Bus Riders and Non Drivers

Alright, posting here because Veeky Forums has more traffic than /n/. Why don't you have a license/car? Cost? Do you live somewhere with really good public transit?

Are you attempting to make the bus/bike/walk-car transition? How's your progress?

Other urls found in this thread:


Getting my license in the next month
thinking about getting a Honda legend. They're pretty cheap in my area.
Public transit is shit but since I'm on campus it doesn't matter a ton.

I have a car but I need my licence. Reason I don't have it is because I've only been moved out of my mom's for a year and when I lived with her literally everything was within walk/bus distance cause my towns so small I didn't really care about a car. I also didn't want to go through driving school but that's cause I didn't care about cars at all. It only started when I turned 19 my mom bought me my first car so now I'm desperate to get it. Especially Now that I live on the edge of the next city over I need my licence for a job and seeing my friends. I have the money for the written test but studying is hard for me.

Got my licence at 22 two months ago. Waited that long to get my licence because I lived within walking distance to school, and then my husband just drove us everywhere.

Bought a (manual) car ten days after I got my licence. Loving it.

I'm too broke to buy a car
But I do have a license

Despite owning 2 cars, i am a daily train commuter. The travel time is exactly the same as driving. However on the train i can have my breakfast/do some work/sleep/play games/ flirt with girls. Whilst in the car i would drive that same boring stretch of highway everyday dealing with assholes, traffic jams and fighting to stay awake. I did that for a few months, it will slowly transform you into an asshole.

I'm a 25 year old burger that recently took 10 hours of lessons from a driving school. I've also practiced for 10+ hours with my dad, including on the highways when it's dark.

How do I know when I'm ready to pass? I feel fairly comfortable, except my dad likes to yell and bang on the interior alot and that shit makes me nervous. I'll probably ask for lessons from friends. I'm wondering how many hours people typically spend before obtaining their license.

I have both a car license and a full motorbike license.

Also, /n/ topics stay on /n/, and so should /n/ posters. If you do not drive, you should not be here.

nobody will learnt me and idk what to do im stuck with a lump of money thats hungry for a craigslist shitbox

3k civic

The're easy to drive and it won't matter if you get some scratches.

im asking how to get my license with nobody willing to help me, not what car i should buy.

Go to driving school.
This will also lower your insurance rates.

Professional instructors. Maybe family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, etc., if you had any.

I can't drive yet (17yo). While I wait, I use my bike

im getting my license after exams(soon)
My dad serviced grandpa's 106 fully(tyres,fluids,belt,brakes) so its gonna be my car, cant wait desu

This thread is proof Veeky Forums is full of busriders

laughing at you bums

Just /n/ shitposters. They still can't digest the idea that an ICE is far more efficient that their puny muscles turning the bike crankshaft.

the boys got it right

Wife used to sit on her big fat ass all day while I work. Now she finally has a job and we have 1 car between the two of us. Shit sucks, buses are hourly in my hick town and Jewber is overpriced everywhere.

Tax return end of February, should be worth about 5k, planning on buying a 1993 Geo Tracker for a DD (pic related) and hanging onto the change for the house fund.

>my husband

Sorry can you back up for a minute?

Like, are you gay? Or you just call your woman "husband"? Is that like a European thing? or did "wife" autocorrect to "husband"? Are you like a transgendered guy who wants to be called a girl?

Really confused here.

Legend is the best car

I'm working on it; getting my license in a few months. Just saving up enough to get a half-decent car I'll enjoy driving. I usually walk, rather than take the bus, but the bus is usually actually p decent

I got my license when I was 16 and bought my car immediately after

Live in DC, own two cars but the government gives me a $250 transit subsidy to get to work. Plus DC area traffic is horrible and rage inducing.

Fuck I-66 and I-395

I'm not allowed driving because of a neurological issue I've had for the past 4 years. I like cars and even bought one last year. I don't have a license for this reason.
I'm lucky enough to have my step-sister drive me around in "my" car, but it makes me feel pathetic. I'm fukkin 23 years old and still being driven around.
I'll find out if I'm finally medically cleared to drive next month. Wish me luck.

Just lie to the DMV nobodys gonna know

I couldn't get a shitty mcdicks tier job for whatever reason, and my parents screwed me over with jobs or options.
I will be able to get a corolla soon though, but after that I have no clue. Even with A-B shitboxes being the majority, there are still a ton of interesting cars and options, so I'll probably just end up hoarding (or not buying anything).

most states recommend or require 45 hours

I fucking love cars but passing the driving licence in my shithole country would say getting yelled at by piece of shit "teachers" for 1 (with a shit ton of luck) to 3 year while shelling a whooping 2 to 3 grand, all that to have the right to drive overpriced fwd shitboxes.
i'll stay busrider forever i guess.

I would like to, but I don't want to kill anyone should I ever be driving when the right side of my body goes dead.