/yyy/ - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Hanayui no Kirameki General #22.5

>Introduction to the YuYuYu series
>FAQ, guides, TL scenarios, ID list, Yuushas and Fairies TLs
>Current Events
Deep Bonds, Summer Memories (summer festival event)
>Current Gacha
SSR Shiratori, SSR Wakaba, SR Wasshi
Also SSR Yuuna, Wasshi and Wakaba pickup
Previous thread:


2nd for Akihara Sekka, Chosen of the Kamuy.
Does anyone happen to have raws of the first NoWaYu LN? Ebook form would be preferrable, but anything will do.
Don't let the threads die like this you bastards.

ded like nowayus

Ded edition.

We actually died.

How low is the Tougou drop rate?

What's the point? People aren't talking about the game, if we force them to stay up they'll turn into absolute shitholes full of arguments and old memes and people complaining about the arguments and old memes faster than you can blink and end up infecting the threads on other boards with their shittiness. Let them die if there isn't enough new content to keep them alive naturally.

>absolute shitholes full of arguments and old memes and people complaining about the arguments and old memes
You just described Veeky Forums.


Any news from the comiket?

Here's your Tougou, improved version.

SSR Satori.

>On hissatsu: -20% straddle, -30% Atk to all enemies in a small circle around self for 15 seconds.
That's actually very good. The straddle debuff is extremely valuable.

Also the skill is called Saru we dance?
Saru being japanese for monkey

Don't you die on me again.

Is this what Karin's and Fuu's yuri spawn would look like?


So... The Legends were true. Glasses Tougou is superior to normal Tougou.

>yuri spawn
Excuse you, that's my wife you're talking about.

How's the Takashima farming going?
I'm currently at +24

+20, I shouldn't have been doing Invasions when I have absolutely no use for Anzu nor her fairy.
Why do I keep falling for it.

Should have told her to stay away from Karin.

I wanted Tomato but thanks.

Need skill udon, gib events.

I wish there some greens that give base atk.

>Spend 4000 blessing
>1 SR


Fan Book by Lief incoming

Where do you get this info? The yyyi hashtag has only gamestuff.

Coins are a resource that I just need so much more of.

Remember when diamonds were rare?

Not him, but I follow all the yuusha artists individually. There are way too many that do not tweet with hashtags or don't upload their stuff to pixiv, so you'd never find out about what they're doing unless someone posts it here.

I regret every single botamochi I spent on crystal parties. It seemed like such a good deal back then.


>Double SR on daily
Well, it's something.

Why are Yuunas so lewd?

>Festival event is making jokes about Gun-chan having a mental breakdown after being away from Takashima for 5 minutes
These fuckers know exactly what they're doing.

>Chikage dropping her spaghetti everywhere

You mean udon.

Came back from work and Shiratori popped up. My day today is complete.

How is SSR Tomato compared to the hurr and SR one?

ITS __________Glasses-chan.

A high level hurr Tomato will still contest her, I don't have numbers in front of me but she can be pretty strong.

I'm at +21. (I'm also the madman on the spreadsheet who's been dedicating my runs to figuring out 6-2's drop rate for Science.)

It's not worth your sanity user.
Just get your crit dragons in 6-3 like everyone else.

Sekkafags are usually pretty open about it tho.

I want to bring the total failed drops up to 150 for a nice, clean, finisher, then I'm capping it off and finishing out the event in 6-3. At least 6-2 has been a fun level to pulverize with yellow Natsume.

And Glasses-chan is actually used to refer to the unnamed glasses girl from WaSuYu, not Sekka.

>waifuing obscure characters

Actually, I think I just figured out who is that user's waifu and if I'm right, then I shouldn't and won't say the name either.

It can't be Glasses-chan anyway, because that user was wishing to roll his waifu, which means his waifu is a yuusha and not a background character.

The girl from WaSuYu is just an impostor, pic related is the original Glasses-chan.

We know that it's Tomiko and that user should burn outside the wall with his cultist friends.

The wasuyu glasses-chan is cuter.

What if both are the actually the same girl and she got brain bleached by Taisha so she wouldn't recognize Tougou as Sumi?

That dead look in Tougou's eyes as Yuuna dares talk to another girl.

Maybe she was in class with them as covops taisha agent and switched school to keep watch on the new heroes. yfw she's Akamine

Not even her youger self is safe.

as said, gonna follow the artists.

She'll go right ahead and cause a time paradox that one.

>Not taking the chance to intimately get to know yourself and find all your erogenous zones for telling Yuuna in the future
Tougou is wasting an opportunity here.

