/dg/ Destiny General

Gamescom on the 22nd. PC Beta early access on the 28th, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occured.


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nth for please keep discussion on topic



1st for astronaut warlocks


BiasedRobert is my favourite /dg/ namefag

don't you mean BiasedBob?

destiny 1.5

>all the Vanguard leaders are bald

Fifth for BARVO TEAM!

Cayde has a headpiece, and Andal Brask has hair.

1st for titans are the most important member of the Fireteam

whatever you say


Exo don't have hair. I think Bungo even realized themselves that their hair looks like ass.

Brask isn't even in-game either

Headpats are the equivalent of hair for exos

Not when they're all playing fucking Sunbreaker they're not

*Headparts, auto correct

They give the Exo personality outside of a blank headshape.

It's not hair though. That's like saying feet are the equivalent of hands

Headpats are nice though

Is that a Muslim titan with their child bride.?

Hair and horns are more accessories that make a person stand out. Like Hats to wigs and spirals.

You would like that, wouldn't you?

Kid just loves pageantry. I bet she just showed up on her own when she heard a parade for the unliving super soldiers who keep her from certain destruction were in her part of town

/r/ing the based screen caps


Biasedcuck was a literal who and now is trying to be the next big thing


Everyone is a literal who until Destiny 2 starts


I agree the attachments on an exo give them character, but on a human(oid) I usually expect them to have hair.

yeah, it feels real good~

too late, we need a pic of someone giving Lakshmi-2 headpats

No, but the little girl is expected to participate in the celebratory orgy that evening. As are the boys.

at least it's fair

10/10 hoonter

Gotta repopulate the planet somehow.

I'm referring to THE line based line, newfag

if you honestly think being a clan founder is gonna give him any kind of general cool kid points you’re retarded.

I said trying, not succeeding.

Undead beings can't create real life user

A single super per match is enough lest Destiny 2 turns into Destiny 1.

We're not undead in the fantasy sense. Just like our rebuilt lungs can breathe air, and our rebuilt arms can hold guns, our rebuilt genitals can make babies. And it is our Light-given duties to make as many healthy babies as possible.

He's gone moron, dg community is dead until the next content drop

>thinking he will ever come back
Holy shit this is some high level of new. I want to reread his hissy fit before rage quitting

if that was the case then maybe it would be OK, but players that are good enough can get 2 or even 3
meanwhile bad players even in Destiny 1 may never get their super, along with anyone placed into the middle of a match, so the supers can steamroll people more effectively now

Where is my Alpha Team

after seeing the multiplayer trailer i'm glad bungie kept this look for the warlock armor

Probably starting slower so the power creep from new gear and mods in annual updates is easier to control. The elimination of CDR stats and capping of RRA at 10 (before cap altering mods or perks) probably had much to do with having fewer power levels to creep in, again making gear about what you want rather than what's necessary to remain competitive.

Go feed off someone else's torment you autist, this is a place of life.

>want to get the limited edition for the steel case
>GameStop doesn't allow store pick up for it
>Estimates delivery 2 days after launch

Well this sucks

> hammer spawn kill
>stormtrance spawn kill
oh the coast is clear, let me find some allies and
> void boom multikill
> super at 30%
Had a great night last night

The light only holds you together as long as the Traveller wills it.
Without it you'll fall apart and crumble to dust just like the corpse you are.

>this is a place of life

Did you order it in store or online?

Intellect shouldn't even be a stat in PvP

That's empirically false, as we lose access to the light after the Homecoming mission in Destiny 2, but we don't die. We're not undead, we're the resurrected. Ghosts cast Raise Dead, not Animate Dead.



So was the "warlock glide glitch" the ability to hold O/B TO glide, even with blink equipped?

Cause if so, fuck bungie man. That shit made blink tolerable to use in PvE and you didnt have to worry about missing any platforming. Fuckin fags over there baka. no fun allowed


Smexy Warlock book

No. When you activated the solar super, your glide would get faster. If you died while in super, you wouldn't lose the effect. And it would stack. So by popping the super, dying, building another, popping it, dying, etc.. You could stack up a huge boost that let you do ridiculous things.

i know man, after seeing that trailer warlock is looking way better

Is there any evidence that we lose the light completely?
The full capabilities of the Traveller aren't known, who's to say that Cabal suppressor is 100% effective? After homecoming we could just be running on minimal light.

Thank fucking god, ive been this close to slitting my wrists for the last 24 hours

None yet. But is there any evidence that we're actually undead constantly animated by the Light, and not fully resurrected? The Hive's dark magic appears to allow full resurrection, since Oryx had his children well after dying and resurrecting numerous times. I would expect the Light to accomplish the same.

>Vega 56 is on the 28th of august
>beta is on the 28th of august

It was hilarious:



Andal Brask is also dead

don't the problem desu

>tfw no space M249

Not all undead are just animated puppets. Notably, liches. Which are the closest analogue to guardians.

