Earned my wings about a year ago, loving it ever since. Currently in college for commercial aviation.
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Naval Aviation student here. Got a ways to go but soloed in a Cherokee. Sweet little plane.
sup niggys
Getting into the new Cherokees this semester in school. Starting IFR shit. Starting to get serious Pitts time this summer.
CFI here, keep working on it. Airlines are poaching instructors even so much as 300 hours away from ATP mins. My friend just signed for +$40K and a $20K bonus first year. Good times now if you can get past the 1500 hours.
I'm applicable for restricted ATP at 1,000
Actually got an offer from Air Wisconsin to start training this summer.
Nice! I'd advise waiting to sign any contracts while still in school though. They know how to really bone students.
Haven't signed or anything. It would just be a progressive training program during the summer. Not going to do it because I'm shooting for a tailwheel and high performance endorsement once this semester is over so I can start working on competitive acro. Also going to be working at EAA.
That sounds fun as fuck. Those are all going to look very nice on a resume, too. I'm just a poorfag CFI attempting to bum any ratings I can get from employers lol
also check my quads, future 777 captain confirmed
I'm glad I got to fly, but I don't think I'll ever fly again. Trying to earn my CPL drained me so much time, money, and passion. I was never cut out for it in the first place and I should have realized sooner. For all you aspiring pilots, good luck to you, I hope your dreams come true.
Pretty much the way it goes. UND is sucking the money out of me though. The debt will be real.
>Want to become a rotary wing pilot
>Only options are to either join the military and allow them to own me and send me anywhere they want
>Or pay many tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket that I don't have
>Even then, I'm not sure if I'm a quick enough thinker
wat do
Pray for a huge fucking scholarship user. It's the only way I'm going to school right now.
I actually went there but in Phoenix. Thankfully I lived around the corner from the school anyway. Great program, good teachers. Got to CFI in under $70k so not too bad. I've seen much much worse price-wise (namely one school I work at).
Sorry to hear that user, you at least have a PPL right? Hopefully things work out better for you and you can come back to enjoy flying how you want to fly.
this, or have parents with good credit who can take out gigantic loans, or VA benefits (but they're starting to roll those back, requiring students to pay out of pocket for their first license)
fucking 9/11 terrorists went to flying school on fucking like 7/11 income thank you again republicans for making everything for rich people now you niggers
Fucking Embry-Riddle cucks?
Also, I do get some VA benefits, but it's down to about $1,000 savings per year. Gives you like maybe three more flight hours.
Also this. But, once you do get an ATP the job market is wide fucking open. The Air WI job I was offered had a $56k signing bonus + $40k starting salary.
I know right. I wonder how the heck they plan to stay in business when they start running out of students who can afford their school. And that sucks, I remember my class being majority VA, getting almost the entire training paid for. But you also had to do it quickly and not fuck up so eh.
I'm wary that that $56K bonus will be paid out over like 5 years or something, but I have heard a lot about Wisconsin hurting HARD for pilots so I believe it.
republicans don't want small business owners, it's either the military or fucking global conglomerates running everything and the only stupid fucks benefiting from it are people who own stock in those companies
and prisons
If I remember rightly, a lot of it is given in quarterly bonuses and benefits. Not perfect, but not a bad deal for SIC in a regional carrier.
Stay mad cuck. Also get out of Wisconsin.
resounding meh. I like the place. Not the best, not the worst. Good hunting, nice flying year round, open spaces, EAA located only a few miles from home. There's reasons I want to leave, but I don't dislike the place enough to move at this point. All I can say is that when I do move, it won't be to this frozen shit hole they call North Dakota. Also, not the guy you were replying to.
you won't maintain any wealth unless you're old money. people are too fucking stupid to realize that old money inherently have banking genetics while everyone else who's rich struck stupid fucking good luck, and their kids will piss it away like trump
I will probably never fly a plane so I try to satisfy my childhood dreams with simulators
Unfortunate. Hang out around pilots/local airports. Someone will eventually give you a ride.
One of the few hobbies more expensive than being an auto enthusiats. RIP OPs wallet.
Also, you can still LS swap some small planes.
