loloo x veigar edition
no need for other useless links
League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.
Lulu is shit.
Make it league
xth for the best husbando !!
Sorry for not answering, poppyposter, i was away for sometime !! And yes, i would marry heimy !! He's so cute and fluffy !!!
whats meta boys
the usual
I'm in love with Poppy and I'm going to marry her.
You can't marry fictional characters.
Explain me why not?
>just got a bad KDA with Fiora in URF
AMA a retard.
funny goy
They don't exist.
>riven feeds mundo
>even with the jungler babyign her
>zyra thinks she;s frontline and gets reamed by the lux+xaya
>twitch rushes hurricane then giant slayer then lord dominks
>no botrk even though they have 2 hp stacking champs
>ther mid dc's or something and its a 4v5 but no one will gropu or take any objectives despite my pinging
>mundo does what he wants top because our riven is useless, gets to our inhib uncontested
>zyra starts building haunting, then a wand, i assume for liandrys to deal with th zac+mundo
>stop builing it and goes for a rylies
>needless to say we lose
fuck silver.
cc tanks
She exists inside of me. Where in the Bible does it say I can't marry a video game character?
Are you sure about that ?? I think you're lying to me !!
yeah fine
>then giant slayer
>then lord dominiks
Video games didn't exist back then.
Post end screen
>ywn cum inside every single star guardian
just kill me
i'm pretty sure the people who wrote the bible didnt think we'd reach such a low point in our society that people would marry fictional characters.
he rushed huricane, no vamp/bf/cutlas the only damage he had was a dorans
What's up with all the fucking yordleposting lately?
But God must have known they eventually would. I know that He lead me to Poppy because He knew she was meant for me.
I'd rather cum inside Xayah 2bh.
>ywn cum inside me
If wukong gets on Kat or LeBlanc you guys auto win
Oh wait this is urf
Wukong auto wins
>people going AP panth and running down lanes
>"haha it just URF bro calm down"
yeah i love people inting on my team when it's meant to be a fun game mode
real fun
I've been posting Poppy more often because the appearance of other poppyfags emboldened me.
its been a while since ive been in silver. dont remember people being so stupid there, baka
>when you tank so hard everyone dies
I'm sure you're lying !! I dont like when people lie to me !!! You're getting on my list of people i love less than everybody else here !!
Don't you like it, user ??
>tfw no bf to play urf and have fun with
have you tried not being a slut
Women are property.
Inside my pussy (male).
That's not true in many places.
I actually forgot a picture, wow !!
Well, that happens i guess !!!
That's not right, user !! Every human should be treated equally !!
>most honors
what is this feeling?
i thought everyone liked a good slut
>play ranked
>climb all the way to silver II
>take a break cuz event
>get bronze & silver 5 in normals
>walk over them
feels good
>pick singed
>our draven gets fed
>get to fuck around suiciding for kills
>most damage at end of game
>implying theres a difference between silver 2 and silver 5
Best husbando!!!
Movies are cool!
Draven is better!
I saw it took you 200+ games to get to gold 5 with yorick
if thats how it is I rather not play ranked anymore
>get to silver 5
>enter tourneys
>wipe the floor with golds
>get blacklisted for lieing about my elo and being a smurf
I just don't fucking get it.
So are males. There's nothing money can't buy.
i want the gold frame
but yes its fucking awful
Silver tourneys? Didn't know people did tourneys in Silver lmao.
No, you're wrong !!
Draven is not as cute and fluffy, and he has a big ego !! Heimy is the best husbando !!
Dont even try !!!
>gp in my ARURF
>dude just sat in a bush and stacked barrels for 20 minutes while his team flamed him for not helping
>missed the shot when someone finally came into his bush
>went to another bush to do it again until the game ended
This game mode is stupid but fun
did you get blacklisted after one game? if so, theyre just salty about the fact that they lost to a silver 5 player
also what role and champion did you play? what was/were your lane matchups
Heim is small and BORING!!!
Draven is cool and confident!!!
Draven best husbando!!!
>play last ranked game to get into series for master elo
>its tryndamere top
>thornmail, ninjas tabis, sunfire cape, flash, and teleport won't even save me late game vs only pushing ghost / ignite tryndamere
Any Viktor Anons up? I want to learn this champ
>What starts should you go
>Is there a preferential build path
>Bad match-ups
>Keystone DFT vs TLD?
click the link and check out the top players. use for more details and possible replays.
was it that hard to google before asking questions?
