I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush qt!
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Cutest couple
>210 pounds
>can only bench press about 120
>my waifu would find me disgusting and worthless
xth for Syndra
xth for breast metal waifu
PLEASED to meet you!
>Getting perfect gamed by Vitality
(spoiler) fuck off you stupid spoilers niggers (/spoiler)
>enemy team gets Ezreal, TF, Jayce Swayn and Varus
>I get Evellyn
Is AR URF filled with soulless ARAM accounts?
Also Google seems to have started to train their neural network to identify facial objects like glasses.
>They have a Twisted Fate with stun and vision out the ass
>get shreded because they never split
>poke out the ass despite my best attempts to flank them, go form the back, TF somehow pops his fucking ult every second he gets it
what the hell is happening right there
a shitty comic from years ago.
What should I think about that?
stop it feet are gross
how long until the rework
i think there is a 3rd person below them
Vlad's combo spells EREQ
Can you not?
>UOL get perfect gamed
Please give me detailed information on how to fuck league cosplay girls at conventions
but why does he do it for free?
why the fuck was my post deleted it's LITERALLY ahri's champion slect quote
fuck you janitor, quoteposting is the best
because ur gay
So how are you guys enjoying ARURF?
is anyone else having trouble logging in? i just wanna play some league day-drunk
the state of yuropoorland
Depends on the champs on my team really
Rumble is a fun faggot in ARURF though since he isn't silenced
step one: be attractive or rich
>arurf vs fiora
xth for CLIMBing!
NEVER lose hope user!
you can DO this!
Garen is stupid fun too. You just spin and ghost at them and they can do nothing about it.
>listening to any rap that is not mongolian rap
league of legends
meant for
>Build one non meta item
>Win regardless
>Get actual Troll
>Feeds out the ass builds all boots
>Call him out
>Oh user they are just having fun :^)
There is only so much bullshit I can stand.
>Enemy team have Soraka in URF
Mods suck
>Playing AURF
You deserve it.
>Get Karthus in urf
>enemy team is full ap
>they all build Banshee's and Zhonya's
>also got camped and killed twice at level 1 by the enemy Eve
I want to die
pls do not compliment the drawfag it makes him angry
is hotshot okay????
>Enemy team has Janna in URF
I didn't want to win anyway.
>C-corki, hextech is a lie
>there is no hextech, only t-tech *burp*
good taste
>what is my purpose?
You farm creeps
>oh my god
UUURRp join the club, pal.
take your tranny posting to lgbt then faggot
she isnt even relevant to league
i want graves to murder my bp!
>making Rick Heim and not Ryze
that's very gay of you user, i don't know why you would want that
FlyQuest support superstar is relevant to League
post your best picture of best girl
What are some league champions that represent Veeky Forums boards?
>/tv/ - Urgot
>/pol/ - Kled
alright so I can just fire up the ol' twitch, get 2 views and then post about myself every single thread?
fuckoff with your manfaced tranny
take it to lgtb
youre not even discussing league youre just posting an ugly mutant that had its dick chopped off
Jesus christ you saved my last hours of the day
fuck ar urf is so fun
it's funner than grinding ranked 3v3s
>so many deleted posts
What did I miss?
>ranked 3v3
urf is dogshit, stop having bad taste
>TFW no Yorick and Mortykaiser skin line
>alright so I can just fire up the ol' twitch, get 2 views and then post about myself every single thread?
Is this mode any good for getting chests?
didn't that idiot post on /bant/?
>grinding your hardstuck account alone because you're not having fun unless you're winning
do you wonder why you queue alone?
If I'm not allowed to post my CUTE butt then this faggot shouldn't be allowed to post an ugly tranny! Mods ban this filth!
>not having ignite on T so you can finish them with EREQT
because i dont accept any friend requests ofcourse!
i got 4 S'es in five matches with champs i don't usually play
futaraka, semen demon ahri, traps and trannies, syndra x zed and anime stuff
Probably because of the bane reference
Ehhh. You can unlock chests, but between the random champs and usually high deaths/low CS you probably won't be getting many of them.
I want to learn Camille. Is there anything I should know before starting out? Certain matchups that I should look out for? Any combos or tricks like riven animation cancels or anything like that I should be aware of?
>bane reference
>el big man in mask even though Singed is already a Bane reference
>tfw no sneklady cosplayer to fug
You can cast your sweeping kick mid-flight of your hookshot
You can bully Nasus early game just watch out for jungler
Do not even try to trade with Garen. You will lose
you can use your E to manipulate your positioning while your W is winding up
R removes you from the game while it's being cast so you can use it to dodge burst damage and cc
Build damage before you go tank
I love her so much
>sneklady cosplay
>no tail
>no cloaca
who care....
if u really love her you'd post poplewds
Poppy is for gentle love and affectionate teasing, dumbo
How BIG is Sona?
>VIT suicide into UOL one by one like a bunch of bronze players.
Whoa, so this is the power of EU?
>cropped lewds removed
what is the lewdest you can go without getting hotpockets on you
The biggest
Biggest slut, that is
>enemy gets cho'gath in urf
Camille main here.
Combos: you can cancel your 2nd Q ( the high kick animation) with any of your other abilities. You can cancel your W animation with Tiamat. Those are the two "tricks" I can think of. To trade, wait until your passive shield is up, then E in, use both Q's(always wait for the Q to charge and get the true damage). Then use W to cancel the Q animation and back off. You can use Tiamat too here if you have it. If you need to do a shorter trade (if you're against Darius, for example), Q a minion, and then wait for the 2nd Q to charge all the way and then do E-Q-W- Tiamat. Timing this right takes a bit of practice since you have a short window to use the 2nd Q. In terms of matchups there are a lot of bad ones for Camille because of her weak early game. Jax and Teemo are the worst ones I remember. My advice is to try and save TP since you can use your E to get to lane faster and look to make roams to mid or bot once you hit 6.
spoilered cropped lewds
>tfw report people so much for little reasons that I don't even know who got punished
anyone else looking forward to all the r34 coming from the new skins?
>pre30 leveling norms
>try rushing executioners since vs a soraka
>get pingspammed by support and mid for being shit at the game and how they're gonna 9x me for not rushing bfsword and how i'll need to make a new account
>don't win lane, top and mid get ganked constantly and rage at the jungler in addition to me
>about 10 minutes of this before we can finally surrender
>start talking to each other in some chink symbols in postgame
why is it always them, why can't they be toxic dicks in their own server? hell, if they carried it wouldn't even be problem, but they're shit in both skill and mentality.
>tfw still miss kind boy
I literally wake up every morning wishing he'd come back
Ahri is very cute!
>implying that's not foreplay to them
only for trap ezreal
rush? same