Not topping off

>Not topping off

wtf is topping off? are these stickers in usa after it became legal for you dumb cunts to pump your own petrol?

No idea, I pump my own gas and never seen this shit out here.

I assume it means when you're full and you pump a couple more times to get more gas in.

>illegal to place gas cap in nozzle

What does that even mean? I've never seen stickers like these in the 4 states I've bought gas in.

>93 is premium
Oh dear.

>what are different rating systems

93 is the lowest octane available in my country.

This. I wish Eurofriends would realize this.

>what are different rating systems

I pumped gas in a rental in LA, it was fucked.
>pump is retardedly slow while filling up in not quite the ghetto but still not a good area
>clicks off way sooner than expected
>repeatedly top it off
>end up putting another gallon in over the course of like a minute
I'm left wing and an envirofag, but seriously fuck the nanny state. If you're too retarded to pump gas just don't go outside.

>America literally forcing you to be a bottom


it's a hold over from the ~70's when "automatic shut-off" nozzles were new
jamming a cap into the nozzle defeats the automatic shut-off

topping-off is bad because of vapor emissions laws

>highest rating I can get in Canada is 94
>retards from 3rd world countries are too stupid to realize it is equal to 101.5 in their shit rating numbers

>Filling up car
>Pump stops pumping
>Tank still has capacity
>Give it a few squeezes to get it all the way full

Even converted your fuel is worse.

95 RON is 90 AKI amerilards

you can't go lower in yuroland

Wow, congratulations! You wouldn't even notice the difference in the first place and my guess is you drive some little euro shitbox in the first place.

Your tank doesn't still have capacity. Fuel tanks are pressurized, this pressure is released when you take the cap off, and pressure rebuilds after driving away. If you fill your tank all the way to the tippy top, there's no longer any room left for the pressurized fuel vapor, and you can damage your fuel system.

>Still takes gas
>Doesn't have capacity

Pick one.

>Fuel tanks are pressurized

Learn how cars work. Why do you think it goes "pwfffsh" when you take the cap off?

>open gas tank i use to fill my lawnmower
>plastic container is pressurised

remember when you didn't have to pay first? you just pumped your gas and paid for it afterwards? MEMBER? you can't even recall when that changed do you? well i'll remind you, hurricane katrina

Gas tanks have vents with a check valve that allow vapor to escape but not liquid

.When the car is turned off there isn't enough pressure to actuate the check valve, left over pressure gets vented through the cap when removed.

Back in the olden days when I paid for cash I would top off to get to the next even dollar amount. Now I'm using plastic and who gives a shit? When it shuts off, I'm done and hang it up. Most all the pumps I use have the hold-open latches, so there's no need to use the gas cap as a wedge.

remember when gas was 3 dollars a gallon nationwide? MEMBER? MEMBER?! you can't even recall when GM was giving gas cars for discounted gas at $1.99 a gallon if you purchased a HUMMER can you?

after it became legal for you dumb cunts to pump your own petrol?
>only 2 states of 50 do this
all 323 million of us live in those shitholes i guess

Topping off fucks your carbon.

>93 is premium
no wonder american fuel is so cheap
whats the regular there like 80?

GAS HIT $4 dollars a gallon nationally right before lehman bros collapse and sent the economy into a downward spiral where gas dropped below 2 dollars a gallon until obama was sworn in as president. MEMBER?!

gas wasn't even $2 a gallon until hurricane katrina and (((they))) used it as an excuse to drive inflation up because of all of the money thrown at the wars

>Learn how cars work
>Doesn't know how a gas tank works

Pretty much this. I always topped off, now I don't really give a shit unless I'm at/going to the track, then I usually try to make sure I have as much gas as possible since I'm going to be filling up again soon.

tfw gas was under $1/gallon when I started driving.

No, that's your IQ lololol.

But seriously, go look it up.
>Amerifats complaining about petrol going over a dollar a liter

people were freaking out at $2 a gallon gas, then that became the new normal, and a year later, people are fucking flipping over $3 a gallon gas, then GM throws in $1.99 gas cards with hummers, then fucking gas hits $4 a gallon then crash

how does that work in america?
do you have to figure out the exact amount you need first?

gas actually went below $2 a gallon after GM threw in gas cards with hummers, but then that was like a month or two before it shot back up to hovering around 3 then jumping to 4 then fucking crash and here we are now

just pump gas up to 10 bucks or 20 or whatever

Just say "I'd like to fill up on pump x" and they hit the button(s) and you fill up then go in and pay with cash. Or you could just give them money and say "I want to put $xx on pump x"

no this is before katrina, you could just start pumping gas without pre-paying at the pump or going inside and pre-paying

You can do this almost everywhere in NZ, except some Mobil stations, because they're cancer. We allow this, even with $2.10 per liter prices, it's just you untrustworthy yanks that do it.

so thank your nearest republican for their incompetency at preventing 9/11 which was rather convenient to start wars that broke america's economy, and brought us to this lovely timeline we're in now

Like I said in the first part. user I got my permit in 1997 and license in 1998.

i mean they wanted the 2000 election BAD, they fucking knew what they were doing

Actually come to think of it. How did people pump gas before there were automatic shut off pumps? Did you have to guess when your tank was full and if you guessed wrong you get splashed?

