Reworks edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.4.0)
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Besides that boipussy what makes Nezha a fun/effective warframe?
What's the currently fasted way to farm (lith) relics? MR7 and best weapons are dread and ignis.
Earth spy runs?
First time it happens in 500h, and I'm not even jewing that hard unless you count buying lots of relics at a low price jewing.
You don't farm all lith relics at the same time, you choose a specific relic and farm for it
hey hey hey
warframe made me gay
Who are you not quoting?
Is there a better way to farm Void Traces than just taking trash relics on void fissures?
cant you go no relic fissure and still get traces?
You can do it without relics too.
But I don't understand 's answer, the question was "where to farm lith relics", and the answer is any endless mission that is < lvl 15 IIRC. Interception have the best chances for lith relics at wave 1 and 2, and I think 3 & 4 are guaranteed Meso.
being slippery means you can go super fast, a less good iron skin that you can apply to everyone, including sentinels, and making everything burn with a color vomit vape trail is nice
>Hydroid rework was just a bunch of QoL and number changes
>A kraken model is added and you can move the puddle
>DE completely misses the opportunity to control the kraken, in undertow
Great rework, guys. I absolutely love the zero reworked/new abilities he got.
It was a revisit, not a rework. Shoddy excuse for a lazy bunch of changes to Hydroid, but what else can you expect?
Tentacle ultimate range got nerfed, colors disappeared.
I legitimately liked him more pre rework.
Being able to use abilities under water is nice though.
>6 formas and an adapter in harrow
is anyone else still having difficulty signing in?
>6 forma in Harrow
Baro stole the interwebs.
I am going for a 7 RIGHT NOW.
thats not how you spell nerfs
Interception still needs 3 non-retards that don't quit after the first wave.
I'm also not sure if earth spy isn't still faster. Rotation B guarantees a relic on spy according to this
I never really bothered with spy, but I can solo interception easily without the enemy getting above 20%, or even 10 if I'm good. The rewards seem in general better than fucking defense anyway, and it's faster. Dunno, I thought I would hate that type of mission after the first one thinking I would have to build countless specters, but they don't even work and it's easy without them, so why not.
should I forma frames or weapons first?
There isnt a single frame who requires more than 1 forma to be fully optimal so go with them first.
What are the best places to go with the resource booster, aside from Themisto on Jupiter (Alad V)?
Is there not a devstream?
It's that game where we speak in absolutes!
Tigris is the best shotgun ever!
some frames require formas to be unstoppable
Io on Jupiter for oxium, Orokin derelict survival for mutagen samples, Themisto if you really need those sweet sweet neural sensors, forgot what survival node on Uranus for polymer, and what else... no clue. Saturn survival node if you need orokin cells?
Don't tell me they don't work on Kuva...?
It does
They do, and that's where you should spend the next three days farming for. It also works on Void Traces, so that works too.
>Corrosive Projection
Noob. Nobody uses that shit.
Oh, yes they do. I just forgot to mention it.
best place for kuva ?
The fortress rotates. There is no best place. Just go where it is and hope a flood spawns.
Why the fuck does my inbox popup after every fucking mission now? I've fucking read everything and I keep getting told that I have 2 mutagen mass from an invasion.
Was literally fine until last night.
There's no real best spot for kuva since the missions are random. Just do all the kuva missions that pop up. Floods especially so.
Do you not know how Kuva works? There is no "best place" its just whatever is available. Don't forget to do floods and bring a smeeta cat.
Well that's reassuring then, but 3 days farming Kuva I'm gonna be sick. Well I haven't bought anything yet but I hate doing two kuva missions for a chance to roll a rank 0 or 1 riven.
game is still trying to send the Baro message
never done anything kuva related
Probably , mine was dated today of course but stuck between 2nd and 3rd of August... go figure.
You see the Kuva Fortress in the map? It moves and ''infects'' nearby planets.
>easiest rescue tile
>supposed to be a devstream
>it's their " day off "
Give them a fucking break you asshole. DE works really hard.
and what did you get from it?
Could not update account information 3 times in a row. Is the orokin derelict bugged or something?
>farming lith relics
Are you people retarded? They're 1p each.
Servers have been shitting themselves since Baro arrived. DE says its "resolved" but who knows how long that tape will last.
how do I know which prime parts will yield more ducats when selecting the relic reward?
theyve had one devstream in almost three months i fucking hate this shit so fucking MUCH FUCKJ YOU STEVE
and the last one was complete shit, a recap of the openw orld stuff id much rather see for myself than spoiled in a devstream. and fuck you
fuck YOU
for reading out the question about dojo decorations and proceeding to ignore it completely seconds after. i'll never forgive you. fuck you. FUCK YOU, i cum.
Pick the one everyone goes for.
>people never liked hydroid
>some people did
>[DE] revisits him
>people who liked him now like him even more
>some people still don't like him
This rework is better than Ash, Trin, Mag, Saryn and Oberon. Why are you so assblasted wfg?
