Explain to me how the US can just print and lend itself fucking money? How is it able to just keep acquiring debt...

Explain to me how the US can just print and lend itself fucking money? How is it able to just keep acquiring debt? Can it do this forever? Where is the value of that money coming from? Someone has to be getting ripped of somewhere along the line.

>How is it able to just keep acquiring debt?
Debt doesn't mean shit when you have the strongest military on the planet and hold NATO in the palm of your hand.
Can it do this forever?

As long as the US makes all of its interest payments there won't be any problems.

It does neither of those things. The fact that you think that it does those things speaks to deep misconceptions. The fact that you are blatantly agitated about these things to the point of suggesting outrage tells me that you do not sincerely seek to amend them.

>Someone has to be getting ripped of somewhere along the line.

does biz really not understand how the pertrodollar works?

>Explain to me how the US can just print and lend itself fucking money?
Murika needs money, so she goes to her Pimp Daddy the Federal Reserve and says I need mo' money. The Federal Reserve somehow authorizes the Treasury to print more money. These dollars get added to the debt, and the debt grows + interest. How this authorization occurs is up to you to decide.

>How is it able to just keep acquiring debt? Can it do this forever? Where is the value of that money coming from?
In this scheme debt is $; US acquires most of its debt from itself. As long as the faith that the dollar is able to buy something exists, this scheme can go on indefinitely.
Also .

>Someone has to be getting ripped of somewhere along the line.
Everyone has to get their cut - of your money. Fractional Reserve banking can be dangerous if held in the wrong hands.

>Where is the value of that money coming from?
the US applies its military might and diplomatic & economic influence to coerce other countries into accepting worthless debt backed fiat currency in exchange for natural resources.

The US is able to extract and exploit resources all over the world and this works great when the world is based on oil and oil provides such a lucrative return on investment that this whole system of debt pays off enough for everyone to have a little and a strong economy to grow and dominate.

it works great for a time, most of the cost is externalized on the environment and those poor suckers in the exploited third world.

once the whole huge ROI on oil thing stops paying off, and/or once the 3rd world realizes taking $US for gold/oil is a shit deal we're going to have a problem

I thought the US sells bonds to create debt, and a huge amount of those bonds are held by foreign countries, like +30%. I don't think you know everything you're talking about...

I never claimed I knew anything, I just sharing a perspective.

Who holds the other 69.99%?

the whole printing bonds for cash is such a scam on the governments part

damn yurop hella thicc

this is actually pretty accurate for such a short post. for other posters, look up bretton woods and the washington consensus, then look up old world bank memos penned by lawrence summers. confirms.

Whom owns the fed reserve?

inb4 jews

incorrect use of "whom": pathetic fucking try-hard pseudo-intellectual spotted.

The feds balance sheet shows that different banks can buy equity in the Fed so literally might be jews.

>Whom owns the fed reserve?
The federal reserve is a private company owned by the Jews. it's no secret the past 3 chairman of the fed were Jews.

>really makes you think ...

Devalueing the $ is in the US intrest.
That shit would shoot to the moon without the debt.

Petrodollar and Pax Americana

Once enough countries stop trading oil in dollars, and the US military gets defunded enough for new regional powers to assert their territorial claims, the US is in for a world of hurt

technically the governent doesn't create any money, thats a misconspection. the banks create money out of air with loans (thier assets ) they finance with the feds. so actually the banks deside how much money is created, the goverment just desides how easy or hard it is, but the banks actully deside how much money to 'print' (most of it is on paper, never printed).
also OP, the US can't do it forever to no limit, that is hubris to think that.
but all money is created because a bank thinks it will be paid back. infact the goverment wishes right now the banks would create more money but the banks don't want to

>How is it able to just keep acquiring debt? Can it do this forever? Where is the value of that money coming from?
>In this scheme debt is $; US acquires most of its debt from itself. As long as the faith that the dollar is able to buy something exists, this scheme can go on indefinitely.
this is mostly right also.
because they own the printing presses, they can devalue thier own currency (and or exchange rates) which would in theory raise exports and also make the debt eaiser to pay.
this is the problem with greece, normally a country in it's sitution would devaule it's currecy to rise exports (which increases wealth gdp) and make the debt less in real value. but because they use Euros and don't contorl the presses or exchange rates, they are fucked for now.
again this is all in ecomnic theory, in practice so many different things go into this stuff tou can never be sure what will happen and what could happen in any given sitution, and any economist that claims certainly is just being ideologically blind

Because the Federal Reserve is a private bank.
The government runs on the money ((it)) makes because it dismissed the value of having gold back the paper long ago.

>mah god standard
>everyone is dumb but me
btw the fed was around during the gold standard too.

the fed isn't private splug, it is just independent with appointed board so the poltistions of the week don't do something stupid. It's still part of the goverment.

“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.

Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

who does the fed make rich?
you don't know what you are talking about.

you haven't lurked enough user

Rothschild's own a 52% share of the fed.

They're printing money, not value.
The hang-up a lot of people encounter is that they assume a dollar has a real, fixed value. It doesn't.
If the Fed doubled the amount of dollars in circulation, prices would double and the dollar's value would halve. That is, inflation would occur.
And yes, it fucks over everyone by devaluing their savings. Essentially, that's the price of making sure there are enough small bills to make the economy work smoothly.

The broader issue of debt has more to do with what other anons have been talking about: raping poor people. Banks of any kind are only willing to lend out what they believe borrowers will be able to repay. Extremely high ROIs, like those you get from slave labor or pillaging the environment, are easy to get loans for. This eventually becomes self-defeating: the more money you pump into those countries, the richer they become and the less exploitable they are. To prevent that, everyone from foreign banks to the middle class begin to give the money back by buying debt (and real estate, for that matter) and holding it forever.

So you end up in this arrangement: buyers of US debt are loaning us money so that we can all afford to keep raping their poor people. They're willing to do this because global wageslavery is a quick and dirty way to keep people dumb and fed.

Russia has very little debt, damn.
>The Rothschild bow to Putin.

I can't decide if half of you are trolling and the other half are just misinformed, or if you're all actually balls deep in this nonsense but it would be funny to read if the consequences of your ignorance weren't so dire.


USA has a way too close cooperation of banks/lobby/government therefore it'll keep going great as long as they can destabilize/invade other countries for shekels

every country prints more money when taxes are being used for broke people programs. also they probably have a limit amount. also thats quite similar to what happened in obamas stimulus package, just print more money after the 2008 crash

jews are autists with money, thats why their mouth hangs low

user, what are your perspectives regarding these matters?