steering completely busted
>frame a lil bent but not an issue
>runs like shit
>very little body damage though
my pristine but ugly shitbox first car destroyed but I helped get her completely delirious ass out of the road and got her something cause she was bleeding behind her ear kinda bad, airbag didn't go off.
she admitted full fault right there and then when the cop showed up
could have fixed it, decided to just move on and get a newer explorer
memed it later on
forza damage tags, btw
It only really counts as failure to render aid at the scene of an accident if it's part of a hit and run. You hit someone, you flee the scene, the other person is critically injured and dies, that sort of thing. Most states don't use such language, but ideally you are legally required in some to not only stay at the scene, but also call 911 (if possible) and render first aid and help in any able bodied way possible.
i ALMOST once helped some fag in a WRX. He blown a tire, i had a 3ton jack, socket set and breaker bar in my car..... he's driving a WRX fugg him
>implying user didn't avoid some spooky ghost bitch murdering him and raping his corpse
>legally required
Nigger, cops aren't even legally required to help you. What makes you think your average person is?
Here is a good samaritan story about someone named Chad....
WASHINGTON POST: Chadwick Garrett, 45, stopped to help two teens pull an SUV from a ditch. After he pulled the SUV out, they robbed him, then shot him dead despite witnesses.
Picture: South Carolina police said the 2 teens Michael Odell Anthony Dupree-Tyler, 19, and Deon Antonio Frasier, 17, were arrested on robbery and murder charges.
After Garrett helped pull the SUV to the road Frasier then drew a gun and opened fire, hitting Garrett. Police said Frasier got into the vehicle and Dupree-Tyler drove them away, according to WCSC.
Dupree-Tyler responded before the judge silenced him “With all due respect to the family, they coming at me the wrong way because I haven’t murdered anyone,” Dupree-Tyler said, according to the newspaper.
The murder suspect gave all due respect to the family of the Chadwick Garrett. How considerate and respectful.
In most buses the first seats that are perpendicular to the driver are reserved for disabled so they don't have to fumble about trying to find a seat. He was probably sitting further back.
>t. Fellow bus rider
>so many /k/omman/d/o/s here
who are you quoting
>suspect gave all due respect to the family
I think they mean his lawyer did.
>driving through Yellowstone National Park in my Miata on a hot July day
>see a QT hitchhiker gal at a trail head
>apparently just finished a 4 day, 50 mile hike
>needs a ride to her car which is at another trail head towards the Old Faithful area
>"hop in!"
>immediate regret as she absolutely reeks
>a cross between overripe fruit and a sweaty gym bag with a hint of feces and certain distinctly feminine odors
>worse than ANY dude I've ever smelled in my entire life
>even with the top down her stench was overpowering as fuck
>didn't even care that she was QT
>didn't even care that she was a successful engineer of some sort
>didn't even care that she had similar interests as me
>endure 23 miles at 35mph as her rotten stench continues to infiltrate my nostrils
>hit a fucking "bear jam" which adds 25 stinky minutes to the drive
>FINALLY drop her off where her car is parked
>"thanks user!"
>drive back to my cabin
>leave the roof down on my car overnight
>next day leave the park and head into town
>spend a solid hour steam cleaning and disinfecting my passenger seat
>remove and sell the seat on Craigslist when I get back home
>the buyer will never know of the horror which occupied that cloth bucket for almost an hour on that fated day
>to this day my Miata only has one seat
>Stories about when you were such a madman you actually HELPED someone on the road
Nothing in 2018 yet. In 2017, the "on the road" type items were all small. As for cars at the side of the road, the highway patrol recommends that people do NOT stop but instead call the highway patrol or local police. The reason is that accidents with other freeway drivers can occur from lookie-loo drivers. The more cars that are stopped by the side of the road, the worse the problem is for causing distracted drivers. The other problem is that people have been assaulted before.
It's a shame that the police had to comment about the assault dangers. But times just aren't like the 1980's and older.
