>he can't eat a burger while driving through town
>he can't text mommy while using turn signal
>he can't scratch a lotto ticket while turning into K-mart
>he can't finger his butthole while honking at the geriatrics
>he can't sniff his poopy crust while pulling into McDonalds
How does the manualfag cope?
He can't eat a burger while driving through town
By succumbing to the crushing reality that being able to operate a manual transmission makes me a better driver.
That's what you wanted to bait for, right?
b-b-b-b-but it's more engaging bro, less flexibility in your car is a good thing!
why would i ever want to drive with 1 hand and shoot the manual driver with my other free hand as he tries outshifting an automatic car!
>he can't be a nigger because he drives a manuel
i don't see the problem with this
Watch the racism, man.
it's not racism, if it were racism i would've said
>he can't be a black nigger because he drives a manuel
nah bro, thats racist, gotta shut you down bro,
that's not racism you nigger
Whoa chill out bro i just dont wanna offend nobody you know?
it's not offensive if you call everyone niggers
I dont see race to be quite frankly quaint with you broham.
That's pretty ableist of you to say.
but you're assuming because i said nigger that i mean a black guy. who's the real racist?
heheheheh.......... auto matic gud...................
You seem upset that I have pointed out the obvious downsides of using a manual transmission. There's no reason to be sad. You are allowed to like objectively inferior hardware if you have fun with it.
Something wrong, my man?
shut up you lazy nigger
Look, just cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
hitler was a nigger for not killing more of them
>drive manual stone drunk while still drinking along third world mountain roads without any cupholders
Am I some sort of God?
is it above 8k ft in elevation then yes