Draven is like, the worst husbando !! He only cares about himself, and nobody else !!!
When heimy is the best husbando ! He will care about you, try to help you, even though he's small !! He's super cute and cudddleable !!
Xth for good cosplay
What keystone for Rhaast top/Jungle?
>stop playing for a few months
>apparently coin got buffed
>can't win at all until this happens
now what?
>That feel when it's almost impossible to find good Xayah cosplay
make sure to listen to plenty of russian hardbass to get into the right mindset of blyat robot man
used to be DFT because it allowed to get your transformation extremely fast but they patched it. right now fervor seems like the best keystone, but you can take grasp for toplane if youre in a bad melee matchup.
>Enemy Ziggs feeds hard
>Repeatedly does dumb shit, has no idea how to position whatsoever
>Look him up after the game, figure I just shat on some Bronzie-
>He was Masters in Season 4
What the fuck? This wasn't a case of "I don't know how to play Ziggs" he just legitimately played awful all around.
Is Diamond a meme?
Draven is the best husbando!
He may act like he only cares about himself but it's just for show!
Heim is small, you'd have to pick him up like a child to hug him!! lame!!
He's only cares about his work anyway, super boring!
of course im saying all of this assuming you build rhaast as a bruiser. if you go for more damage fervor is still viable but dont forget that stormraiders surge exists.
My go to song for him was
And alternatively
Draven is the worst husbando !!
It's totally not for the show, because he just has a huge ego !!
He's not as small as you think !! You're just too tall !!! Actually he's just a cute fuzzball !!!
He only looks like he cares only about his work !! Actually he puts alot of time into being with his loved ones !!!
dyrus is best waifu(husbando)
Dear Poppy user.
You post this and Poppy in general in every thread.
What do you accomplish doing so?
Do you even do anything else or even have time to play the game?
Yours truly, a fellow /lolg/ user.
Truer words have never been typed.
It's just for show!!
Draven is a really good person and cares for his loved ones!!
Heim is really small and actually only cares about his work, it says so on his bio!!
Draven best husbando!
every time i see or think of dyrus i hear his weird monotone voice and i cringe a little
he seems kinda boring too
will you massage my balls when i cum?
>A siren and her victim
>circa 2017
Why does nobody in silver understand what fucking Yorick does? It's just baffling what they let me get away even when I jungle him
If we are talking canon, Draven only loves himself and Heim only cares about his work.
becasue you asked
and yes. that yellow wand/rod was there before she built the rylais
>its been a while since ive been in silver.
It had been for mee too, i haven't played in about a year, and last season i was high gold
>Do people in silver understand anything related to the game's mechanics?
>Do you?
Refer to the previous answer
lets not forget this qt tho
I want Poppy to be my loving housewife
wooops forgot the actual image
Sadly some things will never come true user. No matter how much we wish and hope that it will happen.
That's not true !! He definitely only cares about himself, and nobody else ! Dont lie to yourself !!
Only Draven caring about himself is true, Heimy always cares about his loved ones, and always supports them when he can !!!
>not finishing the item you intended to build
how stupid can you be?
tfw jhin mid consistently shits on people unless the team is 20 deaths by 15 minute level of collectively retarded
How the fuck would that even work? She's like 2 feet tall and wouldn't be able to use most of the equiptment in a human house. If you decide to move in with her, you won't be able to fit in her house without breaking half the furniture.
why though? i barely get 3 autos off, warlors seems better to help stick onto a target
or thunderlords
Well fuck you too m8
If you make that claim back it up with relevant lore showing heim caring for others user. Or don't. I really don't care.
Is this achieveable natty?
Elo is a meme user. It doesn't matter where you are, a majority of people are fucking brain damaged. League is an autistic game for autistic shitters.
>how stupid can you be?
low silver stupid
its pretty fucking stupid
She has her own area there scaled to her size obviously.
You can see the cupboard above her head that is human sized
>tfw no qt Russian gf to sing slavic songs for to sleep to
I'd let RIOT revert the 50% Q CDR on Nasus and the additional range when in ult just to give him some sort of immunity to CC or atleast a huge reduction in duration while in ult, the Dog gets kited by FUCKING anything trying to fight 2v1 against the adc and the support or even worse, teamfightning is like trying to destroy a wall with a feather it just won't work. If vayne, another super hyper late-game scaling adc can have a big boost in her ult to kite properly why can't Nasus have something to not get kited except his W that does jackshit with the 5000 ms buffs/shields/slows/knockups etc.