Have you ever done something real fucking stupid?

Have you ever done something real fucking stupid?
>Be me
>On a roadtrip
>4 adults
>Crammed in a rx8
>Guy on the back seat has the aux
>Puts on normiest trash
>Suddenly cord pulls out
>Radio defaults to previous source, Bluetooth
>Phone starts playing perfect hero
>At "give me your sexy body" I downshift from 6th to 3rd and take a roundabout sideways banging the limiter
>reconnect aux cable
>Proceed as normal
I'm sure I looked smug af while looking at their faces, but now they're all scared of asking a lift

Fake because the apex seals didn't shoot out the exhaust

I crammed 7 in a 4th Gen Prelude for a short ride once (college students are stackable), I got a free lowering kit from that day on

I'll have you know I premix my shit with naught but the best 2 smoke oil

>Not running the car off anything but filtered used motor oil

One time I got my car stuck in a ditch at a whopping 3mph because I made a u-turn on a muddy back road and didn't realize how fucking long my wheelbase was and got the front end caught in the side-of-road gully.

>driving to skewl
>some motherfucker tries to cut me off
>he’s going about 30mph
>I’m at 45
>no time to stop
>swerve right
>end up in a ditch
Here’s the kicker:
>wouldn’t have made a difference except that I hit a speed limit sign on the way to the ditch, getting my car stuck on top of it in the process
>pic related

>waiting at a red light to turn
>Talking to my friend about something
>Light goes green
>Don't yield
>Turn left into truck
Was able to break and miss getting t-boned,but still fucked up my fender

>driving to work
>waiting at red light a wrx pulls up next to me
>rev my car
>green light and we both floor it going 70 in a 25
>speed past a cop, and run a light that just turned red
>was pulled over a moment later
>only got out of ticket cause cop new my dad

>Be me driving 2 year old 98 malibu
>Heading to school for early morning detention
>Running late, ice on road
>Going 60mph realize car seems OK
>Put on cruise control
>School bus goes by me on paved part of the road
>I freak out and lose control
>Hit a ditch put hole in bumper

>Try hiding it with duct tape and green spray paint(dads car)

>Drive it the next day and a deer hits me. Destroys bumper, wind shield, buckles hood, tears up fender, radiator hose comes undone

Got lucky, but still stupid.


>Driving my 94 corolla I finally had money to buy with my job plus fixing PS2 disc readers at school
>Drinking and driving with five people in this tiny car
>Friend has cigarettes
>Flawless blue interior has burns in it the next day
>Rim is bent and hubcap is lost somewhere in the country
>Somehow managed to blow out my flex seal while trashed

At least we were in an area where no one would get hurt but ourselves.

>Driving some friends in high school. >They're making out or something in the back seat.
>Thought it would be funny to whip it around a corner as hard as I could
>They hit their heads really hard, like almost concussion hard
>Not that funny

i've done this before
lost a good friend doing it

>Driving people around
>"Do you have your seatbelts on?"
>Unconvinced yes
>Tap the brakes and smash their faces on the headrest
My car, my rules

how did you fit 4 adults in an rx8???
are you japanese?

I'm 6'3" and my friends weren't much shorter
Also we had luggage
It wasn't that bad, honest

I would have pulled over to laugh at you

>mfw I was waiting for the tow truck which I though would be covered by insurance
>mfw he tells me he has to list it as a “recovery” instead of a “tow”
>mfw this means insurance won’t cover it
>mfw he charges me $150 to put a floor jack under it to pull the sign out that I could’ve walked to Harbor Freight and bought for $40

Another day i failed to yield turning left (probably because i was daydreaming or something) and nearly got t-boned by a SUV, thankfully the driver wasn't asleep and braked hard.

Not a problem. Source: I have one, am 6'2. Once we "sat" 7 people in mine. Crazy tight but worked. Also, the back seat isn't all that tight compared to cars like the BRZ/Gt86. And the trunk is very spacious

Based OP. Would go on a ride with and blast Eurobeat in his car. What color's your RX8?

