Where my stancebros at?
Where my stancebros at?
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A high school parking lot presumably high centered on a speed bump.
Veeky Forums is shit taste central, we're the minority with good bro.
Probably on /b/ posting in a tranny thread.
Stancing is literally poorfag lowriding.
Dammit, I was going to say that!
Don't even hate stance fags but you honestly think making a car just for pictures is good taste?
How to ruin a fantastic car 101
It's an art form, being a phil/o/stine isn't good taste.
>stance cars
for every ruined Ferrari there is 1,000 destroyed and useless Civics and Cavaliers.
go figure, some mangy bogan cunt enthusiastic about ruining cars
>mexicans and frat dudebros
gee who couldve seen that coming
>It's useless because I don't like it
Grow up
Didn't know there were bogans in the US.
>wrapped in a hideous color
>stretched tires
>bottoms out over a poptart
autism confirmed
if you're from the US and not A/US [sic], then what sex is "A"
Gee, it's like there aren't different groups of people around the world or something.
>Doesn't know bags
>Probably pretends to be a car enthusiast
troll thread
No shit, everyone knows Veeky Forums can't resist shitting up a stance thread. Posting one here is just inviting the trolls.
>shitting up a stance thread
can't shit up shit
This is Veeky Forums, it's nothing but shit.
Veeky Forums is to shit as stance threads are to fiery thai food diarrhea
>stanced Z31 in the background
This makes me angry because one of my relatives owns a Z31 and if he does that to this car on his budget (no budget) i will shoot him.
I don't see any Z31 but I got you senpaitachi.
Am I retarded or is this a Z31?
Looks like either a Mitsubishi Starion or Chrysler Conquest.
Guess I'm retarded then. They do look similar, in my defense.
That's a starion/conquest, confirmed retard
See this happen with pretend racers more often.
Thanks for the lol.
double autism
How the hell did a Mid Night Club member go from his roots to this shit? He needs to lose his damn sticker
Do you see any Meme Night Club stickers on it? Why anyone would want some dead club of hacks decal on in this day and age is beyond me anyway.
Is that not the same 458 that that one dude on Instragram has? He never brings it up but has a sticker on the back and is a confirmed member. I'll never remember his name for the life of me and probably won't find it on Google. I believe he now also has a white 812 that has yet to be ruined.
One you're thinking of is black. And none of them are ruined you phil/o/stine. 458 is better than anything the club had back then anyway.
goddamnit newfagay
nice to see other stancefags on here
why is Veeky Forums so anti stance?
whats wrong with modifying your car for looks if its not a racecar?
i don't care what you do with your car, but lowering a street car so much that a speed bump can cause damage to your car is super impractical and really dumb
also it doesn't even look good
Why is this legal? So many good cars are being ruined by people with shitty taste. They should make car modifications illegal unless they are done by someone with permission from the car maker.
>taking a handling, widowmaker car
>make it impossible to go fast in it
>"look im an enthusiast and now I have built my car in a way that makes me stop being bullied for my garbage driving"
erry time
>not trash
pick 1
faster than your stock chebby shitbox
I drive turd gen.
I assure you you are wayyyyyyyyy slower what with your 0.2g of lateral grip
what car is that
Veeky Forums has some of the worst taste ever, of course they don't like stance..
Wouldn't say to go that far, just force wheel angle to be within 2 degrees of vertical.
I'd love to see that thing out-do my CTS-V (a stock chebby shitbox by any definition) at the quarter- or half-mile
>stanced miura
All kinds of why
refer to
Mercifully, Quebec has actually banned stancefaggotry.
Stancefags get pulled over and the road-legal status of their cars is revoked. Tbh they should do that everywhere.
Easiest way to spot someone that can't drive and easily ignore.
Absolute heresy.
>Inb4 buy them all if you don't like how they're treated
Taking a car almost solely based on driver to car connection, with nudges from the later top dog, then shitting all over everything it exists for it just the tip of the stancefag iceberg.
Veeky Forums used to be funnier when it came to anti stance threads, now it's just armchair suspension experts slinging. literally none of them have driven a car like this so they are 100% talking out of their ass.
it makes for some great entertainment for people with actual experience and who don't just parrot things they read on r/cars comments.
That MR2 has 366whp.
>tyres debeading
>cars bottoming out
>the shitty workmanship causing loss of grip and car plowing into the oncoming lane
>causing a 5 hour traffic jam every time there is a leaf
if you can't go up a gentle slope your car is not road legal.
>shit tyres and suspension means it can't put power down or corner
it can have 80000 hp its still slow.
