/srg/ - Speedrunning General
literally why?
anyone else jerking off to cosmo rn?
>cosmo looks cute now with the wig
someone donate 10k to cosmo so he can fix his teeth
bald dude with a penis
>cute grill
thanks for the late response!
serg is dead
why did you delete?
What game do you run?
>ZeldaSpeedruns.com marathon has started!
sm64 aka the best speedgame
sms aka better than sm64
why did you delete?
oh wait youre serious.... lol..............
LOL retard spotted
>only 11 IPs
>de hippie spacing
why the fuck does wq keep filming videos that are not only ~30 mins, but outside? is he retarded?
What's wrong with being outside, you autist?
because just fucking film it inside, it's much more coherent and it's less distracting
>oh shoot i gotta walk across the street also i'm not editing this out even though i've edited in some other stuff
>beta can't walk and talk
>criticizes our boi WQ who not only can but is accelling at it
Man just look at his stats and reevaluate your life choices
go away wq
fix your spelling instead of Let's Playing your walk
there's literally nothing wrong with filming your vlogs outside.
How are you posting this from outside, wq?
t. downtimedeath or another member of the FAILING alttp clique
This is just drama and nothing interesting.
t. wq the dumb phoneposter
There's no drama it's just a bunch of non-speedrunners harboring a splicer
honestly this is kind of boring now but it's not like anyone here ever has anything to talk about
Reminder /srg/ is the WQ army
fuck off
These people who support splicing wouldn't understand high level gameplay if it jumped up and bit them on the ass
This man takes your WR and your gf. How do you react?
*flies high above it all and bird laughs*
Probably delete my profile and move on with my life. I'm terrified of black people
why didn't you sage?
Fuck off with your anti-speedrunning nonsense you splice harboring /srg/ hater. WQ Army will keep this place alive forever so you don't even have to ask hahahaha
why did you delete?
i want to speedrun postal 2
I want to dedrun doggal 2
Imagine doing slow movement on purpose for no reason.
imagine not saging for no reason.
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this community. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all watched Narcissa, we all supported her transition, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking hobby is subverted because of fucking nazis.
Speedrunning is OUR community. the LIBERAL community. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, splicers and cheaters ARE real, and the leaderboards are proof. We went from one of the most liberal communities in gaming to supporting Clint Fucking Stevens? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation on and off the leaderboards. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Cheaters, Fuck Leaderboards, Fuck Drumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK BIGOTED STREAMERS. Just fucking ban them already.
burial end only
who is we?
Is nobody going to bring up the fact that Cronikeys tried to warn us?
what nazis have u personally dealt with lately ?
my boi zfg is running oot at zeldaspeedruns marathon now
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
code word is just a code word for conspiracy theory desu
pie is just a code word for our boi desu
ded thread is just a code word for post monkeys desu
Comfy and boring are not the same thing at all. Boring is a game like Breath if the Wild. Comfy is one like Ape Escape 2.
>Boring is a game like Breath if the Wild.
>using AE2 over 3
AE3 isn't comfy because there is a female on screen
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
Why are all speedgames other than SM64 so shit?
What about Zelda, Diddy Kong Racing, Mother?
Letting it die is a meme, please don't actually let it die again.
t. obsessed freak
how are you guys liking this zelda marathon? i am liking it, it is fun
t. seckswrecks
well right now its young link
fuck you
me in the back
thanks for the late response!
I'm not sure--Super Monkey Ball? I wouldn't really call it a meme game, though.
what is hotline miami
Die Hard?
might as well have had chimp stevens run oot with this pace lmao
What is Mr. Gimmick?
That was going to be my answer senpai desu
Grind Monkey: Darbian, Cubeface
Truly Skilled: PLASM0
Game: Duke Nukem 64
I'm so glad the meme where everyone pretends pie isn't our boi died.
What is fuck off?
alright i'm not playing anymore
Who is AndrewG?
>trying to shift the heat off of squid by re-exposing someone else
nice try but it isn't going to work
I like this meme. Keep /srg/ Jeopardy going.
then why didn't you answer??????
because i don't know the answer
I'm SR388 as fuck
Who is garrison?
de page 10 bump
The God Gamer Stigma
fuck off
uh why is mofat a girl
I swear there was a guy on the stream the last time I saw it
Are you niggers fucking Hype for Werster's All Gold Symbols run for Pokemon Emerald?
why didn't you sage?
what do you mean by "you niggers"?
How many Muslims do you think have raped Werster's gf?