Can your car drive itself out of a rainy parking lot and come pick you up from a dry safe haven? It can't? Well, enjoy being wet.
>But i have an umbrella!
Yeah? Does it keep the bottom of your shoes dry? Didn't think so.
Can your car drive itself out of a rainy parking lot and come pick you up from a dry safe haven? It can't? Well...
Fuck, ICE cars are done. How can you compete with that?
I don't know, can you stop being a little bitch about some water?
All the new luxury cars can do this.
why park your car in a dimple in the first place, are you stupid or something
I know a bunch of degenerate nu-males but being scared of rain water is a new low.
>Me man. Man no need comfort or convenience. Man be wet and muddy in car. Man wish he could be wetter and muddier, like a literal pig.
are you even trying right now
delet this
tesla has this feature exclusively! MUSK IS A GOD
just shut the fuck up no one wants to pay $350,000 for a mallcrawler scambox
if you really care that much about having dry shoes just buy a second pair for $20 and keep them in your bakpack for when it rains, busrider
watch out if there is a very large truck around though, teslas love to slam into those.
Oh sure it's much better to carry around spare outfits with you wherever you go than to have a magical smart car that can drive itself to you.
Oh friends of mine that came to the mall with me, sit tight for just a spell, we all have to change into our rain gear before traversing the parking lot. Don't worry, i packed enough for everyone.
>t. prissy retarded faggot that parks in puddles and ruins his coifed hair in the rain
No injuries.
Can Tesla do anything wrong?
about all they do right is their front crumple zone thanks to having no engine
And their rollover protection, and their performance, and their setting trends for everyone else in the industry to follow
Well it would have been ideal if they didn't crash.
I never really wear anything but boots when I'm out and about, and if I'm for some reason wearing normal shoes I won't be wearing them on a rainy day
I'm not interested until they can make an electric vehicle more practical & offroad worthy than my current one
>And their rollover protection,
to be seen
>and their performance
except when it gets cold, or the battery starts to die after a few years
>and their setting trends for everyone else in the industry to follow
your not suggesting they deserve all the credit for the EV are you? people have been thinking of these since slapping 4 wheels on a box.
The Model S single-handedly made EVs cool and desirable though
>no injuries
>can tell that the owner doesnt like driving, ships car with no seats or steering wheel
>is very good at eating my shit
>solved the ICE problem by replacing it with tens of thousands dollars worth of batteries
>successfully convinced normans that 0-60 is more important than reliability or top speed
Ol' Musky is a the prime example of a South African
For once you said something I agree with
Muh fucking infanoot torks and then they slap an open diff and 2cm of ground clearance
Fucking shameful if you ask me
>EVs cool and desirable
to who? soibois who cant afford them and virtue signaling rich folk? when the trendiness has worn out, EVs will die because normal folk cant afford them, dont care or are ICE enthusiasts.
B-but nobody NEEDS more than 2cm of ground clearance..!
What's an open diff?
>roof leaks
it still can't see in the rain. also their autopilot is outdated
>What's an open diff
You serious?
Basically if you try to offroad with a tesla it'll pointlessly spin the wheels since they don't have a locking diff
What makes it even more infuriating is that they have two motors side by side, but instead of driving an axle each they are mated at the shaft and pump out disappointment
I didn't want an EV before Tesla existed and I still don't want one.
I love ICE, but you'd be an idiot to not realize that EV's will be huge within a few years.
I guess the ironic tone didn't work very well through text.
the thing that splits power to the left and right wheels
locked diff is 50/50 power split no matter the conditions. the advantage is reliability of traction, disadvantage is one tire will drag on the ground when turning and wear faster.
open diff is power sent to wherever the traction is lower, causing loss of power being transferred to the ground. the advantage of this is superior wear for tires while turning and low cost.
limited slip diff is the best of both worlds. it locks under conditions where a tire loses significant traction, sending power to the greater gripping tire. it also allows for some play in the power split so tire wear while turning is unaffected.
for anything sporty you want limited slip.
cheap is open.
off-road is some kind of lockable diff.
I wanted an ev conversion before, tried an hybrid and realized driving my mk1 shitbox would still be cheaper than 5 years of electric
I just want EVs to not be loaded with pointless tech and automated shit.
If you didn't buy cheap shoes it wouldn't matter if they got wet.
Not that user but they might be getting more popular; however, ICE isn't going anywhere for a long long time. I'm 35 and figure I'll be dead before ICE goes away.
You are so short sighted. Shoes? Who cares. The inside of the car gets wet and dirty.
Isn't it the other way around? People that buy expensive shoes, and other Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums accessories, don't want their expensive numale clothes to get wet/dirty.
>People don't want their expensive numale clothes to get wet/dirty.
Why would you WANT to get your clothes wet and dirty? Even wild animals take shelter from the rain.
>soy car is literally afraid of water
Its honestly a better choice for the average crossover driver who cannot justify the increased ground clearance
At the same time I dont understand folks who call it an SUV or think that its in any way capable in the terrain
CUV isn't expensive or manly sounding enough.
