>Veeky Forums was right again
When has Veeky Forums ever been wrong?
Gookshit BTFO
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Quote from the other thread:
This is one of the few unbiased Stinger reviews out there.
Lost respect for dougdemuro who was definitely paid to make this shitbox sound as a panamera.
Coming from someone who works at an international PR and Digital agency, there's a huge campaign by KIA to shove this car in our faces through reviews (paid/ privilege/ benefits) by industry influencers, and thousands of positive comments across different social media sites. And it's definitely working, look at how many Veeky Forumstists have actually fallen for the Stinger meme.
Post the fucking link
I like this dude's reviews
It's relatively cheap for what it is. It's not going to have Porsche level build quality.
>this dude’s reviews
>it’s good but BMW is better
Literally a bmw shill
Sage and move on
'kia stinger review' in youtube and it's literally the first result, faggot.
Nigger my 2000 GM shitbox doesn’t even do that, this is rediculous at any price point
Funny as it is priced like a Cayman around here
Asshurt kia snowflake can't accept that his gook plastic fantastic shit isn't as good as a true premium car hahahaha
maybe if you are in UK
Just give them 3 model years, and they’ll btfo Any german cuckmobile.
You my brainlet, are a victim of perceived German quality, through 70 years of succesful marketing.
You are a victim of Kia's marketing.
So you're saying it's worse than a BMW?
Isn't that common?
and it surely shouldn't be on a $50k car
I watched his review
and I am not sure but him saying the car is close in price to audi s5
well, it must be a british thing
cus s5 is 50% more expensive as stinger starts at 40k here
he's talking about the audi a5 not s5
he has kia GTs highest trim
and he compares it against probably lowest trim S5, with some marketing shaving off 5k or some shit
>Audi marketing squad
I want to see someone do that to a BMW or an Audi. I bet the same exact thing happens.
Yes, it is. It’s the fucking horn button
They are copying germans, so germans will always be one step ahead.
Gooks only know how to copy
yeah ive never been in a car with a horn airbag that loose, the car is too expensive for shit like that. it cheapens the experience
>Gooks only know how to copy
>bmw s1000rr is a copy of the 06-2016 YAMAHA r6
bratworst sauage dickloving fag btfo again
I would really like to test it more
might be that its design to be that loose because you can press it easily even on the side and not just hard press in the middle
you know, like when you have thinkpad keyboard, and they in review show that pressing at the very edge of the key presses whole key down, while with cheaper models you have to press dead center to get registered
anyone considered that its all because british had to reassemble the whole thing for their wrong way driving?
and no one wants anything made in soy britain unless its higher tier speakers.
Ausfag used to 1970-00 shit ford GM Holden and 90s 80s JDM interior's here that stinger isn't even that bad
Bongistan is fucked up.
good point, honestly. now im curious. im going to the chicago auto show in 2 weeks so i'll fuck around with it then.
>Doug being paid
This doesn't make any sense, any alternate hand drive model of a car is usually configured at the factory where its built before its exported.
BMW was building bikes many decades before Yamaha even existed as a brand
> Me falling for Kia's meme
Proof that first
No, you're making the claim that Doug was paid to shill the Stinger. Burden of proof is on you, not me.
I don't want a stinger. I don't want to drive a car without a manual. That's proof enough.
>implying i'm him
>implying I'm not you
The base price in my europoor country is 60k (5k more than a base 5 series). Having a shitty interior is unacceptable in this price range
>paying 50k for flimsy buttons and shoddy build quality
Doug was obviously paid off he didn't go through the car autisticly like in his other reviews or he would found out how flimsy it is like just like op post also no negative comments, the exhaust sounds like shit but lets it pass while it's suppose to be a performance sedan while he shits on the type r for the same problem
To be fair, that's not exactly Hyundai's fault. Tariffs in Europe on foreign cars is pretty fucking high and if Kia tried to sell the car at a loss just to get it in there it wouldn't be difficult at all for Euro manufacturers to complain that the Koreans are "dumping" their cars to damage the EU auto market.
>Liking any new cars
Was thinking the same.
Literally a paid review, as usual.
Standard script includes:
>The car is good and very fun, BUT...the Germans are better, especially the [INSERT BRAND WHO IS PAYING THE AD + Model]
Literally sage and report video.
>Veeky Forums wrong
On the Alfa Romeo Giulia.
So just because he's one of the few unbiased reviewers who is actually pointing out the flaws and cheap quality of the Kia that's a paid review?
The Giulia is shit too btw.
>he's unbiased unless he talks shit about my 7th hand bmw
Ok, I'm sold.
You're so asshurt because you fell for Kia marketing campaign advertising this car as a ''good alternative to the Germans'' lmfao.
it may not be as good as German but certainly better than dog shit American Cadillac and Lincoln.
not even American cars have this shit
Holy shit is that bad wtf is it made out of cardboard and being held together by glue
>all these brainlets on KIA damage control
Why are people so stupid?
