Driving with normalfag friend

>driving with normalfag friend
>he drives a new-ish automatic econobox of course
>stealthily push the automatic shifter to the side to activate """manual mode"""
>car isn't upshifting and he starts panicking at 5000 RPM that his engine is going to blow
>he pulls over and I tell him that I had this happen to me, and I had to replace my transmission
>he believes me
Holy fuck Veeky Forums you have to try this.
>different friend, different car, also an automatic econobox
>do the exact same thing
>he starts shitting himself too
This is hilarious, give it a try. Only one guy I tried it on knew his car had a manual mode.

I used to press the button turned off overdrive when my mom was driving. I don't think she ever figured out why sometimes the car seemed to be really struggling so hard, but she always found it alarming.

>instant jimmy rustle
>just add Veeky Forums
10/10 bait
also you're a nigger

you're a terrible son

>push the automatic shifter to the side to activate manual mode
Wtf are you talking about? Like the paddles that some auto sports cars have behind the steering wheels to shift manually?

soybois don't know what manual mode is for

where it says D you can move it to the left and it will enter manual mode where you can upshift or downshift sequentially

most new autos have this

No, this shit

Oh ok, that's actually pretty cool. There's a safety net though? Right? I doubt autotragic manufacturers trust their retard customers to not stall

Normie cars will override stupid actions and will auto upshift at redline and auto downshift at around idle.

>having to shift sequentially

absolute trash

to be fair, you shouldn't rev an engine past 3k and you're an idiot if you can't drive without doing so.

My torque converter wont even let my car leave the light at 3k rpm. Why are you so slow user?

My car runs at 3.5k when driving 130km/h. And I regularly drive faster than that

>engineers put redline at 7k
>"muh you shouldn't go past 3k, i've got more experience than you young boy"

sequential > H pattern

If you need to skip gears your gear ratios are fucked up or you don't have enough of them.

My dad's Jeep will downshift at near idle but won't upshift at redline. It's a 10 speed though so I don't see any reason to keep it in manual mode.

>you shouldn't rev an engine past 3k
It is designed to rev usualy about doubble of that and makes most of its power far beyond 3k.
Lugging your engine or changing your oil late is far worse than reving a warmed up engine over 3k.

>inb4 muh fuel consumption
Most engines are more efficient at 3500 rpm and 80% torque than at 2000 rpm and 100% torque.

Just because there is a manual mode doesn't mean that a clutch pedal suddenly appears you moron.

The efficiency is where the torque lives, man. Its magic i aint gonna explain shit, but you sure can google it.

>The efficiency is where the torque lives
Not exactly.
>Its magic

I would also find it alarming if my transmission suddenly stopped shifting.

You're on a street, not on a race track, you don't need to tenths of a second to get to your destination compared to the superior feeling of a n H shifter.