Presentsing: New China Car Zhongguang Dingjiang Longdong GXLQ500J SUV CROSSOVER

Presentsing: New China Car Zhongguang Dingjiang Longdong GXLQ500J SUV CROSSOVER

A regal and fast automobile for transportating in style and luxury.

Inventive feature included:
Beltseat - 5 of them
Airbags - 5 of them
Heated and cool seats 4 of them
Roof rats
Rear bastard detector safe
The soup holder hot/cold
Radar cruising control
Collision avoiding sensor
LED ledlighting
Paint in shí colour
Alloyminum wheels - 4 of them with metallic spare tire
Cows' skin seating brown nuts or black or light coffee
Roollover sensor
Stop and start system
Power steerage
Power seat - all of them
Crumpled zones
High impact side air bladder - 2 of them for both size
Sun roof - pandoramic option too
1.6 litter turbine charged motor with .149 horsepower; 160 feet pound torx
all wheel drive (FWD)
chrome trimmings
broken glass senseerd
weem 国congguo1/ ?
Cpacitive touch screen with Addam Auto and App Carl Play
Audio system with radio FM+AM; blueteeth; ramps; dabs; aurtillery implant
China NcAP ***** five star safety rating top safely pickx
Made with REAL METAL for you

THE BIG YES; owe your self the dream of owning your car your way and enjoinying life to the fullest extenze with the power dream 500J coolguy.

Starts at 12,000$ with load

Visit us in our market our or website,

Other urls found in this thread:

>Amerifat making fun of the chinks
>meanwhile, his President is such a fucking retard, he pretty much handed Asia (and the up and coming markets) to China thanks to his stupidity and atrocious MUH ART OF THE DEAL

maga amirite Cletus

>super obese modern SUV
>1.6l 149hp enginelet
>china made

Go away shareblue.

>h-he criticized Daddy Trump :(
>h-he must be a lib....pls go away

Countries are doing trade agreements left and right without you, China and Germany are already setting the stage to be the next super powers, and while your cuck, corrupted President sells the country bit by bit undoes all the diplomatic hard work of every past administration, all you can muster is "a-at least the libs are mad"

your days are counted, dumb ameriburger


That'd be false advertising, no?

Kek you’re a fucking retard or a bot. Either way, kill yourself. I bet you’re that fat gay nigger from SB, huh?

>a trumptard calling others "retards"
no wall, tax cuts for the riches, and no american jobs
your shithole of a country becoming irrelevant by the day
the entire world finally figuring out a way to stop depending on the US
the final days of Pax Americana
but hey memes amirite

America first, retard

Somehow you lost your way, do you need a link to /pol/?

Whew lad, superiority complex, or just bait posting?

these are bots. just don't engage.

>America first
yeah its working just great so far
>Retarded tariffs
>giving control of the internet to ISPs)


it looks good to me a bit like landcruiser or rangerover or at least a lot better looking than most suvs, it just needs a v8

Pretty good op, you're a cool faggot.

>retarded tariffs
Only affects Johnny Foreigner scum so who gives a shit

>this is what inbred trumptards actually believe

>let me tell you about your country
Please do Bruce

This car is the future. Pretty soon japanese/american/german car companies will tremble and fall when they hear the name "Zhonglingling Fanchangchang"

>China and Germany are already setting the stage to be the next super powers
Germany needs a new big trading since Trump has come to power and they're desperately grasping for chopsticks now.


>what is Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act
smelly, dumb, trumptard scum

>what are the emerging chinese markets

>Suddenly there's a lack of cheap solar panel commodities since Chinese and Korean imports face steep tariffs
>Solar suddenly costs 30% more
>Now it's financially nonviable for many consumers
>Industry suffers downturn and now 23,000 solar installers are at risk of lay offs

This is literally happening right now.

Cry some more, she lost and her and all her little FBI/DOJ cronies including King Nigger himself are going to get BTFO

>can't defend the Retard in Chief
>"I know what I'll do"
>"I'll mention Hillary, that's a good trick!"