UND MEI here, fuck off kid, we don't need anymore freshman talking about how cool they are for flying planes. We all fly planes, go fuck yourself, you aren't special. All you are is a kid with rich parents or a kid with alot of college debt. Neck yourself cunt.
I fuck with this.
Just now realizing your school pays shit right?
>took MEI
Hope the school payed for it cunt.
My man I maxed at $27/hr, and I didn't stick around post grad. You don't have to tell me twice.
Being a VA baby certainly helps, but the school trades MEIs for 150 hours of dual, it takes 2-3 months to work off part time. Still, you afraid of the big bad MEI because I'm better than you, or because I have a $7k extra bit of ink on my cert? Relax kid.
Not afraid, you just seem very Niko-ish. VA doesn't help that much, had to work my ass off for a scholarship for this to be attainable. I'm not the one that came in swinging.
You know Nicco? For such a well dressed guy, why the fuck does he have such a shitty haircut?
>Veeky Forums - Auto
Fucking right? Ever talk to him? I didn't know one could fit their own head so far into their ass.
Give him a chance my man, I've had quite a few classes with him and he's a decent guy. Also, I've worked on project with him and he does alot of heavy lifting. He even gave me a ride across campus in the snow. I'd consider him a friendly acquaintance.
>Veeky Forums - bitching about that guy two anons both know, and confirming it through his poor haircut within 2 posts
He's not bad, just seemingly very full of himself. He was in one of my ATSC 231 classes. By the way, MEI fag, you seem like an alright goy. How much longer are you around? It would bee funny to have two Veeky Forums fags in a Seminole.
>bad haircut
No word of a lie back in the 80s I knocked nicco out at a house party for talking shit to my girl. AMA.
>Nicco = current student
Did you pummel the fuck out of his dad or something?
I actually just left last month on an internship with "a major airline" in another state, though I'm hoping to get jumpseat rights soon to get back for some red pep grinders, I fucking miss them. If you want to know about my Veeky Forums adventures, ask Ed at dispatch about "Oh Cock's yellow VTEC machine", he'll know me, I used to SoF and only talk about Veeky Forums shit.
Yeah, Niccos a cool guy if you talk him up, mention how great Hondas are and how shitty everything else is, you'll intrigue him the same way I did. I do still have alot of friends up in GFK, including my former roommate who owns the pink CRX in town, you'll see it around when the snow melts, talk him up.
Nicco's no instructor, such labor would be below him and his leased 2017 Malibu courtesy of daddy's money.
$27 for MEI? Yeah, that's some starving shit. Good idea leaving. I started at $25/hr just for initial. Getting my II for no contract and up to high $30s. While also making $25 at my side gig. I would go MEI but I already have 20 hours so unless it's free I'll just pay for the extra hours and get the sim training from the airline for ATP.
A lot of the instructors from GF seemed really full of themselves down in Phoenix, while all of the instructors from outside of UND were actually pretty humble and hard working. That may have been just my experience though. The ground instructors were the nicest guys.
Wilco on that, and if I befriend Nicco, I can piss off literally every freshmen. It is now my mission. Good luck with the majors. I think I saw the CRX at one of the GFM meets earlier this year.
money's not the reason people work at UND, they work there because they already live there and booze is cheap. And the Chinese students are awesome because they buy you dinner every week. I got my MEI so I could know I would never need it in the future, honestly I prefer teaching singles for cabin comfort. As far as assholes in PHX, I can't speak to that, normal instructors don't go across the states for the same job, they're likely rejects, but that's a guess.
Major here is just an office job, it's to get back as a pilot later down the road because this particular carrier requires an internal recommend to get in, so you have to pay your dues early. I doubt you saw my buddy's CRX at a meet, he doesn't do that and has only had the car for a few months. Here's our gay ass matching rexes from a hangout over in EGF.
Damn, not the CRX I thought it was. Office work sucks, hope you get back in the seat soon.
>office work sucks
>potential to enter major airline in the next 4 years due to the intern program here
>only need 135 mins by the end of the office job and I already meet them
I think I can survive the slog, come home Veeky Forums man
Not ragging on it. I, personally, just hate office work. If the potential is that great it's worth. I certainly couldn't complain about a deal like that.
I'm just saying you should consider the same, there's good opportune if you look around all the pamphlets.