All fine and dandy if you can deal with no traction because shitty cars.
At least I can fit Hoosier slicks on my box, and stock that MR2 does NOT make 366 to the wheels. If we're allowing modifications, then yeah my CTS-V will make around 575-600 to the wheels.
>driver so shit he had to make his car undrivable to avoid getting BTFO by a bicycle
he can't even handle 36 horsepower
>Armchair suspension experts
You know a following is fucking stupid when people who have never touched a car know more about suspension/performance that someone who cranks the roll center to fuck and runs 370 degrees of negative camber.
Someone with 2 minutes of youtubes 'how it works' knows full well that stancing demolishes the cars ability to handle.
I've never flown a rocket before, but I know that putting the engine horizontally on the frame is not going to work.
Lol I like how none of you know anything but talk mad shit. That MR2 is daily driver with 20+ miles a year. But dang you don't like it so it's some useless car that can't do anything.
Nice job moving goalposts.
>That MR2 is daily driver with 20+ miles a year.
>20+ miles only
>not useless
kek stancefags
>moving goalposts
>while posting a challenge ad absurdium
"stock chebby shitbox" vs a modified MR2, MR2 is gonna win yes
But if we're allowing modifications for one car, we allow modifications for the other.
Yeah man, a daily driver only gets 20 miles. Using your brain is hard I know.
>faster than your stock chebby shitbox
>I'd love to see that thing out-do my CTS-V (a stock chebby shitbox by any definition) at the quarter- or half-mile
Yeah you're still moving the goalposts, who cares about what-if mods when shit goes on forever.
Except you literally don't because you just admitted you don't know shit about suspension besides a fuckin YouTube video lmao. And your comparison there makes no sense my dude. Stance cars drive just fine, my old Benz did 40 miles every day including two fat speed bumps.
My stock miata will beat that MR2 around a track, no worries.
Kinda hard to go anywhere when your shock is already banging on the strut to avoid the wheel damaging the fender and the tire only has 1/5 of the tread in contact (with a terrible compound).
You're just talking mad shit, too, and it's not even your car.
>all this damage control
top kek stancefags
Not talking shit when it's dropping facts. If you want me to talk shit I'll just say no one cares about your benchracing in your fag car.
You always see stanced cars stopped or moving in a straight line. I wonder why I never see stanced cars on a track with turns.
>You literally don't, because
>You just admitted you don't know shit
This is the kind of reading comprehension and logic a stancefag employs to themselves, christ that's pathetic.
If you actually knew a modicum about suspension, you'd know you're terribly wrong, but if someone is so willfully ignorant to the very simple truth, what's the point in arguing?
You don't see a stancecar cornering because this will happen:
Meanwhile drift cars be like
>but if someone is so willfully ignorant to the very simple truth, what's the point in arguing?
this is some killer irony right here lmao
>Dropping facts
Cool, let us know what facts you've dropped and the source material that led to this conclusion. Don't worry, I wont wait.
>Can't even get into a driveway without 3 people as ballast
>Open diff
Lmao, the literal pinnacle of stancers.
Also lol how y'all so ignorant you don't even know what bags are? I swear everyone who doesn't like stance doesn't know anything.
Where are the stats for stancecucks to airbag ratio? Oh wait, I forgot you're still dropping facts.
Yes, airbag suspensions are typically good suspensions, not found on your typical stanced civic hatch or eurotrash.
>bagged cars aren't stanced
Can't make this up.
I think you missed the point where stanced cars are an oxymoron, not what criteria a cuckbox constitutes stanced car
You are all doing it wrong
They probably don't know about hybrid air either even though it's been around for a while.
You get to keep your precious coil spring and you get the added functionality of easily adjustable ride height with bags. What's not to like about that? Maybe the price tag, lol.
At least that way it's still got functional suspension.
Haters gonna hate I guess.
Yeah, doing it right ain't cheap. Static is more fun anyway.
>Spending money to stance
The point is to spend as little as possible so that the bar of equal opportunities is lowered even to stancecuck levels.
ԅ། – – །ᕗ
>When the wheels cost more than the car
why stance when you can have GRIP
Grip requires skill.
Why have real cars when you can have photoshop? lmfao
True but as someone who went from static to air I'm never going back. Roads are just too shitty where I live.
False, not all of us are like those Haggard Garage ricers. Look at the VIP crowd if you don't believe me. If you try to go to any of the big meets around here in something with cut springs and knock off wheels you will be laughed at.
>driving your car with more grip takes more skill
'Haters never fail to prove how retarded they are. Shit this Mira has more skill in one weld that y'all have in your whole car lol.