>investing in china
Have fun losing your money CNN shill

>investing in the US
have fun investing in a failed country ran by a lazy dumb fat fuck who prefers to spends his days playing golf lmao

Nice deflection, it's funny how posters like yourself have been popping out of the woodwork all of a sudden, that FISA memo really seems to be scaring your bosses

The election happened literally over a year ago, why are you fucking Trumptards bringing up the she-wolf as if she's somehow relevant to the retarded actions of the pig boy in chief?

Because the she-beast is going down, so is her little lapdog Brock

>criticize daddy trump
>"b-but hillary"
>"pls stop deflecting"

the lack of self awareness is astounding, but what can you expect from a trumptard


meanwhile just about everyone around trump has been caught with russian money but het trump himself he dindu nuffin he a gud boy all those russian meetings they was talking about muh orphan boys amirite

Unemployment is at record lows, and GDP is set to rise. They'll be fine. The chinks would really like to destroy all the solar industry so they can have a monopoly. The sandniggers did that with oil, and are currently getting btfod by the US. Solar is just for rich hippies anyway.

Amazing how Trumptards still delude themselves into thinking NO TOTALLY GUYS MUELLER IS LITERALLY LOW KEY INVESTIGATING CLINTON BELIEVE ME


I'm not a Hilary supporter. Trump is a fucking idiot, how do you excuse his actions?

Because if you don't like coolest leader ever, you must realize who the alternative was.

I don't see how any country in Europe could become a Super Power because they're all cucked by the EU and the UK itself has a recovery process to go through by just leaving and you know the other EU nations are going to try and grab the queen by her dried up old raisin tits probably by setting tariffs or some shit on UK Goods into the EU (which they could afford to do).
Ironically this is going to happen. Chinese cars will start making their way into western markets and they will be so unbelievably cheap with shit-tons of features with a huge warranty where you'd have large Landcruiser and merc-S class sized sedans with all the luxury features of those cars for half if not a quarter of the price. the poorest niggers will have a foothold into high-end new luxury and eventually when the middle class starts to really hurt (in america anyway) they'll shift from their large $70,000 trucks to $30,000 and $40,000 chinese trucks with all the same features. We are fucked my lads. EVERYTHING WILL BE CHYNUH!

you're displaying the same sort of girly autism as the moose test faggot

>Solar is just for rich hippies anyway.

What do you propose? A return to coal?

>Alex Jones conspiracy
Still doubling down on the rhetoric, eh boys?
Mueller is a Clinton crony, what are you smoking?
Such as?

president trump just reunited north and south korea
he'll be awarded nobel peace prize very soon

>Such as?
Seriously damaging the solar industry through his tariffs. An industry which now employs more people than coal or oil in the US.

Anything that doesn't need 20k to buy into. Gas is cheap.

>solar industry
Oh no, what a travesty! There's more important shit to deal with

>Seriously damaging the solar industry through his tariffs
not him but wouldn't this just make people build Solar products in the US? i'm a bit lost.

That's the general consensus, since the US, or anywhere that's not a shithole, can't pay workers $3 a day, and sell products at below cost to create an artificial monopoly

Gas infrastructure was initially extremely expensive at first too, solar and renewable energy sources are the future. Retarding US development and mass implementation of solar is going to damage the US in the long term. You're the type of people whom would have bitched about cars being pointless playthings for the rich and kept pressing horses as the best form of transportation in 1900.

Wrong cause there wasn't a bunch of panty waisted leftists having a shitfit when the new toy they want gets jacked up in price

It would have been a good move years ago, but now it's too little too late. Our best bet is becoming major players in battery tech as we already sit in a very high position in that field. Prohibiting import of Asian solar cells is simply now a major prevent or to mass cheap implementation of solar nationally. Solar panels are no longer bleeding edge, high profit tech, but a commodity.

Labor in South Korea, isn't much cheaper than US labor. They're just far more efficient at it.

