Who /forklift/ here?
Who /forklift/ here?
I sometimes fill in for warehouse driving the reach truck.
Fuckers are too stupid to grab stuff apparently.
You'd think that someone else would take the initiative. But no. That would make sense.
what company you work for? you like it? i used to order select a few years ago. three years of that burned me straight the fuck out. kind of want to get back into it.
I work for Costco.
It's ok, but there's tons of pressure during the to get the shit out and up in the steel
Go away Truckdog
That would mean they must work.
Instead of sitting on facebook or gambling.
No, let the assembly guys grab their own stuff. It's not like we need breaks or want to go home after 9 hours or something.
does it pay good? ive tried to get on with them for a couple of years now, no luck.
I get paid to eat bacon turnovers and do burnouts on forklifts.
Life is good.
Top pay for warehouses is about 25 an hour with a 3k biannual extra check(in my case, been there 10 years) so I can't really complain about the pay. Good medical too.
Don't know if it's different in the depots, thougn.
How do you get a job? I keep giving my CV to places and sending cover letters about how all I've ever wanted in my life is to stock shelves at whatever local chain grocer I'm sending shit to, but I never even get contacted back.
> Start work
> Start forklift
> Drive forklift
> Forwards
> Inna trailer
> Backwards
> Outta trailer
> Repeat
> End work
> Go to car
> Start car
> Want to go back up
> Flip turn signal on
> Wonder why car isn't moving
Judging by that HOT sheet, I assume you work for Costco. I had to help out a store a few months back because they had almost all their night crew drivers call in. My store uses Reymonds but this store had Crowns. Every time I would pick up anything over 1K lbs, the lift would struggle and that's even with a full charge. Reymonds feel a lot more sturdy to me, but the Crowns auto level function was pretty nice, but not having side shift was a deal breaker. I don't know how you can drive without side shift, that would drive me crazy.
Who /notcertified/ here? I work at a Harley dealer and pull bikes off the trailer every now and again with a kubota that's got flames and harley symbols all over it. They never made me get certified.
If they are asking you to drive non-certified, the blood is on their hands.
>The blood is on their hands.
You get used to not having it.
That said, i really wish they had it.
This, my company recently got visited by an inspector and they guy got a big ass ticket and the company is getting subject to a big fine, be careful
no I make too much money to get paid to do fun stuff like that :(
I did for a while until they realized I'm not certified
After working in a warehouse and driving them for 2 years (Including the old manual forklifts with a manual shifter), I can say they aren't that fun.
>be welder-fabricator
>night shift so we have to haul shit around with the lift ourselves
>mfw driving a car after that every single time
How the fuck do you guys do it
The same way I drive a forkhoist and ute at work, scooter to work and weekend warrior my car and bike.
I know how they all perform and mentally take a second every time.
My warehouse has Yale ESC electric stand-ups. They're fun as fuck to drive once you get a hang of them, but unlike a sit down with a wheel it takes a while to get to where you can put it on a dime.
Depends where you work.
If I'm caught without a license, I get slapped hard, but the company gets slapped harder. Being that my pockets aren't as deep as Philips, I'd rather let the company pay for me to sit my license, thank you very much.
I run a forklift sometimes as a welder/fabricator. A lot of the stuff I build is way too heavy to carry by hand (500-1000+ pounds), and the steel has to get to the weld bays somehow. We've got these nice old Hyster machines without too much in the way of safety nannies, it's great. They have full lift/tilt/sideshift/fork width controls, which is great for picking up a wide variety of things without having to get out and mess with the forks. It's also good for setting stuff down really accurately on a layout table to save the work of manhandling it around.
We had a new Toyota on rental for a few days and it drove me crazy with the flashing lights and beepers and just shutting down and refusing to do anything for no apparent reason. It also had cheap feeling plastic in some places, I like the more solid feel of the older machines. I don't worry about snapping the levers off anytime I want to get stuff done fast.
