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Now this is a good thread. Bump.

Oh why do I have to be a poor wage slave...

I wonder if the E30 M3 would've been better with an inline 6.

>they honestly think God would ride around on gold-paved streets in some krauted-out germacuck shitbox from 30 years ago

God definitely wouldnt ride around in a rebadged overweight corolla

There's a handful of people who have swapped s38 engines in. Most enjoy the extra torque since the s14 is kinda lacking

They're terribad with I6s

don't deny it

Best looking car ever

How about I just post some box flared goodness instead





I guess if the Escort counts I might as well post this too

God drives RWD only you Philistine

Of course it would have been thats why the E36 M3 was faster ;)

E30 M3: the official car of being superior to every other car

God's back up chariot


Gotta have that sharknose.

Or a hybrid that is automatic.

i nut everytime

If God were to move house, he would undoubtedly use the God van

step aside God's motorcycle coming through


a man of patrician taste like myself

t. owner of an E21 320i

Ugly and slow.

slow compared to a fucking aeroplane maybe

It's performance is on par with a BRZ while looking a shit ton worse.

I've driven one set up like the vid.

There will never be a better car. I see why they are selling for $50k and they will only go up in value as modern cars become more and more shit and computerized.

Stop posting bmws. God isn't an overcompensating manlet or a gypsy.

All the car God could ever need.

>continues to oversteer into the wall and explode

>It's performance is on par with a BRZ
>while looking a shit ton worse
nigger what the frick are you talking about

>nigger what the frick are you talking about

It doesn't look good? I know a lot of people like the E30 but I don't get it.

>drives slowly

*drives entire trip in the middle lane*

The regular E30s are a bit too boxy but still look better than a brz imo