>Veeky Forums is infested with liberals
renewables are a ponzi scheme. I bet you drive Teslas

There's worse, believe me

>Veeky Forums is infested with liberals
every news article mentioning imageboards creates a reddit spillover

Gas and Auto prices eventually went down when cars begin being mass produced and gasoline could be shipped freely and cheaply after initially expensive primary infrastructures facilitating their mass implementation were meant. Trumps tariffs have effectively reset the bar for transitioning solar from energy which could be launched to the masses cheaply within a few years utilizing cheap Asian cells to one that will continue to be niche and expensive for a while now as cheap Asian cells are no longer cheap and US industry will need to be slowly rebooted. We're not caught playing catch up.

Thorium and conventional nuclear power for most of the nations power need, tidal and hydroelectric to supplement. Coal and natural gas for everything else.

Solar and wind are memes. The only good thing about them is that they can be implemented small scale for remote locations. They fail for everything else.

yeah fucking libcucks amirite

Don't care, he's protecting American interests, open-mouthed soyboys screaming over muh solar is not one

>It would have been a good move years ago
This is what blows my fucking mind because i was watching a video about Chinese manufacturing and one of their biggest advantages on top of cheaper labor is the US HAS NO FUCKING IMPORT TAX ON THE SHIT! who's idea was that? what brain-dead inept cunt either didn't plug or thought it'd be a good idea to not tax imported goods that could hurt their own industry in any way? Japan for example taxes foreign foods like Diary products from the US and Europe to protect their own farms because they have the common sense to know they can't make food in mass like the US or Europe with its more vast access to open land.

>Coal and natural gas for everything else.


>Don't care, he's protecting American interests
Solar employs more people than coal or natural gas. He's literally damaging American interests.

>ignores nuclear power being the main source of the country's energy
Why are renewable Luddites unable to come to terms with the superiority of nuclear power?

>Solar employs more than coal or natural gas
The fuck it does, maybe in China, but then again no more cheap solar panels, oops

Globalists. To be totally fair, we should have been smart and set up trade tariffs in the 90s but it's flat out too late now.

I will say I totally support Trumps will to put a tariff in foreign built cars as we can do that here no problem. Mexicans and Germans already export their cars elsewhere anyways. Hell we can even cut them a deal and stop pushing our agriculture on them as a trade off. China is the big market our food will end up going to in the future anyway.

This will help domestic producers and hurt the Chinese that dump products on the market at below cost. We have tons of gas, I could care less about solar.

Installers, engineers, fabricators, technicians and scientists work solar.

Coal just has a small labor force for extraction, requires little refinement and the plants require sparse crews.

Oil extraction purposefully has been fine tuned to run with as small a crew as possible because it's hazardous work. A lot of our crude is imported too.

And yet you forget about all the chemists who work for the oil companies because the oil companies also have to refine said oil into gasoline or diesel, and your also forgetting about all the workers at the refinery plants, or all the construction workers it took to build said plant
Also all the Natural Gas workers, who have to maintain the gas infrastructure and the workers in the call centers and the guys who connect/disconnect the lines and read the meter

There is way more people employed under gas/oil/coal then there is in the Solar Industry

Why is thread derailed into a pol shit thread. I want to talk about the stupid truck

The exact spot I'm sitting on had hundreds of feet of glacier ice on top of it that melted off well before we started burning oil. There's no way to stop the process of global warming even if it was man made, that's the whole scam.

So what you're really saying is solar, and renewable energy, is extremely expensive, and highly labor intensive compared to the alternative, which has been perfected over 100 years as the lowest cost of energy?

I'm actually enjoying it because people are discussing manufacturing and tariffs which is something i can't do one /pol/ because everyone is obsessed with who is more "white" and who is a "mutt" and who is """soy""". discussions are near impossible on that board and I've had better political discussions here and on /news/.

But those industries are declining, not growing and they're past their peak.

Solar and other renewable energy sources are the future and are growing exponentially.

Here's an explanation.

I just sat in it at the Detroit auto show. The interior was very generic yet modern and the materials creaked together like crazy. It wasn't impressive but it is a decent first attempt.

US is a powerhouse in oil now. Our production has surpassed net imports.

