League of Legends general /lolg/

Chiseled jawline you can cut diamond with.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Doesn't have PT
>Created thread 50 posts too early
First for "Vladfag is a SJW loser."

Fine, here

So what if I'm a SJW? Can't handle an strong opinionated Slavic woman? You need to man up and stop being a shitlord lol I can't even.


>being sjw
>being antisjw
>both are fucking retarded

>Being an edgy counter culture teen

are the keys worth it?

A reminder that Pantheon killed lulu forever

>que up
>jg asks for bot
>say no
>he picks ashe jg
>his friend picks jinx
>have to dodge or lose 20
Fuck these kids

A Kat is fine too.

>Malzahar is strong right now
>Boss Malzahar one of the game's best skins, easily top 3
>know he'll be nerfed, refuse to ever spend money on league


whats wrong with jinx

I had 10 boxes and 0 keys. That's the only time I bought keys, but I only bought 4.

i dont even know what sjw means

I was adc, jg picked ashe and support picked jinx.

I wanna cuddle Jinx also I can't wait for the horde mood.

Xth for best couple

>player icons now use skin portraits

how has it taken them this long to do that

>tfw it's literally impossible for the game to make a champ that appeals to your fetish

Fug dis

*respawn in base*

Skarner belongs to the void now!

lore event where he actually joins the void because he hates humanity when?

My bad, i meant the new dungeon keys

How can you not want to worship these abs God bless DanielZKlein

League has vore, tentacles, necromancy, expansion, bare feet, imprisonment, mind control, petrification, and transformation

what the fuck doesn't it have?

Because my fetish is giantess

>Rhaast in URF

So fucking fun. Never die and murder everyone.

>Reddit mods getting exposed in the Dkz thread. Feelsgoodman. people finally see their bias and how shit dkz really is
Dkz lynching WHEN

>going to reddit
You should go back

Forceful hand holding


Check out deep sea Nami's splash also can I have links to the DZK drama? I have to defend m'husbando

what the fuck is a dkz thread

Speak for your self.

Man I know but it's just a splash. Feels cheap when it's not reflected in game.

Who /blocked/ here?

xth for hypnotizing ezreal to think he's your cute, submissive gf!

Donkey Kong Zero

An origin story of Donkey Kong before he become a time-travelling Sith and fought along side Batman to save Middle Earth from Dr. Robotnik and the 7 Dwarves.

Don't just cock tease give me something to see

>Ahris 9th skin is her legendary
Heh. Too bad I don't think star guardian is that great on her, and honestly I think riot is overusing it as a skin way too hard too quickly.

Link me to the drama please.

I need to show him my devotion

It's just some guy asking "why does Kayn feel so bad when you get locked out for a shitty reason?" on reddit and people are of course pointing fingers at DZK for being in charge of anti-clarity decisions / talking about how they blocked him

I love Riven!! My cute and perfect wife who I love so much!!!!

And what is your fetish, user?

Most of it is deleted

fav champ & current listenings, go

When the fuck maokai will be nerfed or reworked?

you REALLY get to see how bad some players are in URF
literally all you have to do is use abilities and even with 80% cdr they hardly do that
imagine what they're like in ranked

Yeah, but what do you expect when it comes to DZK and his thin skin?
Rito practically moderates the reddit itself


Hello Daniel, just letting you know I am your fan. Goodnight it's pretty late here.

Don't say mean things to me!

how u dealing with the nerfs?

Lulu ult

Tbh I was trying to get blocked here
>also blocked out my twitter handle cause I dont want to shill it

>using Twitter
Oh that's nice, sweetie, keeping an ancient rundown social media platform alive.

You're a disappointment, and that's not mean it's the truth.

I want your wife to fuck my butt

He didn't say I was a disappointment though. He said I'm a nigger which is simply untrue.

>Tfw considering making a twitter account so dzk can block me
Convince me to not do it lolg

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>play ranked
>get secondary
>top on my team gets primary
>and my favourite champion
>play around him, get him turbofed
>win game
>get honor 3

e z

Do it!
He blocked me in under two minutes


>stuck in a glorified farmer tool
>stuck with a gay faggot that drools over an anime villain
Why did Rhaast have it so bad

>using nigger as an insult
Must have been a 10 year old

Woo he rocks!!
Cool, URF is back!
DZK is the worst league designer EVER!

dont you feel bad for lulu
she did nothing wrong
its the lulufags


I went to Hans Zimmer's concert a few weeks ago

He did make kench and rhaast, so sometimes he makes good champions


Post something that triggers you when you see other people playing your main

>Irelia's that don't build attack speed

>riot matchmaking
>get a bronze one in "high" silver on my team
>Solo's drake at 3 and secures every single objective.

Did I meet a smurf.

>bloodrazor on warwick

wich one of you faggots did this?

I was blocked ages ago because I'm on a few block lists he uses.

probably not
link opgg

When's riot announcing their damn fighting game


The most evil team comp:

Singed top
Kayn jungle
Vel'koz mid
Jhin adc
Tahm Kench Support

>URF is back

holy shit it feels like it's been over a year

>tfw no bf to play urf and have fun with

>Starting DShield on Mao

Vel isnt evil, he's just autistic
Zed is more evil imo

Why does Riot no longer give AP ratios to their champions?

Vel'koz is very fucking evil.

>evil team


Potentially. Let's see those kdas.

>tfw no adc bf to support in ranked and cuddle at night
Just kill me already

>Give Illaoi an AP ratio
>Suddenly she's fucking broken as shit by building rylais

Vel and jhin arent evil

>other people playing Urgot in general

>mfw fell for this and it was a trannyfaggot.

>Kassadin goes ROA into Deathcap

>most evil team comp
>no veigar
3/10 apply yourself

He's not evil he's just really really really really retarded

>Win 3 matchmade games with 8 assists each

How the fuck are you supposed to do that? Get 8 assists then afk and hope you win?

undying comp
tryndamere top
jungle kindred
mid kayle
taric support
any adc player with good positioning

>Irelia's that don't build attack speed
Reminds me of Xin. Every time I saw one go Warrior I wanted to scream.

What should you build then?
playing support?

>10 ARURF matches
>All of them lost with a shitty champ

RNG hates me with passion