>mfw she received the code name Aya (亜矢) after her YuYuYu mission and was sent to spy on Aya (亜耶) and the other KuMeYus because of her outstanding forgettableness

Sonoko, control your selfcest yuri fantasies.

>SSR+SR from daily double
Bless you shinjew-sama

If the threads completely die before Scorpio's month is over, that'll be amazing in it's own way.

Alright, everyone official has an SSR now. So, who you all saving for now? What special banner(Like Yukata Karin/Natsume) would make you pull/would you love to hypothetically see?

The next goal is to +5 the ssrs.

The return of Chikage so I can redeem myself

I will become a filthy hoarder until she comes back.

Other than pickups for useful yuushas I don't have yet... Halloween costumes. I'll be immediately sold when there's a Halloween banner up.

I want everyone to have a SSR based on this concept art of the yuusha outfit.

Skinny dipping Wakaba-chan
Onsen Wakaba-chan
Combat training Wakaba-chan
Lion Wakaba-chan
Elementary school Wakaba-chan
Maid Wakaba-chan
Pajamas Wakaba-chan
Daitengu Wakaba-chan
Bikini Wakaba-chan

Of course Yuuna would be a vampire.
It's no surprise nobody can resist her charm.

I wanna see wedding dress Yuusha.

I know it's not much but I feel pretty accomplished for getting my +8.

Al this time and I still can't clear today's D3-5. Is there any way to avoid the AOE that causes everyone to miss all the time? After he does that I can't find a way to stop him from moving to my backline

You can't avoid it, the only thing you can do is interrupt it with a stun or by breaking a bar before it goes off.

Capricorn is real shitty, I sure can't wait for the invasion where it gets a billion HP.
My one advice would be to try and time your hissatsu so you would clear a healthbar as it's charging its AoE since that'll cancel it.
Takashima is obviously the top pick here.

Check those baidu links, or just grab them from amazon

>Chinese commenters linking unauthorized doujin translation right beneath author's original introduction post on pixiv to let others view freely

Chinks have no decency.

Who thought it was okay for the first half of the invasions to last more than twice as much as the last.
It's especially irritating when the first half's card is as shit as the current one.

Let's not die again.

>Finally got +7 Takashima
Sweet, I can rest easy. Still gonna farm extra for crit dragons.

I really hope the Tougou story card is the only one for Scorpio Invasion. Its already a bitch to get and if they add another story card for a theoretical Session II then its doubly worse.

>Nobody reposting the translations here

How wet do you think Chikage was from seeing yukata Takashima?

Wow, where did they do that?

Also, Scorpio in 4 minutes.

I think green R Yoshitsune can do that.

>just grab them from amazon
Man I'd love to do that but I still don't know how to buy from amazon.jp. Books especially, you need their kindle app or something, don't you?

Wow no drops from 4-1 other than the guranteed Anzu

This looks gorgeous. Any melon link?

Holy shit. I can't believe I actually did it.

Post comp.

There was no point in farming IE3-4 before with how abundant Anzu is in 4-1 now

Not that user, but it's not nearly as hard if you have Natsume. I simply use Natsume + an AOE unit (Itsuki, Chikage, Tomato) + 3 blue rangers. Micromanage them to avoid boss's AOE and you will be fine.

I finally managed to do it too, took forever and heaps of botamochi but worth it to keep up my 3*ing everything streak. Thanks to whoever suggested bringing 3 ranged units and refreshing until you find a Natsume + Itsuki guest to carry you, it actually works so well. Natsume OP.


Yeah Natsume really helps. I actually didn't have one so a friend with Natsume + Gelato Sumi was what saved the day for me.

Register an account on Amazon.jp, preferably with an email address different from your othr amazon account to avoid the kindle app mixing them up.
You can use a web viewer which you can simply read from the webpage, but you can also download and read from kindle app. The kindle app is common across all platforms. Or if you alreasy using kindle bookstore for content from other amazon and don't want to mess with them, you can buy ebooks from other platforms like ebookjapan or bookwalker.
Or you can also buy the physical book from Amazon Japan. They ship internationally

Only at 2/15 Tougous. Just kill me already

pixiv id 60600156
Well of course there are others who told them not to do so, but still

That's potentially the biggest fuck u you can give to an author doing fan content of the stuff you like.

I also have seen someone begging for translation of a doujin one some artist's pixiv entry for their C92 book, seriously WTF.

Says user has left pixiv or doesn't exist. Still, that's fucked up.

illustration id not member id