This isn't about any of that, it's just shitting on Trump because he's not Hillary

It took 100 years for those industries to become efficient, and they're still dirty and not as efficient as mass solar and renewable energy can be once widespread and this whole thing Donnie Turnip did is setting back solar/renewable development.


>The guardian

It's so fucking typical of you type of people who can't think for yourself, and rely on others to put talking points in your head, to link to something else instead

lol post the full pic

Fuck off krautnigger

Renewable energy is the least efficient and costliest energy that is produced. Are you fucking stupid? Take a look at Germanys electric rates, it's fucking criminal. The media now refers to electricity as a fucking LUXURY. Canada is the same way. Are you prepared to pay 4x the cost for your electric bill?

What engine does it have merc?

1 KWh is 28 cents in Germany as opposed to 12 cents in the US, so about double. Most of that is due to retarded high taxes and fees. Gas and Oil are also doubly high in Europe compared to the US due to high taxes and fees.

In house 2.0L 4 cylinder. 198hp

Again, solar is useless for anything larger than a remote settlement. There are better, safer, and more advanced forms of power production for mass use. I find it strange that none of my points about nuclear power or thorium are addressed in these kinds of conversations. Its like the renewable and fossil crowds don't want to talk about it and just want to masturbate to shitty inefficient panels and windmills or dinosaur soup. Whenever they do finally respond, its some 70s-tier alarmist bullshit about radiation and meltdowns.

Nuke shit is a lot better, but I think a lot of what people are pissed about is trump favoring coal and oil which are a lot worse for the environment and on the way out in the rest of the world. I don't understand why he's not advocating more nuclear tbqh.

the all new, ford armada

That would be euro cents, so what .33¢ in freedom dollars? Still 3x as much as I'm paying. My bill would go to $600 a month, if not higher if we went (((green)))

He already explained, that price descrepency comes primarily from steep taxes that EU government keep raising. Petroleum fuels are also that much higher in Europe than they are in the US, also do to ridiculous Euro taxes.

Yeah, that makes it totally fucking better, right?

>in house
It has to be a copy of something

>I don't get why he's not advocating for more nuclear power
The green energy crowd has effectively made people afraid of nuclear power. I can't advocate it without being met with retard tier bullshit about its unsafe. Coal and oil are worse for the environment than renewables, but it doesn't make sense to invest in renewables when we can invest in thorium or conventional nuclear power. If all the subsidies that went to renewables went to nuke power, we would be in a much better position. Unfortunately, the green lobby has a bigger voice and wallet than rational people.

Electricity in Germany is expensive due to steep taxes and idiotic fees on everything. Fossil fuels are still the primary energy source in Germany btw yet power is still massively expensive. The only Euro country with cheap electricity is France due to their lowly taxed cheapo Nuclear/Wind/Gas infrastructure.

I love nuke, but my dad was one of Rickover's lieutenants so I grew up with it.

Nuke power is the best option, but renewable power definitely isn't more damaging to the environment than coal or oil power.

You euros buy the shit out of woodchips from the are i live in, its insane. I think the danes or norwegians or some other shithole nation buys our fucking trash to burn. Our fucking trash.

Probably the Dutch. Germany is slowly moving towards just full solar and nuclear, specifically to bring prices down.

>nuke power is the best option
>but renewable power definitely isn't more damaging to the environment
Yes but that is irrelevant since conventional nuclear power and thorium are both cleaner pound for pound. It isn't about "cleanness", its about efficiency and cost on a large scale, and solar and wind are shit compared to nuke power. We should remove all the green subsidies and put towards nuclear power, especially thorium. Why Trump isn't doing this right now I honestly don't know.
>inb4 miners
They can mine uranium and thorium.

ahh yes, they can mine uranium on american soil, now owned by the russians, approved by Hillary. Brilliant.

>ahh yes, they can mine uranium on american soil, now owned by the russians, approved by Hillary. Brilliant.
Nationalize them under the guise of national security. Leftists don't believe in private property anyways, so they won't mind.

>Nationalize them under the guise of national security. Leftists don't believe in private property anyways, so they won't mind.
Finally something the left and right can both agree on.

>huge SUV


My last programming class had a kid in it named Long Dong.