Is the skill required why gas station attendants are such a 60s cliche?

Well fuck, I guess I'm silicon based then.

My sister "top me off" haha.
Now see we them isolated types. Our pa done passed, bless his heart, back in 1990.
I was only 3, she 1.
Mom took care of us till we was old enough to move on.
Bestfriends, my sissy and I. See, we were homeschooled. Ma would teach us then we would be alone till midnight when ma would come home from work. Hard worker. All so's we could have food. I miss her.
Anyhow, sissy and I would have fun. Watch the local channels, play outside. Found all sorts of stuffs around the house. Cool things that probably been there for generations before we moved in.
Read books to her. I know this what you all done want to hear.
One day, she kissed me.
Now, it wasn't nothin new. We'd hug and give a peck on the cheek all lovingly.
But this time she grabbed my face, turned it and kissed me on the lips.
We were watching Jerry Springer, I guess that were she got the idea. They always had the innapropriate stuff on there. A kiss. Led to "hold me like on tv". At that point I was 15, and she 13 respectivly. I had erections from time to time. Didn't even had no sexual stuff they would just come from nowhere.
That kiss gave me one and it kicked things off. Boy was I embarrassed.
She felt it, and asked "can I see?".
Then I'm scared as ever. Ma ain't home but I know we not supposed to do this sort of thing. Only with those you marry as an adult.
She pulled her shorts down as an effort to get me to show her my penis.
I did.
We would touch. Fool around. Not knowing what we were doing. Few years later we finally had sex. We had jobs ourselves at this point. I had myself a Chevy. The charcoal box was messin up so often fuelin up was a hassle. The computer would think the tank was full or some with them vapors confusin it.
Ma passed, and we was all alone.
We stuck together. Kept the house. Sold ma's car. I kinda liked a girl at work but it didn't work out. Too close to my sis. Other gals didn't compare in no which way.
Now we are here. Grown and happy.

speaking of gas, gas yourself

I'm way too drunk for this
what the fuck did i just read

now this is shitposting

We have the sex. And thats okay. We are consenting adults. We care for each other, a true bond. Seeing as we are family, this a bond that cannot be broken.
We grew up, we know each other well. Not like a girl you think you know then you find out she a girl that done slept around with boys in her school before meeting you at work, getting you the compliments but she a sleazy girl like the jerry springer girls. No sir.
We have a nice home, are employed. Got decent money, aint got to live check to check. Have two vehicles. We love each other, and the sex is good. Real nurturing like. Real sexy too. Sometime I wake up to her smokin on my willy haha.
Oh op. See, the topping off. Thats them old stickers. You aint got to worry bout that now with the automatic shut off

It sounds slightly different when almost full

What is this meme? I haven't seen a full service gas station in 25 years.

My gas cap does no such thing

>Did you have to guess when your tank was full and if you guessed wrong you get splashed?
I'd imagine so, that's how boat fuel docks are where I'm at.

>put fuel nozzle in car
>goes click after a picosecond of fuel and refuses to fill any further
>unless i pull the nozzle 90% out and pump
what is this bullshit

I know that feel. You have to squeeze it most of the way but not all the way or it keeps stopping. That or you have one of those safety nozzles that has to be in all the way, with pressure on it, or it thinks there is a chance of spilling.

Hose routing m8. Hold the nozzle in there at an angle until you find the correct angle.

cant i just replace the regular fuel pipe with a thick ass one?
i noticed the stock pipe is like a fucking accordion

>Cousin got the gas pumping and went inside for a bathroom break and shopping
>Went inside the gas station
>Pump didn't shut off, it just kept pumping and pumping
>Cousin took a dump, chatted with the clerk, and bought food
>Came out and gasoline was fucking everywhere, spilling into the parking lot, spilling into the street, the auto-shutoff hadn't worked
>It was pretty late at night so nobody else was at the gas station to notice what was happening
>Fire department called
>Cousin got fined
>Gas station shut down to clean up
>Part of the street closed to clean up
>Fire department took hours to clean up the mess
>Gas station got in even more trouble because they didn't have a functional drainage system to prevent all the gas from going into the street and was closed for almost 2 weeks

My cousin still goes inside sometimes while letting the gas pump though

You know this man tops off

topping off means you top off your tank all the way
like someone else said this leaves less space for vapors in the tank

This is probably what is triggering my check engine light

>too much fuel makes the check engine light appear
american cars are sensitive as fuk lmao

He's an idiot

I can do this now, almost everywhere I fill up.

>plastic container is pressurized
have you heard of bottles you dumb fuck

what the fuck America
how do you know how much gas you're gonna need
do you people just never fill up

It's annoying, but I can also do math in my head. And pay at the pump.

Poor euros. Insert card fill up stop worrying about your pences.

-American with a job

that was his point senpai

You put your card in, full ypur car up to the click (which may be like 45.35), and drive off, rather than choosing the amount first.

