>Patch 4.06 Notes
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>Patch 4.06 Notes
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Which gear set is best looking gear set?
Primal DC. beep bep 2401
Tfw no qt elezen eb
Even though I have all my vouchers, I still want to stay on the beach, fish and watch fireworks!
Or races you like more!
Help! do I go midlander or highlander?
Don't want to be a lizard anymore and cat is out of the question. Everyone assumes Lizards and Cats are degenerates, so I have to switch out.
>no proof
Posted a little too late in stale thread.
So I've just had aRR for about 6 months now and I can finally afford Heavensward. What should be my first new class?
Leaning towards either AST or MCH (don't remember the actual abbreviation)
(hey shake a leg)
(it's Mr. Guffs)
And he's here to shitpost here all over the thread.
Can't you buy a shitload of fireworks with extra vouchers?
Is this cannibalism?
Bought a CUL levekit and the very first leves I'm supposed to turn in at 15 (HQ Walnut Bread) is only a leve for 3 NQ ones. Leve is A Total Nut Job. Anyone ever see this?
wh-what do you mean
AST is an interesting healer, but you'll spend more time playing children's card games than actually healing or doing damage, MCH is... yeah...
Do you wanna be super girly and skinny or a little masculine but curvier?
No, only if you eat another au ra
>Give me the juicy details so i don't have to look
classic xivg
>War: "Do you want Deliverance on or off?"
>Healer: "Off please."
>War: "Too bad." /sprint
you can turn in the HQ
You didn't unlock the leves for the turn-in spot, dingus. Port there, unlock them, then carry on. Make sure the other places you have turn ins are unlocked, too.
Also is there a reasonable amount of fishing spots and variety to go out exploring and looking to fill the log? It seems like an ok thing for competition shit but I am curious when it becomes profitable and what fish are more worth the keep.
Oh boy.... "Yeah"...?
Do I dare ask; care to explain?
Haha who else made some friends for the event
The one you like most
MCH DPS is in the dumpster right now.
Get Stormblood instead, comes with Heavensward.
MCH is hard to play and doesn't deal quite enough damage. It would be perfectly fine if they gave it more stuff to help the party or made it a straight-up selfish DPS.
There are plenty of fishing spots to go check out and explore to fill the log! I found it to be neat at first then i got obsessed with crafting
As far as stuff to sell, I'd double check the markets for fish that are used in crafting or with levequests
hey im a mewwy boy
>concave breasts
Make sure not to get too much sun out there !
Can anyone here explain what the fuck happened to the guild wars general? Heard it's getting a new expac but the archived versions of the threads are a clusterfuck.
Pretty much every high skillcap job got dumpstered in Stormblood. Other jobs do better for far less effort.
Alright well, I still find AST fascinating. How is DRK? I can tank or heal, either works for me.
But if I turn in 3 HQ is there additional rewards? Just confused as the guide says do single turn ins but it asks for 3
Fireworks are nice.
Fuck your star, it burns. GIve me the night.
Some furfag got tilted and unleashed a spam bot on the general months ago. They still haven't dealt with it.
I wanna _______________
just turn them in, it'll make sense
HQ turn ins is double EXP. You do a single turn in of 3 items, which is asks for. Occasionally you'll come across levequests that allow for additional item turn ins after the initial turn in.
good cat
Thanks guys
high quality c@ posting
I see..
Where are your clothes?
I wish I had a flat and pale midlander to eb.
Expert/trial roulette. ;w;
Unusable, infested with bots. The general is actually impossible to talk in, so most just talk in discord now. People make threads on /v/ sometimes.
Gonna kinda suck when the free weekend comes out and new players come to the general to ask questions and stuff, hopefully it gets sorted out some day, but I doubt it will as it's been going on so long.
RIP /gw2g/. Never again to shitpost upon your waters again.
I want to suck off a hung ebin~
It's weird since he used to set it up once every few days and now it's whenever a new thread is made. Most people have taken refuge in /v/ when there's a thread up, but they have to deal with autistic screeching of "get out shills" and buttblasted GW1fags. The Veeky Forums guilds themselves are pretty nice and don't bother you if you're autistic and just want to play alone for the most part.
a who
They're there but it's the Moonfire Faire outfit so it looks like I'm naked.
Say I don't want to be the most played race, but don't mind being a race that is maybe middle of the pack, what do I pick? Au'ra or Hyur? I know Miqote is top.
oh I was gonna say
I wouldn't mind you being naked though
I want to sit in an elezen's lap at the faire and rest my head in her fat elf tits while we watch the fireworks and she holds me close!
Au'Ra is almost as played as Miqoute
>dat 2021
Tried something different with frightenelf
Do it then
Wait, really? That seems odd to me.
That's a bit lewd
Not so fast, user
more like tall evangelyne
Which one will you join /xivg/?
Definitely midlander.
But if you're feeling crazy, elezen.
Sorry on aether
Stop making me want to fanta my main, user. I'll play her seriously when I can buy a MSQ potion again
Join top one tell them they're mean then join bottom one
Thanks, I saw that there's a free weekend coming up which caught really my eye. Is the bot fully automated to seek out the thread or does he activate it on any new thread? If so could someone theoretically just make an "ArenaNet General" to circumvent it? Can't believe mods let it go on so long.
They're tiny moeblobs that are vulnerable yet exotic because of the scales and horns, so they're the Phlebotinum Girl trope to a T.
Just went and looked it up. Wow holy fuck, I remember looking at it a few months ago to ask some questions about the game and it was a shithole then but THAT is something else.
GW2 clearly such a better game even their Chemo blows ours the fuck out.
GW2G was because of you, Awena.
Now you will learn to never infect another general. XIVG will soon come to the same fate.
do what
>all the freckles being posted
People have tried a number of things, including changing the name of the thread, but the bot always picks up on it or the guy manually combs the catalog searching until he pinpoints it and adds the new info to the search. The bot itself pulls from the fireden archives and scraper sites for both /v/ and Veeky Forums. I've seen more than a few posts there that came directly from /xivg/ and it was weird as hell.
People don't know how else to differentiate their characters or they don't know how to properly use the makeup/facepaint options in character creation, so they lazily slap on black freckles and call it a day when it looks like a sea of blackheads.
You got a problem with freckles, faggot?
Cutest race!
I remember back during the weekend betas pre-launch, the most autism I remember seeing was the guro of that one asura avatarfag.
As much shit as I give /xivg/, I'm honestly surprised we have somehow avoided /gw2g/ levels of anarchy
it does make me wish there were complexion options along with each face.
Our autists care more about highschool tier drama than revenge. We have the pussy ass bitches that'll mumble sorry when a bully shoves them into a locker. They have the guy whose dad has a safe full of guns and ammo that he never locks up.
How many cocks do you like having around you at once?
Do you prefer cut or uncut?
Do you enjoy going out in public smelling of cum?
It wouldn't be lewd if we were in love
Got an hour to burn anyone wanna do anything
Cute fish
I dunno why but that face is such a turn on
>We have the pussy ass bitches that'll mumble sorry when a bully shoves them into a locker. They have the guy whose dad has a safe full of guns and ammo that he never locks up.
I'm dead.
I feel like I see an even amount of the two, at least on Balmung.
he's never shitposted to the thread about what clears he has
he heals just fine, it's mechanics and consistency.
most of his raid team left for greener pastures because replacing one person turned into two, turned into three, turned into four, when he wasn't even the raid leader to begin with, but they shouldered the burden on him anyway.
i've never met someone so unabashed about having no life beyond keeping track of another person's progress in an mmorpg.
I wish the facial features weren't locked to specific faces.