Liches are self-animated puppets. But that still doesn't answer either question: what's the evidence, and why is the Light worse at bringing people back to life than the Dark? I know darksoulsfags like the chosen dead comparison, but its not actually in the lore.

about to say the same, we have not actually heard of brask in-game at all. hell, taniks is the one that killed him, you think they would have atleast said something about him

>was going take part in trials cause assumed they were going to end it on burning shrine
>instead its all the fucking maps

No thanks bungo

Gib PS4 account info and I'll play trials for you
here's my Veeky Forums account: Veeky Forums.org/user/PandoxR8

>self animated puppets
No. They don't die if you destroy their phylactery, much like eris.
>why is the light worse
Best guess is that it's because the traveller is weakened?
Guardians don't eat, sleep, breathe or age. I wouldn't take it all to seriously though, because a lot of that is just canonizing the limitations of video game player characters/mechanics as lore instead of suspension of disbelief.

>guardians don't eat
Spicey ramen shop on the tower
>don't sleep
no proof
>don't breathe
oh come on
>don't age
Didn't the first fucking cutscene of the game say human life spans tripled because of the traveler?

Holy shit, ludicrous speed

>No. They don't die if you destroy their phylactery, much like eris.
Liches are powerful wizards, they animate their own corpse with their own power. Though after being destroyed, the phylactery has to build a new body.

>Guardians don't eat, sleep, breathe or age. I wouldn't take it all to seriously though, because a lot of that is just canonizing the limitations of video game player characters/mechanics as lore instead of suspension of disbelief.
Cayde, an Exo, eats. Similarly, Hunter gear mentions death from starvation. Guardians sleep, which is where references to Hunters suffering insomnia come from. I've seen helmet gear that mentions filtering toxins out of the air.

Guardians probably don't age, but I think that's a direct function of the Light (it gives you more life), not because they're undead.

Also voidfang vestments saying "YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE" so yeah, sleep is a thing

Guardians aren't the only residents in the tower.
>No proof
Actual player behavior is canon, like dancing after slaughtering cabal patrols or standing motionless in the tower for hours. It's stand to reason that since player characters never sleep or eat, that it's unnecessary for guardians

Also I guess the strongest evidence against true resurrection is that no guardian has any memory of who or what they were before their first resurrection.

You mean like how a ghost rebuilds a destroyed guardian's body from death by disintegration? Lich creation is by ritual performed by a living wizard to create the phylactery, which is a refuge for the soul. They aren't kept animate by the phylactery, neither are guardians kept in a state of animation by the traveller. That doesn't mean liches aren't undead and therefore logically guardians could be undead as well.


All that proves is that hunters are retarded.
>starve to death
>come back to life

I am Pujari. These are the visions I have had of the Black Garden.

The Traveler moved across the face of the iron world. It opened the earth and stitched shut the sky. It made life possible. In these things there is always symmetry. Do you understand? This is not the beginning but it is the reason.

The Garden grows in both directions. It grows into tomorrow and yesterday. The red flowers bloom forever.

There are gardeners now. They came into the garden in vessels of bronze and they move through the groves in rivers of thought.

This is the vision I had when I leapt from the Shores of Time and let myself sink:

I walked beneath the blossoms. The light came from ahead and the shadows of the flowers were words. They said things but I will not write them here.

At the end of the path grew a flower in the shape of a Ghost. I reached out to pluck it and it cut me with a thorn. I bled and the blood was Light.

The Ghost said to me: You are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill. You do not belong here. This is a place of life.

The Traveler is life, I said. You are a creature of Darkness. You seek to deceive me.

But I looked behind me, down the long slope where the blossoms tumbled in the warm wind and the great trees wept sap like blood or wine, and I felt doubt.

When my Ghost raised me from the sea there was a thorn-cut in my left hand and it has not healed since.

How much do we know about how ghosts choose guardians, though? Could it be a FFVIII "we were all in the same orphanage and the [traveller] was our nanny but along the way we destroyed our memory with magic" kind of thing? Much of that history is lost, though it's considered largely irrelevant to immediate survival. Ghosts themselves seem to be pretty hazy (or at least less than forthcoming) about their own creation and what they might've understood from other ghosts finding Guardians over hundreds of years.

D1 players are all told they've been "dead for a very long time" so reconstructing them out of their original matter clearly isn't an issue (as it would be getting routinely vaporized in the Crucible). And there's no talk of a non-hive soul IIRC, though the ghost acts in plot like a lich's phylactery: as long as it is preserved the Guardian can be resurrected.

Also, right, liches are not undead, nor are they living, like a vampire isn't a zombie but is also not just a sick human. Exactly the mechanism depends on which mythology you want to use, though everyone here seems to stick with D&D/WoD definitions as they're the clearest and easiest to reference.

>type: undead

If starving just means getting resurrected again, and you can put up with the suffering, then what difference does it make? Eating becomes a comfort, a luxury, that many Hunters probably find useful to cast off if they feel it's a disadvantage.

