Pure Tirion edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
Pure Tirion edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
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I disenchanted my free DK! it was warlock
>tfw can't beat second challenge
I ended up drafting Inkmaster and DK anyway
Where are the meme decks thats gonna take me to legend???????
I only play face hunter because I don't understand the game mechanics a lot
Shit, this is a new level of stealing
I am upset they made someone that can't be beat by alternative methods. I always like to meme in adventures but you can't win without weapons in this one. Even when the other guy has no cards
no, saurfang
Xth for I want Eloise to bully my dick until I'm a premature quickshot loser.
Just play to tempo until you get an unstoppable board. You'll get 30 total damage eventually.
Druid is my biggest disappointment easily. They have scads of annoying cards and do the exact same shit as the previous expansion. I couldn't take more than 20min of Reynad because it was getting too irritating, disgusting how it has anti-aggro at near lockdown with Plague and also horrific levels of anti-control with Jade and Yogg.
People need to run the Geist but I feel like only hardcore players will ever do this.
I think she would be great at dominatrix stuff but then have no idea how to love anyone or even know how to do anything well sexually.
heyo i have not played since blackrock mountain and i'm wondering what the state of the game is and if it's worth returning?
>I couldnt cheese him, WOW I actually have to try...
poor trippy...
I can't, this faggot keeps spamming minions and heals +3 with those specific minions
Give up, skeleton.
Highlander Priest seems fun but highly inconsistent.
With the right draws, you can beat almost any deck.
But since you are highlander, with the mediocre draws, you are fucked.
>got shit deathknight
>got shit leggo
>got shit on by people having fun with their cool cards
guess this is my arena only expansion for a while
Yeah probably.
I just want a cute girl to fuck my shit up desu, and Eloise excites my mediocre dick.
>Got Warlock DK
>Remember that Warlock never gets to 10 with any deck
>Remember that Demons suck in zoo
400 dust amirite
I have a weird issue, at least I think its weird since Ive seen nobody mention it before
More often than I would like I miss lethals. For example I get so distracted by the board that I use my eviscerate on clearing it when I couldve killed. Its quite frustrating
How do I keep focus
I mean it is day one, but that Jackiechan guy made a deck that he said he went 23-0 with.
do the new exodia lists use simulacrum?
Well, that and DK Uther.
I agree though. Tried coming into the Adventure first with a Naxxramas themed deck. That didn't work.
Don't be afraid to go up to when rope appears making sure you don't miss anything; don't rush through the first ten seconds of a turn. Just be sure you actually get something in motion by the rope.
nvm, I managed to beat him
>really want to craft Uther DK
>don't want to craft something day 1
How can I make control mage work without turning it into freeze mage? I'm trying to make it with secret synergy and big late game minions like ysera but it's not going well.
It's kind of like lucid dreaming.
Try to practice checking for lethal regularly, even if it seems like you're not very close.
I crafted Rotface and Grom, along with some extras for an evolve deck.
Don't regret. Enrage/damage warrior is shit but it's really fun. Gonna be a great deck to play during classes.
>I crafted Rotface
this is the best advice
Like said.
Start your turn counting how much damage you can do. If its enough to kill your opponent, try to see if it can get through whatever board he has. If not, trade away.
most people will say no but if you quit because of any inherent mechanics to Hearthstone such as it being a card game then no you won't like it, it hasn't substantially changed; just more stuff has been added
Uther DK is just another control card for Uther. You just throw him in the already made control pally deck. He is probably the one DK that will slot right into pre-existing decks without major alterations. The other ones being Anduin and Malfurion. If you play control pally, he is a safe craft 100%. How good control pally will be in the meta is another question but with Sunkeeper Tarim, Spikeridge Steed, OUT OF MY JUNGLE in rotation, Pally will be relevant.
The rest require some modified archtypes,
>best deck is jade druid
> only new card is ultimate infestation
nice meta
>Coin win axe
>play 2x Upgrade
>You literally cant lose anymore after that.
Was it that hard nigga? Just keep reseting till you have the proper opening,
Holy fuck. This is the WORST META IN THE ENTIRE GAME so far.
Every single deck is either curvestone on steroids or just draw cards nonstop and remove everything your opponent has and just release your 20/20: whenever your opponent does thing, he dies. I'm not even talking about Mage exclusively; Warlock and Priest are even worse. Holy fuck.
Yeah, he is real fun.
I don't play for ranked.
Use the medivh value mage list.
good thing they printed a tech card that guarantees any control deck can beat jade druid. maybe try playing it instead of bitching on an anime board?
>want to craft a gold DK to fit my golden heroes
fug :-DDDDDDD, so this is how they get to you
>crafting non-golden rotface
The first two "synergy" picks in arena are real shit. There is nothing good from it since you get fuck all in draft thanks to KFT offering bonus. Epics and legendaries are even worse. There are at least some deathrattles but you wont get any elementals, murlocks, pirates and beasts if your class does not have any class specific ones.