>Driving 530i pretty much identical to pic related
>late to job interview
>heavy traffic
>coming up to a red light where there are 2 lanes for going straight, 1 for turning left
>turn lane is empty
>like 6+ cars in each straight lane
>know the lights so i know a green is coming very soon, traffic coming from both left and right
>going downhill, absolutely fucking floor it
>didnt look at the speedo but friend who was in the car said i was literally doing like 150 km/h, its a 60 street with stop traffic
>go to the turn lane, come flying up to the intersection
>light turns green just a moment before i reach the intersection
>older guy in benz SUV is first in line on the straight lane
>fly into the intersection at 130-150-ish, cut him off with literally a few centimeters to spare on my right side with him there, and a curb a few CM to my left

Didn't think too much of it in the moment, but just as i completed this maniacal move i just thought what the fuck i just did, 4 people in the car and heavy traffic, could've easily killed someone

And no, im not albanian, turkish, or black, i'm as white as they get, from iceland

>tfw bimmerfag

The ugly ass red
I'm thinking of doing it over in white or a bright ass color
I'd love matte, but everyone tells me it strips away easy

Red's pretty nice imo (at least it's not the boring gray), but definitely not as good as the Winning Blue ones. White RX8s look the best though.

Agree. Red is pretty nice looking. I have the silver one and it looks ok although it's a boring color


>4 years ago
>just got license
>Drive with my dads car
>mine had had no climate control
>Mk3 Ford Mondeo 2.0TDI
>stop at red light
>behind me 2 girls with windows down
>lights turn green
>girls honk, loud ass honk
>look at lights, panic
>full throttle
>let out a gigantic amount of smoke
>i mean GIGANTIC, like a train
>as said before, girls had windows down
>got a hugh load of diesel in the car
>they can't see shit
>honk honk, but can't move
>the smoke blinded all the cars
>drive away fast while laughing

>spray some foaming cylinder decarb shit into my engine
>instructions say to go for a spirited drive afterwards
>backing out the driveway when suddenly the engine starts to shit itself
>fuck, put my foot on the throttle to keep from stalling
>start driving when i smell this burning shit smell
>huge HUGE fucking plume of grey smoke in the rearview
>all from the exhaust
anyone would think my car was on fire with the amount of smoke

Why are you americans so braindead?

>drive old deesul truck
>slowest thing on the road
>0-60 in a minute
>people honk and yell and go crazy when i pull into highway
>accidentally roll coal on them while trying to go faster

>you wouldn't download a car
You bet your fat unwashed arse I would.

>driving friend to bowling
>drive too fast to roundabout
>steer so hard two wheels briefly lift in the air

The vape team!

If you can roll coal you've got a turbo, so why is it so slow?

My man. I warn people after telling them to put their belts on, so either you see them put it on after and look like a retard, or I test brake and they slam their head into the headrest and look like an even bigger retard.

Hello fellow e39 530i owner, you are alright.

>ok everyone got their seatbelts on?
>not leaving till you put it on
why do people hate seatbelts so much?

>toasted roasties

I like your style user

Not that user, but I have a '91 pajero with the 2.5L turbo diesel. Even with the boost set as high as it can safely go, it still struggles to maintain highway speeds up a hill.

Diesel is a bad meme.

I once wondered to myself if I walked into the womens bathroom by mistake as I was standing at a urinal.

>driving down road in xA full of friends
>About to take a 45° right turn
>They encourage me to take it fast
>35mph instead of usual 20
>Narrowly miss guy waiting to turn right (pass behind him)
>Now in wrong lane
>Car incoming
>Steer right
>Overcorrect, almost hit curb
>Hit nothing, scared the shit out of my friends, feel like an idiot

Mutts have lower IQ.

Can't hear you over all the refugees seeding your teenagers.

>driving down the highway at night for fun
>it's pretty dead but there are cars here and there
>going about 110 mph
>see a semi in the right lane a ways ahead
>crossover in the left lane slowly gaining on it
>don't want to wait for crossover
>don't want to pass on shoulder because road debris
>decide to try to cut in front of the crossover before it reaches the semi
>gaining on them fast as they're both probably going around 70
>realize I'm not going to make it in time
>too fast and too close to slow down
>push my 150hp shitbox to 115 mph
>switch lanes with about two feet to spare between my front bumper and the semi
>probably not much more space between me and the crossover
>continue accelerating to 120 and never look back

That's one of the most reckless things I've ever done while driving, and I will never cut it that close again.