WHatever your gay

Dont get me wrong, i think it would be fucking sick if the whole "guardians are actually the evil bad guys" meme was a reality, but somewhere in the development of destiny 1, they scrapped basically any mention of that shit. There was that concept art of the black garden that looked like the inside of a sphere (traveller) that was scrapped which seemed to point to a more disney-ish archetype for the lore. Maybe it was activision cucking everything up, but the complete removal of "the darkness" could either mean theyre doubling down on the more boring lore, or theyre removing it so they can introduce the traveller/you as the darkness. Either way i just hope theres more shit to do in the game this time around.

Always thought of them as different just because they're more of a "haunted relic animating physical form" that used the same magic, like some necromancer had enough practice animating dead to reach a subtle understanding of the animating forces that instead of binding those forces they could pull them more like a puppet and found that an expedient way to remain in-realm without the limitations of a natural living form. Because the same power is involved they suffer from the same aversion to "holy" energy but they're inherently different in origin, intent, and power.

>You mean like how a ghost rebuilds a destroyed guardian's body from death by disintegration?
No. A Ghost is more like a pocket-Cleric with unlimited uses of Resurrection that only work on use and only outside of dark zones.

>They aren't kept animate by the phylactery,
I didn't say they were kept animate by the phylactery, I said they were kept animate by their own magic power. A Lich is a Wizard who stuck his mind into zombie body and built a soul-trap to catch his soul if his body gets destroyed, and build a new zombie body to inhabit. Both the body and the phylactery work because of the Wizard/Lich's magic.

I also like how you completely ignore how Guardians canonically eat, drink, breathe, and sleep.

Wolf Pelt Weave 1.0 (Helmet)
>"Took some work to get their helmets pumping oxygen. Never did get the Fallen stench out, though."

Dustwalker (Helmet)
>Titan and a Hunter crash on Mars. Titan's helmet stops a Cabal slug. Hunter's helmet stops her from starving. Who lives?

Jackknife 3.2 (Helmet)
>"I inhaled eight times lethal dose. Tasted like a spring picnic. Good respirator."

Dream-Eater Grasps (Gloves)
>Hunters suffer insomnia at far higher rates than other Guardians - even Exos.

Dream-Eater Vest (Chest)
>A Warlock riddle: What is a Hunter's least favorite place to go? Answer: to sleep.

Dream Eater Cloak (Cloak)
>"I need more sustenance than dreams alone can provide."

Enigma Burn (Gloves)
>Attune yourself to your fieldweave. A clean circut should feel like a good night's rest.

Aura Purge (Chest)
>Breathe in. Breathe out.

Barkhan Dune I (Chest)
>"Half-burried in the sand: a sealed canteen of greenish, ancient water. I drank it."

Cuirass of the Hezen Lords (Ches)
>"Slept in the armor last night. Woke to feel my heart stuttering to the pattern of an unknown signal."

Guardians are not undead.

I think the point is light and darkness are supposed to be terribly vast and poorly understood forces and D2 continues to focus more on the survival of Earth civilization at its weakest. As much as some Osiris cult Warlocks might still be chasing answers that have eluded them for centuries, most are going to be focused on protecting Earth's survivors and regaining the strength necessary to prevent extinction or maybe even thrive again.

Clearly the Cabal have a better clue what the light is, so maybe some juicy grimoire entries? :( cut scenes? will let on a little more about the nature of light and darkness, but I think they're going to let it slide. Probably a lot like the forerunner shit if we get it: some meta-reality consciousness battle that concentrates latent energy in the universe into one or the other, so they obvs react, we've converted hadium from dark to light during TTK, etc. Bungie has a tradition of recombining their tropes as a way of saying "YES MYSTERY IS COOL PLAY THE DANG GAME THO."

>Guardians aren't undead
still doesn't explain why guardians have no past

Which has the quote something like "blah blah you'll have awful nightmares, but the upswing is you won't have to sleep?"

And saying they're "undead" draws rule layers like you into a seizing fit, when SURPRISE Destiny doesn't work by D&D rules, suck a gnoll's dick you dweeb, it's undefined light magic no one in-known-universe seems to understand manipulated naturally by ghost tech not even raw energy ideocosms of he finest scholars can begin to understand.

But they sure aren't normal living, and if you want to get dramatic about their dubious purpose stuff like "undead" and "unliving" and "undying" and "immortal" is an easy oversimplification.

We have a past, just merely forgot.

Oh, they have a past, just no one knows what it was, and seem a bit too preoccupied to seek it out.

Looking forward to "OMG GUYS OOPS UM JUST FIGURED OUT WHERE I CAME FROM AND IT'S WAY FUCKED" as a plot point for some kind of Guardian civil war.

correction: osiris cult is p much already this, that's why they're stuck in the reef

Complete memory wipe usally means that, other than no memory, they also become different people altogether.

What shapes out personalities are experiences and I doubt ghosts can reproduce these.

But the question you should be asking is: By what cirteria do ghosts choose guardians? The landscape it littered with remains, why do only so little qualify as guardians?

several Hunter quest steps have quotes from him, I think a few pieces of gear might mention him too