Buying a domestic

>buying a domestic

>being American



>buying domestic in yuro

>being a eurocuck

lol madfag

yfw every car is a domestic somewhere

>tfw your car was made in Japan but never sold there so it's literally JDM without the DM

>Buying a domestic
I wish I could

>tfw Honda made some models of cars in america that they didn't sell in america and were exports-only
>tfw USJDM

>your trim/edition is the only version of the make/model that's actually made in japan

>your vehicle was the last year made in Japan before they switched production to fucking China for some unknown reason

>not understanding the meaning of domestic in this context


awe, feelings hurt?

>Chevy Aveo had 2% North American parts

Was it really "domestic" at that point?

You newfags sure don't understand how things work around here..

Projection at its finest

That's not going to work this time.

cry harder

Ahh the old pretend I have hurt their feelings and won in an internet confrontation trick.

You can fuck right back off to rationalwiki

>trying this hard

Family has never owned a domestic except for a Sebring which kept breaking down.

That's about the only worse thing than buying a domestic in Burgerland