/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Most recent developer update video

>Newest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20861969
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

What kind of mousepad do we want /owg/?

Even with her large body she wants to feel pretty and feminine.

If you don't buy Overwatch Lootboxes Blizzard will never update the game. Please go buy 50 lootboxes right now to show your support.

I haven't used a mousepad in ten years. I don't even know why I "should."

>Doomfist made out to be a suave bondvillain

>has no cool stylish outfits or cheesy lines

thanks game

>Playing Tracer
>Harass backline.
>Enemy swaps to a Widowmaker and begins seizure-inducing snap-to aiming to headshot perfectly after a diagonal or lateral blink.
>Record shows 80% aim as Widow.
>Call out in allchat.
>His three or four boyfriends immediately jump to his defense with "salt."

Every time.

are my queues broken or is this game just dead?

>deathmatch comes to overwatch

might be cool. who tribes/unreal/quake here?

I don't have to because other people do it for me.

>Record shows 80% aim as Widow.
Why stats like that don't already set off automatic red flags for Blizzard and prompt an employee to manually review his gameplay is fucking beyond me.

Predict what they will inevitably break when the PTR changes go live.

>Michael Clarke Duncan will never play Doomfist

You get the ass mouse pad and you're going to like it.

>play tracer
>harrass backline
>literally 4 fucking people were there when they finally killed me by their spawn on route 66
>my team still hasnt pushed payload

>only recently turning 1 whole year
>people are calling quits

>doto 2: electric razorloo
>almost a decade now
>churning out more shekels and the fanbase keeps refreshing every TI

anyone else tried roadhog on PTR?
he's a lot more fun than he was after they broke him

>Play Tracer
>Harass backline
>Literally 4 fucking people were there when they finally killed me by their spawn on route 66 with a lateral Widow headshot and seizure-inducing snap-to aiming.
>My team still hasn't pushed payload.
>Team begins screaming "tracer get on payload"

>Shitter: We need a healer
>Shitter has switched to Roadhog. (was Mercy)
>Shitter: Did Roadhog buffs happen yet?

>Place first concussion mine behind me for escape

>place trap and second mine at corner near enemy spawn as setup ends

>Turn around to rocket away, 2nd mine is now gone

Whats the point of having 2 if you can't have both laid and consecutively explode them with right click?

dota2 did lose a lot of its users because of 7.00, which should have been introduced more better, and a crippling lack of proper tutorial for new players.
If they could reduce the amount of ult charge roadhog can give to the enemy it would be really good. the only people butthurt about him is because they can 1hit kill anymore, instead of picking off weakened/hurt opponents

I'm sure the human-trafficking industry rakes in boatloads of cash, too. Doesn't mean that I want to get involved in it.

Sombra online

MOBAS are kept alive by esports.

Overwatch, and all competitive FPS, kinda suck as a spectator sport.

well taking half damage while healing give less ult charge
and being able to move also means he can get out of danger easier

>manage to get most of the enemy team to abandon point defense and chase after me
>pull them all the way back to their spawn
>my team ignores the point and follows the enemy team
>we all die trying to fight them at their spawn
>the timer runs out and we didnt even manage to get a tick
>by now we've devolved into six angry monkeys throwing shit at each other
>lose defense in just under two minutes

I can't wait to kill mercy/pharah combos now, thats gonna be fun.
I thought so too, but it turns out you'll get full ult charge as if it was a full hit. I'm just glad his survivability is higher.

>"compettive shooter"
>only recently adding deathmatch

lol okay buddy

Which Overwatch girl do you think has the prettiest teeth? I have a fetish

>there are two bleus
Thank you god

moba players have already established their shit taste by being moba players, of course they'd be more enthusiastic about moba esports than fps players would be about fps esports

also because esports will never be taken seriously by people who don't play the game that is being an esport, but that's a different argument

To point and laugh at you.

Probably Mercy or Symmetra.

Wait, are you saying they both explode with one button press? That's bizarre.

>competitive dm has even existed in any moderately serious capacity in the past 10+ years of video games

may as well complain about the game not having bhopping

>and being able to move also means he can get out of danger easier

I feel like people are ignoring that his heal only lasts 2 seconds. This isn't going to help him "get out of danger easier" more than it's just going to keep him healed more while taking damage when he hits E. The movement is a generic buff Blizzard gives moves so it looks like it's stronger than it actually is. Roadhog will still be useless until they revert the hook nerf that started all this mess.

Roadhog tiddy

what do you mean

I wonder who takes care of Amélie's Chateau.

Are you fucking retarded?What the living fuck is with all the clueless underage redit posters.
Esports started out as deathmatch.

>esports will never be taken seriously

As much as I hope they never do, they are gaining ground by being on ESPN and FOX and the old baby boomers that still see video games as Satan trying to drag the children into hell are slowly dying off.