>drive bmw
>it's fast, fun, extremely nice quality interior
>looks awesome (subjective)
>drive kia
>slow and unbalanced
>interior is base civic level hard plastic parts
>exterior looks like they stole 3 different cars and slammed them together
most cars do that u fucktard, go to your local GM dealers and try it on any car.
doesnt the horn have to move because u push it
You try that on an european car and you will be surprised to find that nothing is that wobbly. And especially the cheaper models that have exposed metal.
>shitty korean car has shitty parts held in by a gluestick
>durrr go fuckin try it on a shitty american car its the same way
No, really?
PS, my 15 year old 2003 BMW E39 doesn't do that. Your move, busrider.
itt: people getting assblasted over some metal and plastic
My 2007 civic doesnt do that either lmfao
I have a 2012 Honda Fit. It was $17k when I bought it brand new.
My car doesn't do that.
this happens every time a car is released that is even slightly cheaper than its competitors
don't you remember corvette trunks?
>don't you remember corvette trunks?
no, explain?
>my anecdotal experience must be true for all cars!
Yeah, and I was able to pull the vents out of a new 5 series once without any issue.
Nice anecdotal experience dude.
Air vents are supposed to be removable btw.
Car manufacturers never stray from the people that make them.
Japanese: clean and obsessed with details and accuracy
German: top engineering
Americans: power!!!!!
Koreans: we copy your shit and sell them for $$$ after we reverse and value engineering it to death
If you fallen into the entire Korean cars are ok meme, you should buy one and you'll deserve it.
Koreans are worse than niggers and that's not a meme.
they're saying it's a good car, but it lacks the quality and refinement that makes German cars so popular
everyone freaked out over the fact that new corvettes have "plastic" trunks
there was a gif of somebody (clarkson?) pressing on the bottom of a trunk lid and it flexing
this was around the peak of corvette vs GTR shitposting
just wanna point out that after 5:42 he's got a huge smile until he has to get serious and talk about the serious points. but he likes the steering, thinks it's comfortable, doesn't like the rear visibility, and is overall impressed by the car
it wasn't the trunk, it was the rear bumper.
well, for some reason I forgot to consider the corvette has more of a rear hatch than trunk
but my point stands
Whoa, this review actually convinced me to buy one.
That actually isn't a quality issue its an engineering choice as its essentially an alternative to expensive carbon fiber that nets all or most of the same benefits. its similar to the body panels on some Saturns where they were designed to be flexible and absorb impacts making them dent-proof.
guy i know you're reading this bread
can't wait for the kia resell meme to kick in and pick these up for 6-7k
Wow not even my fiat abarth does that.
This. Korea and Japan couldn't be more different even though to westerners they appear quite similar. It's like USA and Mexico.
Gook salt is fucking real LMAO
Yea, good luck finding “american” food, they just copied every culture/country
My 20 year old saturn does that too
>If i grip something and shake it as hard as i can it will wobble slightly
Okay, i'll take it, boy - the fact that it slightly wobbles is SO bad.
Mat himself said the quality of the interior is quite high and he did nothing but praise it - mostly.
He also said the trunk is smaller than the competitors but that was an error on his part because it isn't.
Also, he's comparing the car to an A5 even though an equipment-topped A4 is similarly priced as the Stinger with all the kit (it gets more in the base version, lmao)
He's comparing it to the A5 because it rivals the A5 or more when it comes to what it is - a decently quick, large and comfortable GT.
Just because it wobbles, it doesn't mean that it's falling apart, that's what you should come to expect from BMW.
The worst of the worst comes when some amerifats (and only amerifats because no one else is that retarded) compare this thing to a Chevrolet or Ford and call these 99% plastic cars better because they're a second or two faster even though that's not the point of the car and it basically blows those plastic toys out of the ballpark if it gets that kind of speed and ALL the luxury.
The Stinger is not a meme because i've seen the car and i've been inside it, however - that was the European version and it's well known that Amerifat cars are made with lower quality and that UK cars get a fair bit of issues because of the steering wheel changes.
Stop telling others it's "better" or "worse" until you get inside it, smartasses.
Matt Watson and Carwow is literally the patrician's choice, and way better than the 'Murican Doug de56%face.
Lol a 4 series gran coupe has a good interior, none of that wobbly shit.
if the Kia interior is shaking this bad when brand new imagine how bad will it be after a few years of use.
I don't care for Kia but It's a pretty shitty channel desu
It's a Kia, of course it's going to be a shitter.
>i think kia have done a mighty fine job in the way that it drives
wow he really btfo'd kia there mate
>Less shit to break in a crash or a decade's daily driver stress
>copying japs on making cars cheap and lasting
>remembering my civic ek having this feature and never breaking the console