Recent plebbit convert here, coming from the police state /r/cars.
How are the views here different from there?
Believe it or not, this isn't bait.
Recent plebbit convert here, coming from the police state /r/cars.
How are the views here different from there?
Believe it or not, this isn't bait.
Please lurk more.
go back
Veeky Forums is negareddit. Anything they liked, we hate. Anything they hated, we like.
>more soyboys
Veeky Forums
>more autists
They literally like the same shit as Veeky Forums
>muh wagons
>cars above 1000kg are "pigfat"
>autotragic never
Veeky Forums = /r/cars
How the fuck am I supposed to know what reddit likes
Apparently reddit is a self-governing nanny society with capricious statutes. Some users believe they can transfer these systems here and socially enforce them. It doesn't work.
As far as their views on particular cars or brands, I wouldn't know how they compare to here but I bet they are a lot less vocal over there when it comes to certain brands practices like Volkswagen.
Just an excuse to break this out
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Except no one here liked the miata or mr2 anymore. They started getting shunned after that furry got popular.
the only difference is there's a couple of old money richfags using reddit as their humblebragging platform and for some reason they stayed the fuck away from Veeky Forums
Soo, I take it you hate the stinger
It's pretty hot over there
>only soyboys
Veeky Forums
>only autists
You guessed it
What I like about Veeky Forums, is you don't have to check the posting guide or rules to post something. Seriously I've wasted so many great discussions. Hope I can adapt quickly to the format here.
Users like you?
Personally i don't even know what it is other than a kia
You can always tell who the reddit faggots are by
How they
Space every
Fucking sentence
Like this
/r/cars for cartalk and Veeky Forums for fun and initial d memes
It's tidier.
Makes it easier to read.
chop up your sentences into less formated thoughts, Veeky Forums is raw and it's posting habbits follow that
if a regular user were to rewrite this post, it'd be something like
On Veeky Forums there's no real moderation outside a few exceptions, most fags on reddit will shit on you for not following their million page biography on how to post on their board and it's ruined countless threads.
This gets to me every fucking time, what a copypasta
Go back to your normie shithole
Eh, on one had we have the tiny no-power car built purposefully for women and fags. in the other we have snap oversteer at the slightest turn of the wheel.....what's to like again?
It has some redeeming qualities.
Who are you exactly?
You're an idiot.
Yes, you.
Don't reply to this.
>ITT retards getting butthurt
report ang ignore idiots, you're giving OP what he wants ""attention""
We don't worship Doug demuro or judge cars based on cupholder design.
We only drive high end rwd cars.
Reddit has a containment thread in the Ford Fiesta ST general.
We also recognize that DCT is better than stick.
You'll be welcomed into Ford ShiT general reddit boy.
Also don't post again until 2020.
Depends on which views you mean. There isn't any real consensus about anything here. No matter what cars you drive and what cars you like, you can guarantee there will be a handful of autists waiting in the wings to tell you why you're wrong and why those cars are shit.
Its a meme here and we hate it and all gooks that make it
Yes. Only poorfags like the stinger. On Veeky Forums we embrace the superior car, in fact the best car ever made: The lexus lc500.
Yes. Only poorfags like the stinger. On Veeky Forums we embrace the superior car, in fact the best car ever made: The BMW M2.
Speak for yourself faggot
Reddit spacing is so ugly here though, I and almost all of Veeky Forums find it smoother to read single spaced. Double is only used in essayposts
>We only drive high end rwd cars
Are you okay user?
Some, like this poster here, seem to be of the species "buttblasted germacuck".
Please ignore them and their senseless BMW and VAG posting.
Those few that drive do. Most of us just take the bus and benchrace.
Let this thread die you jackasses
Reddit will ban you for posting the word faggot. I'm not making this up, it happened to me.
I was banned from Indycar discussions because my user name was fag hater.
How does that have anything to do w Indy car?
you are here forever
Veeky Forums and /pol/ are the hot board adjacency.
Love cars hate niggers