Hey Rob, I'm a big fan
For the flood I recommend that you use something at least as tanky as a Rhino w good build or limbo
Look at the colors of the reward names. Bronze ones give 15 ducats, silver ones 45, and gold ones 100. There's some exceptions that give 65 instead of 100, but normally it works like that.
pic related for next time, scrub, it's there for a fucking reason
thanks bro
>implying I visit wfg
Fuck you buddy
Is life of Rio /our guy/?
He's the only one who shuts people up like Fatzime when it comes to proving frame end game visible like Mag or Ash and soloing lvl600+ content with them.
i think im better at a lot of games through the amount of time ive put into warframe. at least it has given me that
nobody ever said ash is bad
he's like the best soloplay frame atm
only limbo can compete with him
Should I buy primed pressure point? I barely use melee.
of course you should buy it, from me
only 200p, good offer
buy now, post IGN
literally who?
>end game visible
you mean end game viability? Anythings viable, but showing that you can roll my neighbor's wheel down a hill faster than my own doesn't mean it's the more optimal wheel when you put it on a four-wheel car.
IGN: Kyle
IGN: Chris
IGN: urafag
>It's another DE scraps 75% of what they've shown in the last year for another expansion (Open World)
>Anyo Boss Fight
>Corpus Shotgun
>Melee stance for Polearms + Other Stances tweaks
>"We're looking into it" - DE Stuff
>Max Deluxe, Zephyr Deluxe, Ember Deluxe
>Shieldgating/DMG 3.0
>PBR updates for the rest of the Warrframes non Prime
>"When I'll get some free time I'll look back into Saryn" - Scott, Devstream reviewing the first Saryn Re-work
>people who liked him now like him even more
but this is incorrect, people who liked him before hate the rework because its a straight up nerf.
What do you guys farm now to get ducats? Last time I got a ton from those orvius discs drops before DE patched it.
>Harrow is a chink Batman
Literally just got carried in the sortie.
Spawned with no hud or map or anything, couldn't find the team, couldn't even chat. I was alone.
Heard the alarm
Mission just ends a bit later as I find the holding area. Empty.
Made them wait, feel awful. DE's fault.
Why'd you even expect DMG 3.0 post riven release
did warbros fucking die again?
I liked the old hydro. He was fun to use for afk interception
When haven't they been dead?
There's plenty of people on right now, especially since Baro's in town, but it will never be like it was in the golden days
No one ever farms with Secura Lecta on Akkad anymore? ;_;
I used to make millions there.
With that massive nerf why would anyone?
So Index is really the fastest way now?
Yeah the second difficulty Index. Its boring but its the best place.
>Prisma Tetra
Ultimate fucking fodder
Would any of you niggers be interested in doing a simple example to see to wich degree do FPS affect your warframe's movility in this game? So far i found an easy way to test by just standing agaist a corner and looking at a specific spot in a map and then bullet jump+roll while keeping forward pressed and its 100% consistent, but dont feel like making a visual guide to do it since its as easy as bulletjumping and rolling forward while doing it at different fps caps, but would be cool if more people could post their results.
So far, ive seen that, with nova, when i can jump 34 meters away from my original corner at 90~fps (relies on crosshair placement, thats why finding a spot is important for consistency's sake) at 30fps i can barely reach 30-31 meters.
With mobilize maxed is about 40-41 meters at 90~fps and 37-38 at 30fps based on how you make the jump. That is roughly 3.5~meters per 60fps difference. 150fps might let you reach 44~ meters with mobilize if this estimation is correct.
Thats why sometimes players seems to move faster than others, and this works consistently in conclave maps too, so, there you have it. dont limit your fps by any way if you want to move faster in pvp or pve, but apparently really high fps fucks the game a little bit and some actions seems inconsistent but dont have the pc to test it myself. 144fps caps seems to be the sweet spot for more movement speed and not reaching (what i've read) the inconsistencies. Hard CPU usage makes you go slower too no matter your fps. so if your cpu is being fucked or got a spike in usage, you will move slower too even if you see your fps being high.
Really usefull in Lunaro since you can reach the ball faster.
TL;DR: movement speed (not player reaction or related stuff) is directly affected by fps and cpu usage and you can test it by following this comment's first paragraph. I can make a visual guide if people are interested. Would be cool to know from more computers, might be something else.
>These are the people who get Trin Nerfed
>These are the people who fail all three Spy vaults during Kuva runs
>These are the people who tell everyone that weapons and frames are great and DE's dick taste like salty cotton candy
>These are the WTB PLAT
>These are the helping Frosts, the cataclysmic Limbos, the bleeding out Oberons
>These are the reason there is no real end game
>These are the lowest common denominator gamers who play the game only slightly more than the devs do
I fucking hate these people
This is true for every game ever made
>like a tennogen piece
>6 fucking euro for it
I just can't justify such a purchase. do people actually throw away that money for such a minor cosmetic shit here?
Yeah but what weapon is it?
These are also the people that keep buying plat and giving it away in trade chat, enabling autists like us to buy anything and play this game completely for free.
I love these people. I don't like dealing with them, but without them I couldn't play this game the way I do.
just play on consoles
prisma tetra even worth spending ducats on?