>no new archetypes
There is this retarded notion that every set needs to have a ton of completely new archetypes never before seen. Not only was the last new archetype nerfed due to community outcry (Quest Rogue), it doesn't even make any sense. If an aggro, midrange, and control version of every class exists; what more can there be? You are just then looking for new and very specific combos like Patron and Quest. If a combo exists for that class, it's just an extension of that combo. Freeze Mage is Exodia Mage is Giants Mage. Aggro in MTG will always exist in the same form whether it is RDW, White Weenie, Goblins, or something else and they all play pretty much the same.
23-0 from rank 20 to rank 10. Very impressive. Beating plebs with anti-aggro decks sure is hard.
>posting a still image of an animated card
>Just angry chicken things
Trying standard rogue as always, so far ive learnt this
HollowDK lets you survive a lot longer though against some decks it still feels not enough.
Roll the bones is too garbage even in a deathrattle deck. There's just not enough good deathrattle minions for rogue to justify such a slow deck as 15 deathrattle minions.
Doomerang + Shadowblade is absolutely disgusting and needed in this flood of sticky minions.
Lillian voss is ok but the effort you need to keep enough tokens to justify it is too dam hard. If bone baron's skeletons were spells that summoned them then maybe you could see it.
really pushing the new pack changes to the limit, in 60 packs i had about 15 of these each. they could at least be a bit less obvious with their blatant card rigging
shut up you faggot nigger
do you honestly think most people that play Hearthstone play any other card game? People on /hsg/ and the Hearthstone subreddit care more that every class has a shitty tier 2 deck rather than the decks be actually interesting
Bawwwwwk bawbawkkk
>free DK Hunter
>2 mana Prince from 25 packs
I guess i cant play cool shit till i farm for 2 month amiright
man the f2p model is so bad in this compared to other card games
only good thing is infinity arena
thankyou i will try taking more time in my turns, i do rush things for no reason
>People will never stop making fun of me for playing low tier decks because they are fun
Feels poorly.
i mainly stopped due a stagnant meta. has the game been shook up a bit?
post your rank or fuck off nigger
Yes, control is semiviable now.
Yes. Because it is day 1 of a new expansion
>tfw I got the same shit
I tried using the DK hunter but the fact you need to hero power, essentially adding +2 onto any already shitty cost minions makes everything way too slow
>opened like 60 packs
>3 legendaries
>Moorabi + two princes
I'll get my team to fix this right away dont you worry. I've sent you 1000 dust to compensate for the emotional distress.
>tfw unpacking 8 bear sharks in 36 packs
i hope he never makes top tier play
Has nobody at all shown off Benedictus gameplay yet?
Bacawwwwkk bwakk.
Stay trigger, cluck cuck.
Post uses for the princes, for those who feel bad that they got one and need a reason to not feel like they got fucked by pack RNG
>2 drop prince is useful in zoolock
>4 drop can be used in quest warrior because of low 4 drops
>3 drop can potentially be used in DK priest with velen
3 x 15 packs
>arfus + uther
Is that worth putting in any decks?
>rank 25 faggot won't post his rank
not surprised
kys faggot
Is it normal to be fully erect after playing against the female huntress hero
Benedictus is the epitome of 'card you want to play but don't want to craft'
how the fuck do I beat the 3rd challenge?
Would you guys watch me play dumb decks?
Why do Mechs get stiffed every expansion
take a bunch of healers and a couple of silences shadowwords to remove the taunts
Kawww kawkluck
Seriously, just netdeck some shit and even you can make rank 10 or better.
Anybody with a functioning brain can achieve this.
what the fuck kind of oc is that?
>when 2 of your 4 legendaries are princes
i hate my life
Guys, I've got it.
Spell damage Hunter.
>muh netdeck
top kek
its a commander card, for EDH. Once in a while, they release a few premade decks with cards that are centered around EDH.
I reach legend every other season you rank 25 shitter
If you don't see what's wrong with every class being mage rn you need to literally kys
Well, control paladin is still viable, fuck so hard mage/druid/warrior
It's the first day of an expansion everyone is experimenting
It's probably not that good because people are trying out decks themselves. Remember when quest mage was unbeatable? That turned out well didn't it
>buy alleria because dont want to be a gay orc
>expac theme: become a gay dead orc
>murlocs with thrall
>open all my packs, make a dk deck
>queue up
>first game is a pirate warrior. second game is jade druid
the fuck is wrong with people?
please stop
but he can kill my dragon
sure im bored
hes half orc you retard
Honestly I love control wars and hate aggro cancer.
I hope this breaks the spirit of every aggro(d)weeb.
holy shit, this game isn't dead? is it any better since the necroworks dlc or whatever
you dont silence your own dragon friend you use the silence to get rid of her taunts