Thats a very big point in the marketing scheme I bet
>posted with real name
>still has a driver's license
Mild, brief discomfort does not bother me.
i can't wait self driving motorcycle
it would exactly like having a horse or a big dog
You know what I mean user, stop being a twat.
Looking forward to being able to hack these cars and steal them without even needing to be inside.
waiting for the "man kidnapped in his own car by hackers" story
Hell yea
Not really. You talk as if not wanting to get your clothes wet is a dishonorable trait. Which would mean the opposite, wanting to be wet, is the admirable thing to do.
>too much of a beta to pull headrest out of front seat to bash window open to escape
Whomever it is will deserve it.
Ahh I see, you're an idiot. Very well. Have a nice day.
why do leftists want everything to be a fucking pet for them? is it because theyre scared of children?
They already exist, so why aren't you hacking them right now?
I'm sorry user, I can't let you do that.
children are big and smarter pets
you're not making any sense
You can't have it both ways bro. So which is? Are you going to bash people for wanting to stay dry by calling them numales, or not? I have an umbrella; what does that make me? Am I a sensible, normal human, or a soy boy beta numale cuck?
>What's it gonna be like having a baby? >Dr. Cox said it's like having a dog that slowly learns how to talk.
just deploy the airbags and knock out the driver
>no injuries
Thank god it was a Tesla and not one of those ICE deathtraps
Tell me how many times in your life you've maxed out your car and then compare that to how many times you've done 0-60. Now tell me with a straight face that in normal driving on public roads top speed is more important than acceleration.
why not just pick locks and hot wire regular cars?
>not going 180mph down your interstate daily.
Why even live lmao
Kill yourself my man
>he thinks he can get to 180mph without first going from 0-60
Brainlet detected
You first
You numale EV drivers wouldn't understand.
Kill yourself my man
>implying I drive an EV
user said compare how many times you max out vs how many times you go 0-60. Just because going 0-60 will always be equal or greater than then number of times you max out doesn't make it more important. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
not like many EVs can even hit 180, most run out of gear and revs
wow tesla btfo
how much this car costs anyway?
>there were no injuries!
More important is a matter of opinion that will different from person to person, it is a fact that 0-60 is more relevant in normal everyday driving as that's what occurs more often
At the moment.
Ofc it's a matter of whats important to each person, but I'd rather have a car that actually has some noticeable power at higher speeds rather than a Tesla that caps out at ~130mph and accelerates like a 20k car and not a 100k car at anything above 60mph.
until they give into the efficiency god that is multiple gears, top speed isn't going to be an easy target.
the EV land speed guys are using DC motors and 2 speeds from what I understand. the DC motors are louder, have a much more limited rev range, and occasionally need new brushes. the advantage is far more torque than AC. combine that with a second gear and you have FAST.
nice job dodging reliability
That's an E-Class user. How much are E-Classes?
no. it will be the next smart car or prius at best. everyone who wants one or buys into that shit will have one then they will either die in sales (smart) or drop down to a coast (prius)
Pretty crazy how rigid that fire truck is, I mean even the far back storage door doesn't have a ripple in it.
>and their performance
Their only claim to fame is a quick 0-60, the 1/4 mile time is pretty good and the top speed is downright laughable. The batteries overheat way too fast to track the car, the brakes are ok and the handling isn't anything to write home about.
Are you implying one could not simply accelerate to top speed once they're already cruising down the interstate and the opportunity arises?
>durr you better come to a complete stop on the highway when you wanna max your shit out so you do a 0-60 first
Yeah, that doesn't sound retarded.
Literally slower than a 95 citroen saxo diesel around the ring lmao
i heard it had to do with an overheat
is that right or is the tesla just that slow?
>big enough retard to park next to a giant puddle
-can't into programming
-can't drive
-can't poo in a loo
When deport all poos?
underrated kek
Except the forest that burned trough the whole summer.
And the FUCKING LEAF is outselling it.
Firetrucks are made of sheet metal
It's crazy the Tesla crumpled up that bad hitting a sardine can
>strategic parking keeps you dry
>heated cup holders keep cider at the perfect temperature
>windshield augmented reality display projects crackling fireplace
I'm ready for the future.
If that is /comfy/ I don't want to be /comfy/ then.
The best feeling is to drive just after summer rain at night, so the air is still humid and you drive with windows open so you get light breeze and you hear the therapeutic sound of the tires hitting the damp/wet tarmac.
>Rent lelsa since I was considering one
>Fug ye imma dial my destination and fuck about all the time
>"Please keep your hands on the steering wheel"
>What now
>"Warning foot is not on the pedal"
so I got a golf
It's got radar cruise control and will keep my lanes, except it won't bitch at me and costed less than a 5th of a tesla
You can program your autonomous car to roll down the windows and automatically play Nightcall when its psychrometer detects post-rain humidity levels.
You can call me to bull your wife when she detects high progesterone and estrogen levels.
Or just wear waterproof boots everywhere? Faggot
He parked the car in a puddle, not one of your mom's ass cheeks.