Should I use kW or Horse Power?

should I use kW or Horse Power?
the go-to when talking about engine

I am new to car world and slowly learning
I used mostly hp but I noticed that more often that info is in brackets as secondary and kW are being the main.

Official and professional sources try forcing kW because it's SI based or something, but it's so uncommon in general usage that no one can imagine it and just keeps using horsepower in casual conversation. Everyone can imagine what a 300 hp car is like, but would you have any clue what a 160 kW car is like, you know what I mean?

True enthusiasts use poncelet.

>but would you have any clue what a 160 kW car is like, you know what I mean?

well since my car is 130hp and 95kw
I can imagine it being ~200 hp

but yeah, its only in official sources I see kW
and was not sure if I should follow and train my brain for that more
but as you said, hp everyone knows where 100 or 300 hp is

kW is standardized. Horsepower isn't. You have Imperial horsepower in the UK and US, Metric horsepower (known by the German abbreviation PS in English) in mainland Europe and Japan, plus some rarer ones like hydraulic and electric HP.
kW is the only one which is used without any mistakes, while HP and PS are often thought to be the same. Mainly because the full words for PS translate as horse force in most European languages.
That said, most people have no idea how much a kW is, while the difference between a HP and a PS is only 1.4%
Professionally kW is best, HP/PS is best among hobbyists and normies

>horse force

Right family of languages, wrong actual language. The French are worse, they call it horse-steam.
Also my country banned the usage of anything that's not kW as the main indication of power in any kind of official document in 1978. Other countries did the same probably, causing Euro manufacturers to use kW on their websites

denmark is the only intelligent car buyer amongst europe

greeks dont count

>kW is the only one which is used without any mistakes
Nigger pls

Considering a lot of cars are manufactured in Mexico you should be using Burroforce


Ausfag here. Everyone is pretty full bottle on both here. You could say it in either hp or kw and you'd get the same reaction.

>Euros only drive Euro cars
>Americans only drive Euro luxury cars

Burgers have really been cucked to oblivion, can they ever recover?

i noticed the only people who drive american cars are boomers, niggers and the poor
niggers usually finance a cadillac or chrysler """"luxury"""" car
poor people usually finance a chevy volt or any small mid 00s car
and boomers are boomers so they all have v6 camaros


Hah not in America pal. People do like their Euro luxury cars though. At least we can afford them, and no your 1.3 diesel Audi doesn't count.

Ha, nice try faggot.
That 1.3 will be just as powerful as your shit pushed 'V8' AND get better fuel economy.
Take your trash car and get the fuck outta here.

>1.3 diesel audi
I don't think that there is an audi with this small engine user

Except compared to GM, VW IS luxury. Going to a golf from a cruze is like eating a filet steak after living on corned beef

Horse-steam makes sense from a historic point of view.

kW can be copied without mistake - on Veeky Forums you see people taking a car with for example 270 PS, saying it has 270 HP, while it actually has 266 HP.
Not saying people don't mess up numbers with kW, but not as often as with hp/ps
All the names are logical from a historical point of view, but the English were one of the few to get it right since it's a measurement of power


lol get your crayon smelling ass outta here. VW's have shittier interiors than their domestic competitors and they cost more. I'm not even going to go into the mechanical issues.

The only Ford bongs can afford is a Ka, are you going to tell me you want that to represent american cars? Maybe some of them have a Mondeo but that'll be the biggest they have

Ford Ka is good though so what's wrong with that representing anything?

Ever heard of Ford Europe you massive faggot?

The Mondeo, Kuga and Focus are Euro designed and built cars no question about it.

I'm not saying it's bad, but like said, it's far from an American car. Euro Fords may have a Ford badge, but various Opels have more American parts and designs in them

Focus is the most ubiquitous bong ford. And the mighty transit