>get off work at 3am
>ongoing blizzard, but no big deal if you're not an immigrant or a woman
>driving home
>see somebody almost in the ditch, hood up, clearly needs a boost or something
>pull over, put my hazards on, get out to see if they need a hand
>it's a muzzo bitch
>ask her if she's alright, having car troubles, etc.
>she goes off on me in broken English, flailing her arms everywhere, preactically screaming
>once she stops I just look at her in confusion, and say "...well...okay..."
>get back in my car and drive off
>see her in my rear-view flailing and yelling at me before she disappears into the snow
I mean, I tried. Was driving my truck and had my tow cables and everything, but she just had to be a woman about it. I hope the blizzard swallowed her whole.
Ghosts aren't fucking real you fuck. Even if they were, what ghost is going to fuck with the dude trying to save a life?
what the FUCK user.
I mean, did she think toilet paper is uncool on a hiking trip or what?
this sounds horrible.
I helped an old guy cross the road.
That's called testosterone. Really though.
Stories like this, plus two experiences from my past are the reason I keep a regularly serviced fire extinguisher in my car.
>2004, mom and I were driving to Michigan in some shitty Ford Windstar
>Smoke starts to pour through vents
>pop open hood and there's 2 foot flames coming from the block for whatever goddamn reason
>Some random dude throws water on it and quenches the fire
>Turns out alternator started the fire. wew
>driving Pontiac Bonneville
>hooning it like a madman
>pop hood, flame coming out of vents on the battery and sputtering acid
>toss jacket on it to put out flame, put mittens on and take battery out of car
Currently DD'ing Jeep Wrangler, I hear that fires in 4.0's are not uncommon. I'll keep you anons posted.
>t. former busrider
The suspect said that phrase "With all due respect to the family" in court in response to the victim's family wanting the perpetrators to be punished.
good thread
>Years ago, wouldn't probably do it again for obvious safety reasons
Same here. I used to stop to help others. And didn't feel threatened. But society and culture has changed a lot since then. Those changes now make random aid situations much more risky since some bad people deliberately set up a situation in order to look for a victim.
>2 lane popular back road
>getting back from dinner with friend a his family
>some people in left turn lane pushing their car
>3 of us get out and help them push, that's about 5 people pushing that thing, it gets right on out of the road
>I let some guy in a minibus in once.
If it was the previous century. It's too risky now with all the desperate people mixed up with more normal people that I'd want to help but don't know how to separate out the thieving or dangerous ones. I don't need someone with the element of surprise grabbing the ignition keyfob as they are getting out of the car and charging me $100 to get it back. There have been too many "borrow your smartphone" scams and they demand money to return it to you or they just run off with it. It was frequent enough the police even said not to hand over your phone but agree to call the number for them to relay a message.
>calls everything from the SU "commie"
>>wearing Superstars, anckle socks and jeans pin rolled
>in -25°C
Fucking faggot
Hippie type """adventuring""" chicks are all like this though.
There is nothing more gross than a septum piercing
i ALMOST once fugged some fag in a WRX. He blown a jack, i had a 3ton tire, breaker set and socket bar in my car..... he's driving a WRX help him
It's painful that bikers manage to have a somewhat universal understanding that they should help a fellow in need, but drivers couldn't give two shits
I saw a guy who had his car break in the hills while it was raining, and I thought "mmmm I think I should take a return and go help him". Seeing that guy in such a helpless state probably made me lose focus, and I lost control of my car in one of the next curves, my car spun and I hit the rear of my car in the barrier.
I was still young, but it was a valuable lesson to never give a fuck about whatever happens on the roadside because I might lose focus and crash.
A few minutes later he passes by me (giving no fucks) while I was waiting for a tow truck. I think his shitbox just overheated or something.
he was drunk
Who worries about a ghost raping a corpse? For fuck's sake.
>I tried . . . but she just had to be a woman about it.
Good job, next time a woman freaks out, because that's what they fucking do, leave them to die.
