>Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil exporter, is investing in developing more efficient gasoline-powered engines and testing new methods of turning a barrel of crude directly into petrochemicals. The goal: To prolong the global demand for petroleum for decades to come by making engines and chemicals more cost-effective
How will Elon Musk ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:


They should make camels use less gas while they're at it.
Besides, the car industry has spent trillions of dollars on engine development already. What else is there for them to add to the R&D?

That was elon's plans all along. He's scaring them into making shit more efficient, while providing an alternative for those willing to pay.

>“Radical new engine technologies,” such as compressing gasoline in a car’s cylinders instead of igniting it with spark plugs, will prove that “the internal combustion engine has a long way to go in terms of economic viability, and this will bring down its cost dramatically,” Ahmed al-Khowaiter, Aramco’s vice president for technology oversight and coordination, said in an interview.

wait are they talking about diesel ?

What is Mazda's Skyactiv X?
Mazda is already ahead of the game.

>investing in developing
>testing new methods
>the goal

So nobody is BTFO just yet user, hold your horses.

Toyota was already doing that with hybrids; with actual quality products that people can actually afford.

HCCI famalam, mazda will do this already
And hopefully much more will come. Open source freevalve, formula 1 ignition modules, the new S500's hybrid 48v system, water injection. New lower friction materials
>2030 50%+ efficiency commonplace
My body is ready

it's a better idea to just switch over to electric cars and leave gasoline for commercial use

Fucking this, Mazda's too based.

better yet


>synthetic fuels on the rise
>Audi is pushing hard as fug on synthetic diesel
M8 pls, did you honestly think petrol conpanies will disappear? The dutch state is a fuckhueg owner of shell (also dutch) and is working with some universities here to make a flow cell that'll do a photosynthesis-like process to produce a standard length hydrocarbon. Fuel out of co2 and water, why the fug not. I'm not bashing electric cars but I think electric car research will nicely add into clever hybrid systems like the S500's.
>durr why aren't you calling it an EV
Buy an e-bike if you want EVs lmao


electric cars have ICE beaten on every objective point except range and initial cost

Keep telling yourself that hippie, and stay the fuck off my lawn!

>oil is made from fossilized plants and organic matter
>EVs running on nuclear energy
your f350 isn't rolling coal, it's rolling SOY. how will ICElets ever recover???

Where's that thicc production vehicle ring time bruh?
>model s slower than gt86
Top fucking kek


EV proponents, when will they learn?

I really want to see free valve tech become more common place, it seems to be the key to unlocking a lot of potential performance and efficiency.
I almost wonder if Mazda is planning on using it already.

Why don't these sand niggers just give up and use the money to further battery technology? I don't know about you guys but I'm excited for my $20k instant torque 500hp RWD speed machine

Line up your meme machine with one at the lights then you fucking enginelet

How many camelpower?

Because OPEC members don't get a natural monopoly on batteries.

Thermal efficiency is a bitch.

ICE can't touch electric motors in efficiency.

Thats always going to be true, but no battery today is anywhere remotely close to the energy density and utility of gasoline or diesel.

I haven't seen Top Gear in years so it's unsettling to see May with hair that short.

because EVs and renewables are a ponzi scheme designed to rob you of vehicle ownership and to impose global carbon tax.
fuck no, nigger, take your communism to north korea.

>muh lights
>muh quarter mile
no thanks cletus, I'm satisfied with my dick, thank you.

>Mod ECU
>Change engine noise to this:

Take the transmission out of GT86 and see how fast it goes in first gear.

Always makes me laugh when top speed is all you come up with, where are you going to go 150mph on a daily basis?

One place where you can do it legally is Germany and in one place. To anyone else that stat is useless no one can go that fast all the time...

I bet you the EPA tesla fanboys shut it down

Alright kiddo. Put it in meme mode and hope you have >50% battery left. I'll bet all the cash I saved by buying a real car.

>transmission out
>first gear
Is this is how IT people talk about cars now?

at least there's competition between the research fields

Ha you try to insult me because you have no comback to my point!

Well played friend but anyone can see through that :)

Wasn't supposed to be an insult nor it's a comeback. Just think it through before you post.

Take the batteries out and.. Nah, I'm not going fall to your level.

My level of a fair playing field? ICE has an abismal powerband and needs a transmisson to rectify it.

Put a 2 speed in an electric car and you have a monster aka Rimac



slower than a golf/civic


so its like skyactive V+ dynamic ignition and compression like some diesels?

are you queer boy?

Jesus, you're turning into evangelical Christians, where your sole true savior can do no wrong.

>is another /pol/tards defend middle east monarchies because 'muh ebil SJW liberals' despite the fact that these middle east monarchies are the very reason everything bad is happening

That's not actually James May though, right?

May is a petrol head and doesn't own a Tesla.

not good pushing engines.

Mazda already did this, and not for any vested interest in oil prices.

So you can't road-trip in an EV, right? That makes it worthless so far as I see.

t. butthurt musk fanboy that can't accept the fact that saudis are saving the car industry

end urself Ahmed

nty bro


>all arabs HAVE to be muslims
what cave did you crawl out of?

>supports middle east monarchies
>somehow not a muslim

r u dumb

read a book (or a wikipedia article) nigger

that's irrelevant to the conversation you inbreed retard

>more 0.9L turbo cuckboxes
laughing Tesla richfags

i'm sorry sweety only reply to me if you gave a triple digit iq

I am not a muslim, therefore I automatically have a triple digit IQ

how did muslims orchestrate your tinfoil theory if they have less than 100 iq?

they hired geopolitic consultants duh

do you even know how the world works kid? dumb rich people pay intelligent people to do their job

muslim monarchies can hire whoever they want because of all that oil money

Selfies are against the rules, man.

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

I wish I could be as big as the bloatlord. you have to live it, twink

>You appear to have used a tripcode when posting
kek no I do not have a tripcode you dumb inbreed red.ditor

>can't tell muslims apart from arabs
slavs truly are the niggers of europe

but arabs are irrelevant to this conversation about muslims

I mean, they started out as Slaves, then contributed to the societal downfall and collapse of the society, so yeah. That checks out.

>having goldfish memory
middle easterners are arabs you dumb shit and they have been arabs before islam was a thing

>factory drag racer is slow around track

Color me shocked

middle east monarchies all follow islam you dumb inbreed autist, read that post again, it says

>middle east monarchies


please jump off a bridge and end yourself, brainlet retard

Except the shit that they use to make lithium ion batteries is more harmful to the environment than if people just drove petrol vehicles. The UK is going to learn this soon enough, hybrid technology is not as eco friendly as you think.

Where does electricity come from? In the US we still use 79% fossil fuels for energy. How much loss is there in transmission, stepping up and down repeatedly, converting ac to dc, battery charging and back to ac again?

>coal plants and other static rpm engines hit over 45% efficiency
>regular cars need mazdagic or multiair to reach that
>even with it, if you drive like a maniac you'll dip to 20% and less
>america has still the most inefficient vehicle park of any first world country, counting russia
>comparing energy loss over mile covered on powerlines and storage losses against a LS powered dishwasher on roids
>knowing what your bill in gas vs you electric bill costs minus taxes every year

i cant help americans doubt it, but here EV's cost about 3 bucks/100km and that's before the tax deductions and all the political crap to push the sales.

the problem isnt the cost/effiency, it's the amount of extra juice a fully EV'd country will need.

actually sounds cool as fuck

Honda made a 60 MPG engine years ago. But cars are so bloated with safety features and bullshit that even if oil companies weren't suppressing efficient designs we wouldn't be able to reach peak efficiency anyway