What's always way too much fun is unloading bunks of steel from the semi when it comes in. There are some bunks that weigh as much as the maximum capacity of the small forklift, and when I have to go 15 feet up in the air to clear the tops of some sheds outside it feels ready to just tip over. Having 10 feet of steel sticking out from either side makes maneuvering rather interesting to not throw over two tons onto the ground, or flip the forklift on it's side. Without any automatic nannies you really learn to be smooth with the controls.
I don't really have the issue with flipping my turn signal to change direction, since both forklifts are automatic and my car is manual. Plus, there's a big difference in the seating position and feel of an RX-8. That and I maybe spend half an hour of a full 8 hour shift actually driving, so I don't get too used to it.
It's easy really
It's not that it's hard, it's that it's so different that it feels so goddamn weird at first
I never had a single thought about it.
I also have no problems switching cars (3 at home), van, bike, bicycle, forklifts and reach trucks.
Only the seating height fucks with me, but that's just between cars and a van.
I lub me sum toyota 25k
that's not a forklift you fag, it's a reach.
that said I drive a reach and a forklift at home depot. shit's cash.
>ticket expired a while ago.
>couldn't be arsed coughing up the 40 dollary doo's or whatever it costs to update it.
>fucking klaus it up every day in the old prop yard
>absolutely no fucks given
It's even worse when you're driving a forklift, about to make a left turn, and feel the sudden urge to signal.
Crown is literally the gayest brand my dude.
Raymond and Hyster master races
That's a crown 5500 you dingus.
I used to work at a warehouse where the forklifts had forward and reverse on a pedal like pic related. It never bothered me when driving my car but holy fucking shit I nearly killed myself when I went to another warehouse with the turn signal forward backward thing.
>time to stop so I can pick up that pallet sitting next to the 3ft thick exterior wall
>slide foot over for reverse to plug it to a stop
>reverse isnt on the floor anymore
>press accelerator
>oh sheeeeeeeeeit
>slam on brake
>then signal my intention to back up
>hear no one laughing
>all is good
>pick up pallet and left
Looks pretty familiar user
>Drive tractor for a week straight.
>Going on open road and not ripping any ground
>Grab a gear
>Set throttle to 3/4 and dump the clutch
>In reality I hit the indicator to turn left and Jack rabbited to a stall
Yeah, they've never made me get certified, but they tell me to do it all the time anyway. I'm decent at driving one, but I don't like ours for the simple fact that they're cantankerous pieces of shit.
The forklifts I mean. worn wheels and tires, engines and ignition systems that are in dire need of a serious overhaul, seats obliterated from fat fucks driving full tilt on shit pavement between buildings.
Toyota makes a helluva forklift, but meh, I wouldn't want to do it full time. Lots of concentration and focus demanded, and if I were to work with more containers and high stacking like they're usually purposed for, I would cause an accident, my depth perception leaves a lot to be desired.
Forgot to mention I got into a regular truck
>25 an hour
Is that American dollars or Canadian?
>certified Reach, VNA, Counter balance, MLOP
>£10 an hour
>All of that
>For nothing
>check job listings in local area
>average wage for a fork lift driver is £8-9 per hour
Guess I'm here forever.
It's better than warehouse workers get here. They're lucky to get €10/h
I drive one occasionally at work
I always drop the fucking load though but it's nothing but pallets so it's okay
Forklift mechanic checking in
I've got a few Costcos I service around Seattle, you fuckers keep me busy
Crown stuff is fucking garbage, I have experience with their other warehouse movers but thankfully not an actual forklift. The same machine can be jittery and over-responsive one day and sluggish the next, and the battery level indicators are never correct. The auto brake is so abrupt that when you let off the throttle, there's a real danger of whatever you're carrying falling off from the sudden loss of momentum.
But it's not often my problem, I stand in front of a machine all day, lifting 50lbs every 10 minutes and pressing a button and make more cash than a forklift driver.
>sending cover letters about how all I've ever wanted in my life is to stock shelves
I've driven one fag, it's still not a forklift. it's a reach.
its a standup forklift you mongrel
It's a reach for companies that like to abuse their personnel.
coast pro rules