>Stories about when you were such a madman you actually HELPED someone on the road
I've not had anything interesting on the road. But last year, I drove next to someone and lowered my passenger window to shout over to him that his hood was open. It was unlatched and held only by that safety feature which keeps the it from flying open. The past summer an old man had his gasoline refueling lid open and the gas cap was still on it. He was driving out of the gas station. I ran after him waving and he stopped and I simply said "YOUR GAS CAP!" and he immediately knew.
Saw a guy pushing his ruckus up a hill. Pulled over and I guess he hit a big bump and it shut off on him. We threw it in the back of my truck and I took him to his house . Pretty cool guy
>pic related
>I actually feel like I gain ENORMOUS amounts of energy each time I help anyone
>It's quite addictive.
Then you should seek public office so you have the power to give away money. Each time you give away entitlements, you feel good and feed the addiction. Keep doing it as long as the taxpayers' money lasts. Then wait for the next fiscal cycle to repeat feeding that addictive feeling.
How sweet, user!
geez i would of never guessed.
>helping other people without compensation.
The ultimate cuckoldry.
>You're legally required to aid at the schene of an accident.
That's the law you say exists in your country or usa state. But in my state, there's no such law for generic passers-by.
I gave a family a jumpstart leaving the drive in theater
I said "fuck you" to an urban youth with a squeegee trying to clean my window at a stoplight
then peeled out from the light when he was about 3 inches from my car
hope it helped him to get a real job
Youre a fucking moron asking to get shot, robbed, or car jacked if you ever get out of your car or stop anywhere you dont have to
Uh huh
>Youre a fucking moron asking to get shot, robbed, or car jacked if you ever get out of your car or stop anywhere you dont have to
You live in an ivory tower. There are times when his approach is valid and times when it is too harsh. I am not that other guy, but he can be right if it is some of the less savory american cities. As soon as you're out of the car, you're a potential source of loot especially if you live alone. But importantly, you have an ATM card and PIN with you along with credit cards.
It's easy to say muggings don't happen. Lots of people never get mugged or get confronted in their whole lives. But I've been mugged multiple times before and it was genuinely UNavoidable. I've had co-workers doing field engineering work that were stalked by potential muggers waiting for a good spot. These were in different american cities, so it is not just in my current city.
Now, that poster in was harsh in how he said it, but I have to agree that I don't want someone putting some weird liquid on my windshield with some dirty squeegee and dripping grimy water on my waxed or detailer-sprayed car. I wouldn't say "f*ck you" because that isn't my way, but he's right (and wrong) in using that harsh method. That's because most of the time the people don't stop approaching the car.
When people approach me in the parking lot, that's where I'm stuck. If you don't pay them, in a few cases they key your car or spit. I've had spit on my car and no scratches yet. Sometimes I pay, sometimes I don't, but often I get in the car and drive to a different spot or go to a different store and come back later.
>did she think toilet paper is uncool on a hiking trip
If she has hemorrhoids, soft stools, enlarged anus opening, loose sphincter, or a lot of anal hair, then it's easy for the sweat and friction from hiking to generate a lot of buttcrack juices. That soaks down the panty and spreads across and soaks through to her outerwear too. So now she sits on your car seat and the liquid soaks into the padding.
There have been some detailed Veeky Forums posts about how to clean when the padding gets buttcrack juice in it. Rather than throw the seat away, those posts should be looked up.
that guy probably went on his way to murder some prostitutes
Some dude was pulled over with his hazards on along this twisty backroad, it was like midnight so super dark. I pulled up a little ways in front to warn oncoming traffic (wasn't gonna turn around to get behind him). Got out and tried to help him, I had a ton of tools in my car because mustang.
Guy had already called cops for help, so a trooper was on his way. Eventually he arrives and helps up out. Everything is gucci, we part ways.
Next town over, I'm driving through and I have my windows up since it was cold as hell. I mention this because I know my tint is illegal so I usually drive with windows down. Anyways I get pulled over and the officer says my tint is too dark.
Two minutes later while homeboy is in his car running my info, super trooper from earlier pulls up and tells the cop what I did a few miles back, tells him to let me go (he was probably going to anyway, super chill cops).
tfw I need to wait for cops to leave before me because no mufflers and I don't wanna give them a reason
help some dude start his car