Automotive Stickers

Hey guys I just recently got a Titan 2 vinyl cutter. Ive been making quite a few stickers and would like Veeky Forums‘s input into some ideas that you all might like and I’ll do some sort of giveaway via a roll thing with emails next thread.

The sticker general thread is cancer so I’m making my own thread.

Anyway post ideas for logos, quotes, or designs you might like made into decal form (with sizes in inches please WxH)

I’ll be posting some pics of my recent decals.

Other urls found in this thread:



Made for a friend in CT



Made for a friend with a Porsche Cayman.

This is actually fucking hilarious LMAO I would buy one if it was a little smaller for my dash. Maybe a square shape.


A wheel, with “Out for a rip” around the tire, or on the tire. Could replace this with anything really. Size 4 x 4 seems good?

I also want some nicer more complex Paul Walker stickers, when he died people just made very simple ones. Like maybe “Tuna, No Crust” with crust at the sides and a tuna fish under “Tuna, No Crust” size could be 6” x 2” or 8” x 2” something like that

breddy noice if you ask me

I wish to purchase this on E-Bay

Go here

>The sticker general thread is cancer
>makes normie as fuck stickies

/osg/ can be pretty awful but this is some normie tier shit my guy.
Except this. This is good

>Putting stickers on your car instead of simple dark tints

>want a speed stars sticker
>this is Veeky Forums stickers, there should be plenty of fucks with the same idea
>a few pictures here and there near the top with Speed Stars stickers
>alright sweet, so this pastebin should quickly tell me where to get my stupid weeb sticker
>pastebin is horrible and outdated
>most of the sellers apparently don't sell the stickers, or sold them in limited quantities and only do a different team now, no one doing any on request like the /g/ guy
>keep looking around and some websites are dead ends
>breakdown and ask in the thread
>question is ignored while all the name/tripfags continue going on about their rusted 2004 civics and corollas covered in anime girl stickers that look like a genuine parody of the furry pick up
I just wanted to look like a fucking idiot and was willing to pay to do so, jesus christ

Here is some I bought since they’re the only ones in fucking stock.

I'd buy a sticker in this style if they had Sidewinder, but other than Impact Blue not having a sticker in the first place these seem rather pointless. Thanks anyway

You should design your own and have it made so it’s exactly how you want

I’ll design some stuff tonight

Well most of my customers will more than likely be Normies

>Dark tint
>White exterior stickers
>The ultimate contrast

/osg/ you cocksucker, we don't need two of these shitty threads because you don't feel comfortable with them

How about some NRA stickers?

>Says OSG is cancer
>Makes thread filled with ebay tier trash
>Also believes having two threads for the same shit is a good use of resources


I agree with a few anons here. I like this very much

>EBay tier trash

Well no shit guy that’s were most of this stuff sells like hot cakes

OP kill you are self

Have 8 right now in the same gold vinyl

Fuck off back to your containment thread faggots, no one likes you. I and other anons wish for a cancer free thread. Go diddle your waifus elsewhere, pedos.

Keep making normie and Veeky Forums related stickers OP, there aren't many new designs out even on eBay it's the same old shit from 2007. Will support you 100%.

I’ll drown myself in stickers you weeboo faggot

So we need two sticker generals because OP is a special snowflake that needs his safespace, both of you eatshit

It’s not a general thread you cuck. I only made this so you guys could spout me ideas so I could make custom stickers for you anons that aren’t 100% anime fetish shit that the normal sticker general thread is.

And it died while you keep bumping it, I'm not even from /osg/ but you're a sad sack of shit crying for attention.
Go back to wherever the fuck you came from loser


Someone is angry that people like something other than pedophilia.

>crying for attention

Not even in the slightest. How am I a loser by offering free custom decal services to fellow anons while your sitting here just being angry as fuck lol. Also I’m not the only one posting in here.

Make me a "SHITFIT" sticker so I can take off the OEM badge

Listen to that guy OP, you're a faggot

KEK, rolling

I don't even understand how there can be an eternal sticker general, how many fucking stickers can you have? Once you have so many, why would you keep posting in a thread about them? Seems retarded to me but I guess having a containment thread is better than a shitload of threads about shitty stickers that I would never put on any vehicle I will ever own.