>get 1.6 NA a few months ago
>think I know what I'm doing
>go around corner at 60
>overcorrect 3 times, do 360 in middle of highway in front of 20+ people
>windows down, eurobeat blasting
>get the fuck out of there and take the back roads home

>Fucking depressed as shit from recent breakup
>Learn some new shit that my ex did
>Feel like dying
>Have some to go meet some family for lunch
>On my way home I take the freeway
>Push my 100 hp Ford Ranger to what I assume was about 105 mph based on how far the speedo went past the limit (of 85)
>Takes me about 5 minutes with my foot all the way down
>Luckily traffic is light
>Coming up on a semi
>Turn slowly enough into other lane to not fuck up my cars balance and only miss the back of the semi by about 5 feet
>Slow down afterwards but still to 10-20 over the speed limit all the way home


>driving with gf
>long straight road
>stuck behind a bus
>decide to overtake it in my shitbox
>can't accelerate enough to pass, car coming from the front
>adrenaline rush, think it's fucking over
>finally pass the bus, narrowly avoid crashing on either vehicle
>heart thumping madly, gf is wide eyed and pale
>uneventful ride home

it's about instant gratification
the seatbelt does not have any perceivable benefit or effect
until you need it that is
but car crashes are abstract in most people's minds
so the effort of putting it on every time is wasted
also they can be uncomfortable and restricting

that being said
you are retarded if you don't wear one
whenever I'm in the car with my dad he won't put it on unless I tell him to
and he just was treated for cancer
I'm like rly fucker? You survived cancer just to get thrown through the windshield of your truck?

Nah, that didn't happen. Faggot.

Yeah, what a fag for claiming he has 3 friends

>there's a point which we need to stop and we have clearly passed it

I drove my f250 with a NA 6.9 diesel up a mountain while pulling a 1t trailer and I maxed out at 35mph uphill... While blowing black smoke

Bretty funny, thanks for sharing user

One summer day:
>Sister's friend calls my parents informing us she is in the hospital
>attempted suicide
>I have my college placement exam that same day
>Car I usually DD was in shop (Integra), driving my mom's even shittier Kia Spectra instead
>Usually don't have radio, but listening to some tunes, while driving a route I don't know, so GPS is on too
>All this combines at a left turn
>Goes green, I fail to realize it's a yield turn
>Spectra has go-kart-like pedal, literally children's Tonka truck tier
>Shoot off the line with the lightest tap
Got T-boned
Not any serious injury, other guy was an older Mexican man who wasn't too mad, luckily not an illegal w/o insurance.

Life got better but my ignorance behind the wheel did not
>Now own a G37, loving the power
>Late one night driving with a friend
>Some spirited driving, empty streets
>See a light coming up go orange
>We both look at each other and I grin as I decide to floor it
>Obviously way late, decide in my own head "fuck it slam the brakes"
>Toasted scent of brakes and only then do we both realize
>LITERALLY a group of a dozen+ asian college students were at that crosswalk
>several jumped in fright, but most had already spilled onto the asphalt all ignorant and jolly not even realizing how close they were to getting annihilated

I am a far more concentrated, calm, driver now. Truly now I drive like an old man compared to others in their young 20s with a "sports car". I hate people who use their phone and love having space between me and others so I can react properly and just cruise

>driving around with friends and hanging out
>was real anal about seatbelts with them
>ask them if they had them on and they all said yes
>i knew one of them was lying cause i could see it
>thought it'd be funny to hit the brakes and take a corner super hard and fast
>he flung forward then hit his head on my seat and the window
>he started having a seizure
>took him to the hospital
>doc said he had a crack on the side of his head and had brain damage
was no longer aloud to see him and lost 3/4 of those friends. rightfully so too in my own opinion

God damn user. I mean, he should have been wearing his seatbelt though. How significant was the brain damage?

he's no longer aloud to operate motor vehicles and has to take medication for recurrent seizures. i felt so bad and every day im just a little paranoid im gonna get a phone call from his lawyer or something saying they're gonna fuck my shit up

Normie fuck off

I think they're comfy

Like a reassuring hug

I once used nair downstairs


>>Mk3 Ford Mondeo 2.0TDI
my old man did the same to a convertible
god i hate diesel

I doubt a lawyer would even touch that case. Wasn't wearing a seatbett, really isn't much of a case. It would be a huge waste of money.

I hope you are learning to cope with this, as well as the affected family too.

No, YOU are the normie.
And then user was ree.

Where do you think we are, user?