Been in the process of for a while. Going to pick up a refresher when the career fair rolls around in about a week.
Anyone here graduate from Western Mi U for aviation? Is it even worth going to school for this? What routs can land me a job?
I have a friend going there, he likes it a lot. Everyone is hurting for pilots right now, people are getting picked up their junior year. If you can't get a scholarship, the school will be expensive, but you will probably get hired starting around 50k-60k a year.
Oh really, that is good to hear. It has always been my dream to live in the sky.
expect the carrier who pick up guys that early won't be around much longer. I got picked up by ExpressJet sophomore year with only a private ASEL, and I was talking to a guy this week who jumped ship to my particular airline because that ship is sinking fast. They can't make money if they have to park planes with no crews to fly them. That said, there are much worse airlines to fly for that are surely doing much worse than that.
Might be a longshot, but can anyone recommend a place to get the certifications to fly helicopters commercially in the midwest?
I know UND is the obvious choice but i don't want to have to take a load of college generals on top of the actual aviation stuff.
kys rotorhead
lmao, are you mad because they have more demand?
>more demand
>less pilots
>less pay
>less career progression
nah, I just hate aircraft that can't fly after a power loss
That is a good reason.
I want to get into aviation. How do?
Whats your age, what kind of money do you have, what kind of debt are you willing to get into to invest in a high income career, are you healthy, and are you willing to learn alot of things?
19, shit funding from my job and getting some cash from tha gubmint, I dunno, yeah, and yeah.
Do a "discovery flight" at a local flight school to make sure you're interested in flight, and apply to a cheap 4 year aviation college to get started. My school of choice is UND, it's painfully cheap on tuition, and gets you through everything you need to reach the airlines, if that's an end goal. If you're not looking to be in the airlines, say your interest.
General requirements to begin a professional pilot career are: Commercial pilot's license, four year degree. Most people who want to reach anywhere become instructors to gain experience, generally the only way around that is to go military, which is a sinking ship for aviators.
If you're looking to not end up in jets, there are less rigid ways to enter the field, but almost every position in flying requires a bachelor's degree to check a company's education box to please HR. Ask your questions, or give a general goal and I'll walk you through.
25 hr Student pilot here
Im glad I chose the school where the VA covers it all. This shit is expensive
>If you're not looking to be in the airlines, say your interest.
I'm mostly wanting to get into aviation just to do cool shit like fly as a volunteer pilot at aviation museums, maybe do things like fly tourists around Alaska or other scenic places. Mostly just small things. [spoiler]I want to go into something like engineering, gunsmithing, or programming when I go into college. Airline piloting seems cool, but I'm not sure if I could make an impact on the world that way.[/spoiler]
Volunteer pilots for the most part are old guys with alot of money, because unless your organization qualifies as a specific approved nonprofit, volunteer pilots generally pay for what they fly. If the guys at a museum pay for the flight, you'll need at least a Commercial license, it's not that hard to get, you just need the hours of experience. For an example, look at CAF's entry requirements, to fly their smaller trainers it's still a heap of hours to be eligible, and you have to make a hefty donation to fly with them, and continually donate to remain in good standing.
Flying in Alaska is a big industry out there, generally speaking, you can meet some minimums for that by flying at your home airport, and getting through commercial single engine, and additionally you'll want to be endorsed for tailwheel, high performance, and complex aircraft. There are always opportunities in Alaska, just meet legal mins & have part 135 mins for most operations (500 hours to start). There are alot of illegal ops up there, so you ultimately decide if you want to be a cowboy in the wild west, or if you want to fly there and remain legal everywhere else as well.
As far as your musings about your future, I can only speak to my path and what I've seen. Flying is a fun job with alot of money potential. If you're willing to invest the money now, it will pay off barring you get hit by a bus. Your particular interests don't seem cohesive in nature other than having to be trained, I'll warn you to look at the satisfaction of those in that work, and career/pay potential. In professional flying, you only work ~80 hours a month and can live anywhere in the US. There's a catch to all of it, but that's life. If you want to make an impact on the world, check that hope at the door or become a firefighter. Engineers and programmers are stuff in offices all day, or starving due to freelancing. Pilots look out of a window all day.
just fly with the CAP desu
CAP is an awful organization to fly with unless you're a cadet under 18.
t. CAP member who refuses to fly with CAP anymore
The cadets are assholes. I volunteer up in the warbirds area of oshkosh. I try to walk past their "crowd control line" with my Flightline shirt and flightline hat, yet they still have the audacity to ask for my badge.