Why not, unless you are the one being trafficked?

Why does Goyimwatch have so many non-white "heros"? I mean excluding the asians

Her butleur

Omnic bootlers.

Or Widow gets dressed up as a maid and cleans it herself when she visits her home on her off-time.


Because Overwatch is set in a utopia where almost every country is a first world country.
What did he mean by this?

Kawaii desu

the baby boomers dying doesn't mean anything when most non-gamer millennials either don't give a shit about video games or see them as a fun and/or childish toy and nothing more

esports is and will always be a niche thing only enjoyed by the people who play the esports games themselves desu

I hope she has a charming kind old relative/aunt who took care of it but also was supportive of her while her parents were extra strict on her so she could be good at sports.

>widow has a doormat that says no niggers allowed
Is this a french thing?

Non-gamer millennials statistically are more open to ESPORTS though. It will never be huge but its not going to be super niche by anyone willing to give it a shot.

Post profile set on current comp season with win percentage so we can make fun of each other, make sure the drop down is enabled so we can see it's current.

I'm a Winston main btw, but the meme Bastion has literally never failed me!

lol hogniggers will never stop complaining

no if you throw down a 2nd mine, the first one disappears. Not even explodes, it just disappears.


I'm not a hog player, I'm just tired of hearing the unwashed masses say "THIS WILL FIX ROADHOG" when its extremely obvious this does nothing to remedy his glaring problems.

what the fuck

things were never the same between sombra and jesse when she miscarried with their child


I would be more than happy to once they finally give all the males sexy, revealing, bikinis.

How long do we have to wait for DM ie real gamer mode?

It's so you can use two in quick succession. The example people give specifically is so that Junkrat can jump at Phara and then throw a mine into her face if she's weak for a quick kill. Though I'm sure you can imagine other ways to use it.

open =/= willingness to give it a shot

i'm open to the idea of gay people existing but i'm not gonna try it myself

Hey dude.

>that will never be on your face

who is this cutie? is she the new paladins champ?

You're already a fag anyway.

>Those retarded proportions
The staple of shitty artists.

Right, I know plenty of artists that used to do real proportions and then over time devolve into doing this shit and people praise them for it because of their shitty fetishes.

i have no idea how to be good at niggafist


you mean you don't like the female body as depicted by a 11 year old kid who just discovered porn?

>standing perfectly still for 2 seconds and healing 300 HP
>moving, taking half damage, and healing 300 HP during those 2 seconds
yeah you're right, what a fool I was

If you can play Genji, you can play Doomfist.

Gonna be entirely honest with you guys, I am probably going to masturbate to all of these

Sweet Christmas there's a way to properly do these things and they just ugh.

Their logo is all over Junkrat's skin too. Is Meteor THE big sporting goods producer in the future?

You might as well play Genji instead.

>11 year old kid who just discovered porn?
Nice projecting you literal motherfucker

Doomfist's ult is satisfying when it hits.

I love Angela!

We need more smart, kind, heroic, and philanthropic role models like her!

his ult is weird, it doesn't feel like it belongs in the game, seems more like something from an RTS

What if it's one of Doomfist's branch companies?

>tfw still don't have this skin yet

you can always tell a fanartist's fetish by which body part is either weirdly proportioned or notably more detailed than anything else

this is why people hire professional artists and not some kid with a deviantart/tumblr when they need something arted


Another MOBA champ for people who cannot play FPS. I have 0 minutes as Doomfist on live servers and I don't see that changing very soon.

>tumblr artists not being able to draw a woman without lardasses and stupid noses-

why did you stop using this picture mercyanon? it's a nice picture


Pigshit is where he should be, at the bottom of the trash can.

Yet to be hit by this dumb nigs ult.
Its just the Diablo crusader ability/heroic from hots

>Meteor Strike
What the FUCK

its a cool style, man

It's horrible but whatever gets you off, Pendejo.

>it doesn't feel like it belongs in the game
Just like Doomnigger himself. Maybe from art and lore perspective he does, but his gameplay doesn't. His entire kit is copypasted from a LoL champ.

This game makes me feel like a chad, all of you running away from the enemy team like betas and new males
if you cant win a fight and always run like a bitch why even play ESPECIALLY TANKS
I see you hiding like a bitch not healing just to get a rez, we probably wouldn't be dead if you were with the team healing

the only people I see constantly initiating are suicidal genjis

>after 3 weeks in silver, i finally crawled out of silver
Is it true, Veeky Forums? Am i finally getting better?

I'm happy about getting 2 Legendaries (especially getting the Hanzo one I wanted) but did it have to be in the Summer games when there's a limited time to get the others?

Good work, user. We're all so very proud of you.