>not peeing in the urinal

>but I can also do math in my head

You can estimate it will take $30 to fill up.

Then it cuts out at $27.89 cents.

Do you just call the $2.11 a loss or do you walk back for your change?

Funnily enough it is an American truck.

I have never had a problem with evap systems on any other vehicle except an American one.


>they want your card before hand
Just stop at the pump, fill up and go inside to pay.
Stations where you insert your card beforehand are annoying as fuck when you want two types of fuel in one go since they take ages before resetting

I have never tried to autistically fill up my car, no. I'll say it happened once, just because I have a shit memory, and may have happened. But again, pay at the pump.
Explain yourself

>two types of fuel in one go
Y tho?

I don't know how many times this has been said, but the US and Europe use different octane rating systems. US uses AKI, Europe uses RON. US regular is 87 octane AKI, equivalent to Euro 91 RON. US premium is between 91-93 octane AKI, equivalent to Euro 97-98 RON. Please educate yourselves.

You could always look at the gauge that tells you how much gas there is in the tank. Or did they not have those either? I never fill my tank so I never get the automatic click. I always look at the gauge to see when the tank is almost full and then stop pumping.

you can hear it
you can see it
and you learn how much gas you need according to your gauge

modern gastanks have vapor catchers and a lengthy tube between the cap and tank

go back to the 50's-60's and you just have a fucking straight pipe into a tank


I'm guessing he wants mid-grade at a pump that doesn't automix and doesn't want to spend the extra dollar to put in 5 gallons of premium over regular

there are still a few engines that require at least mid-grade like the chrysler 5.7 v8
or older cars that have knock issues on regular

What's your point


Sure, I'll give you a "road" rage story that it induced as a bonus
>be europoor student
>no job or I'll be a filthy capitalist pig and lose my free tuition from the commiement
>buy old volvo 940, 2.3L turbo engine
>unaffordable to a europoor, even with a job
>LPG makes the cost per km the same as a 1.5L hatch
>tank petrol once every month, more often if I make a lot of short trips
And the bonus
>drove long distance, was out of LPG for last 50km
>also almost a month ago I tanked petrol
>stop at station, set of pumps has both petrol and LPG
>start filling up 55L LPG tank
>some french rebrand of a toyota aygo stops behind me halfway of filling the tank
>the concept of tanks bigger than 30L are foreign to him
>LPG almost full, pump slows down due to pressure
>he gets impatient, honks
He really just could've backed up and wait in another row
>when my LPG tank is finally full, he is visibly enraged
>normally I would have told him it would still take a while, but god almighty I don't want to get close to that embodiment of soy
>put LPG nozzle back, only to grab petrol nozzle
>he starts laying it on the horn
>75L petrol tank, actually fill it up for this occasion, normally don't since it's just dead weight
>there was only 10L left
>after a while he comes up and tells me to take my polluter out of there
I'm not even kidding
>cashier eventually comes out since his rant echoed all over the place

I always stand there while pumping gas because I don't trust and once the automatic didn't shut off and I got gas on my quarter panel and my shoes not to mention that's gas I paid for that's now just on the fucking ground. It was like 3 am though and I was really tired so I went in and told the dumbass attendant when he realized the mess was actually really small and had mostly evaporated in this short time he was so relieved that this wasnt going to ruin his high (dude was obviously blitzed) he sunk back into the chair he was sitting at and probably never did anything about it. Circle k is shit but I like their fountain drinks :(

wouldn't that be a Democrat because they are the ones who hate america.

>Why do you think it goes "pwfffsh" when you take the cap off?

the fuck you talking about nigger?

>I have never tried to autistically fill up my car

>Filling up your car is a sign of autism

America is a weird fucking place.

I visited some friends in America once and they cooked in non-stick pans, with steel utensils. I advised them that they would scratch and they just started laughing at me calling me poor. These were grown fucking people mind you.

We all know how to pump gas, it's always been legal.

I know this is bait, but I could care less if my gas gauge looks like pic related.

The shut off method has not changed in a very long time, it is nothing more complex than a venturi pipe

There seems to be a lot of mental illness in America. I am constantly dealing with people who seem mentally disturbed/ imbalanced, but they have jobs and families and everything. Maybe it's all the Ritalin they were given as kids, I don't know. I would say maybe 1 out of 10 Americans is emotionally well-adjusted.

Mine looks like that even if I bring it so I don't know what your point is.

I just go to the pump. Fill her up pay what I owe.

I don't live in a society of scammers where you have to pay for fuel before you are given it. The last time someone tried to scam a gas station near me the station just said they'd Syphon back out the fuel if they refused to pay. They paid in full.

Imagine being this poor

only ancient shitboxes do that
t. ancient shitbox owner


6/10. Even though I know better there is still some rustling in my jimmies.

Yet European crime rates are higher

No it isn't. It's for gas stations that don't have a locking trigger on the pumps. You have to hold down the trigger to dispense gas rather than letting it latch and taking your hand off the pump handle while it dispenses fuel.