I’m a rotary wing student and things clicked for me on my last lesson. I’ve never felt so good.
>Cadet's literal only job is to prevent anyone from passing the security line
>person in the correct uniform is missing required badges
>challenge their right to enter a secure area without authorization
>asshole gets upset like every other chode on the flightline when their kid can't experience jetblast firsthand
get fucked boomer
my license number ends in 777.
>Hang out around pilots/local airports. Someone will eventually give you a ride.
Or have you arrested/shot as a terrorist.
Only if he's brown in which case it would be justified.
>military, which is a sinking ship for aviators
What's this mean?
I'm pretty sure that at this point, the military just isn't training as many pilots. Getting into a plane is basically fucking the prom queen at this point. Hopefully the upcoming re-escalation of the Korean War puts pilots back in business, but for now, your odds of banging F-22-chan are slim to none.
Really though, a lot of cadets can be assholes. I got my private in a part 61 school at an uncontrolled airport, one week in summer the CAP does an aviation week where they take greenhorns and have them solo within 7 days. Consequently they think they are hot shit, and are the most unsafe pilots I've ever had to deal with. These asshats would make make runway incursions left and right, cut you off on final, and step on your radio calls. Then, they have the audacity to brag about how awesome they were as 10 hour pilots.
Ya this isn't the 90:s airports are lame as fuck now unless you dad owns a plane. they built that security fence to keep people out.
Actually, the Air Force is really hurting for pilots at the moment. They have about a 20% shortage for what they want, and you can almost always get your first choice of aircraft. F-22s are hard to get into just because of how expensive/"new" they are. Usually they want you to cut your teeth in a different fighter before hand. F-15 pilots are high demand right now.
Would getting into Warthog-chan be a possibility?
I wouldn't hedge my bets on it. There are so many attempts to kill that airplane that I doubt they would be training new pilots. I don't know for sure, but I would look at a platform that congress isn't actively trying to kill. F-15, F-16, and F-35 are the big hiring jets for fighters now, otherwise its C-5, C-17, C-130, and other support role aircraft like the KC-135.
Illegal ops in Alaska your halarious the bush strips have ILS approach now and the faa is always out inspecting the 135 operators. I bet your the kinda guy that tells people they can earn hours by crop-dusting too.
I just want to hold Hog-chan gently and blow up hajis and Norks with her. Is there still a chance I could get into my planefu?
Wouldn't mind getting my PPL someday; for now I have to settle with my A&P to give me my airplane fix.
Im 24 asshole. and im literally driving the tug bouncing around almost falling off as I go out there and they still "need" to see my badge
user I'm going to ask you a very important question, and I'm hoping you answer me honestly:
Who fucking cares?
I do. If I have 3 jets landing i need to get my as out there as soon as I can to recover them.
Fucking hell my man does it take you 5 minutes to pull a piece of plastic out of your pocket? You sound like a lazy, entitled douche
im saying its obvious by the fact is im wearing the shirt/hat AND driving a tug
Do keep in mind the most of these CAP cadets are little prepubescent fags that think they're Air Force pilots.
What's the most that an airline pilot can hope for in terms of salary?
Know how you can tell if somebody is a pilot?
They'll tell you!
Varies a lot. Starting at a regional you should expect 40k-60k based on the company and experience. At a major it goes way up. I talked to a 747 captain a few months back, and while he can't disclose his salary he did tell me "north of 180k." He was also only flying 4 times a month. Salary usually depends on seniority. The longer you stay with a line, the more you'll earn.
I know a guy who was making $300,000 a year flying for FedEx back in the 80s
>nah, I just hate aircraft that can't fly after a power loss
It's like you've never heard of autorotation.
This is the ultimate professional aviation redpill. Now excuse me I have to go back to making actual money so I can buy my PC-24. Stay poor fellas.
Also go to the red pepper and get me a garbage plate. There will be a nice tip in it for you.
riddle fag?
Fuck no. I can't afford the tuition. UND.
Pls buy.